What I'd do as an audio quality conciencious (whichis a word I totally jsut failed at aspelling) music maker would be to offer downloads in FLAC. The way I see it, listening to FLAC on a good sound card has all of the advantages of CD (no vinyl crackle, portability) without all the disadvantages of CD (no "noise floor", etc.) with the added bonus of it being un-scratchable. I mean, really, forget about CDs *and* records, going completely digital is truly the best of both worlds; the only downside is bandwidth cost and space, but if you don't like it oyu can downmix it to mp3 or buy a bigger hard drive. And when these people are paying $8000 for a set of speakers (and that's for a *really* good set of speakers, not a fake price-marked-up set of average speakers) no one's going to balk at an extra hundred dollars to get 30 more gigabytes of music storage.