Its nice to see the real artists out there making more impact with their music. all music labels are associated with large media corporations like Sony and Time Warner. Independent labels have taken a new stance and have become more vocal lately - increasing their distance from things such as the RIAA lawsuits and DRM technology on CDs.
In a much more dramatic move, Nettwerk, a Canadian label said they would fund the defense of an individual facing RIAA litigation. The defendant was allegedly sharing music signed under Nettwerk’s lable.
Recently, another movement has taken place. VUT, the German Association for Independent Labels launched the Respect the Music - Copy Protection Free campaign.
Theres plenty more links and items of interest in the full article, I hope you all take the time to follow some of them up and see we are not alone in wanting to be able to distribute our own work and the great work of real musicians who know talent will be rewarded as long as it can reach the public.