Neo, remote browsing is a function of windows, as it is a network OS.
You can share folders so the files are accessible to everybody on the network.
As long as you don't use this windows function (share folders) nobody can see the files on your pc.
WinMx has it's own browsing function, it's uploading your file list to a client browsing you.
The client does not actually browse your pc, so YOU decide what people can see there.
The latest WinMx (3.54 beta) allows you to even show single files from a folder, or hide them.
So it's up to YOU to decide which files people can see.
Generally it's a good idea to be careful with which files you're showing - and from what folder, as WinMx can show the path the files are in.
Many people have folders with their name - NOT a good idea. ( C:\documents and settings\your name\shared files )
Instead it's better to make a separate folder for your files, maybe on another partition, like D:\Shared.
Modern clients of course now use encryption for file transfers but WinMx isn't quite there yet