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Room Rules..... Since apparently some can't find them.
« on: July 03, 2009, 03:43:49 am »

-We need to always try to remember that we represent not only WinMX World but the WinMX community when new users come in, and this is a help room, this includes regular roomies and admins.  

-Language and conversations of a risque nature should be saved for the Lounge. If you are warned about this and do not comply, you'll be redirected to the Lounge, and if persist, could face kicking or banning.

-Child porn and illegal pornographic files will not be tolerated, you'll be told to leave, or be removed from the room (kick & Ban).

-Blank names cause problems for users receiving help and are not to be used in the help room.  You'll be asked to change it, warned.  If you do not or repeatedly use blank names, you'll be removed (kick and/or Ban)

-When users enter be polite, greet them, if they need help please keep other conversations on hold until help has finished. Remember that users of all computer literacy enter our room, all users should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their knowledge of computers or WinMX.
Remember having little or no knowledge of PC's or WinMX does NOT determine a persons intelligence, we all were beginners on computers/WinMX at some point.

-Do not be abusive to other users or admins, be courteous and polite, or at least tolerably human to others.

-Ask before using WinAmp plug ins in the room that run automatically, don't be alarmed if they are removed from the room while you're afk, and help is happening.

-Using multiple clients in the room is fine within reason, normally we allow members to have up to two clients in the help room at any one time, and some admins/regulars or developers maybe allowed more.

-No other room drama or life drama in the help room, take it else where. If this persists you can expect to be warned and subsequently kicked and banned for what we deem an appropriate period of time for everyone to cool off (same is true for fighting).

-This room and site have never been about the popular definition of 'Free Speech', being allowed to air opinions of a constructive nature and having a debate/discussion about such is always fine, even slightly heated debates, but abuse, name calling, derogatory statements wont be tolerated.

-If you are kicked or banned from the room, please contact an admin for further explanations. Using a proxy or other IPs to get around bans will only aggravate the situation.  Most of the time bans will be cleared every 24 hours and most bans are temporary to cool off or remind you that we are serious about keeping the room flavor.

-These guidelines should not be all inclusive & admins may decide on there own accord within reason that certain actions or acts are inappropriate. If an admin asks you to cease your current actions or acts please be respectful of the decision made by the admin, they most likely will have already discussed the issue with other admins & have the support of the other admins in the room.

-If you feel you have been treated unfairly by anyone the public room is not the place to protest, please try to contact an supervisor and arrange a place you can go to discuss the issue you have (MSN & YAHOO is a great way to do this, and any supervisor would be more then happy to talk to you in a calm reasonable voice if you ask).
topic locked as I believe it pretty much says what it needs to as stated by the admins who came up with them. If someone wishes to move them to a more propper section be my guest, as long as everyone can get to them.
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.

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