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Author Topic: in response to stupid idiots like knarly  (Read 4339 times)

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Offline bughunter

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in response to stupid idiots like knarly
« on: July 27, 2007, 03:45:11 pm »
knarly your pathetic post shows you have no understanding of how filtering works, or for that matter how winmx and primaries work handling searchs and there displayed results...........
but this still doesnt change the fact that your pie patch is a complete failure and as for blocking what blocking there isnt a single cartel flooder on any list pie use, and thats very easy to demonstrate, the simple fact that pie have been reduced to a handfull of bitter and twisted idiots and the winmx community have rejected pie and your  joke of a blocking solution should tell you something , but your lack of a working brain prevents you from comprehending any of this..........and of course if your patch actually blocked anything you wouldnt be here trying to find out how filtering works you would know..........LMAO idiot.............
must have really pissed you maggots off that the community waited untill winmxworld had fixed the caches after winmxgroup left and didnt go running to pie.........should tell you something that your rejects, the community rejects you and funny enough theres a constant stream of ex pie only to willing to openly reject you as well...........ROFL...........
but back to the point at are distributing malware, your haveing to lie to users who mistakenly arrive in your rooms ..........and whats with raps attitude to users in the v channel, but have to thank him really hes sending plenty of users our way.......your patch blocks no fakes doing a search with a pie patch only returns thousands of fakes thou i guess somewhere buried deep amungst all those fakes might be a real file somewhere maybe..........the team that compile the winmxworld block list actually use pie patched winmxs to detect new cartel flooders, since our patch is so effective at blocking the cartel useing your patch is the only way to detect new flooders lol.........all to funny really ..............
the udp doss and denial of service attacks on users and this network are a direct result of the cartel useing your maggot patch to connect they cant use winmxworlds patch as it blocks them.........just so you know the reason pie patched users sit there watching the yellow flashing light while winmx fails to connect is because of the cartel denying connection by there bots takeing up all the avalable secondry slots on primarys, so much for your blocking solution.............
and as for your statement that pie have been proved right all along, erm what that your self confessed liars and exposed scammers, well yes your correct for once..........if your trying to susgest that km leaveing proves anything im afraid as usuall your wrong.........anyone is free to come and go as they please, just like vladd left , thou in his case it was because he was so disgraced by his scam of a paypal button he had too  after all gem jim sabre even posted it was nothing but a scam........or are they liars too ? tells you alot.........but km leaveing did show how robust winmx is and that it isnt reliant on any one person or even  group of people.............but it did show very clearly that the community support winmxworld and not you silly little pie maggots...........over 13000 thousand users downloaded the new patch in the first few hours of its release..........would hate to think how many have downloaded it now, be in the tens of thousands..........just a pitty your maggot patch isnt any good as a few of them might have been tempted to use pie LMFAO......... only in your dreams maggot boy...........
but anyways knarly go running back to the village idiot nobby and cry like the whinning whinging idiot that you are..............
this is just all old news but i dont mind reminding you maggots of what complete failures you all are..........while you sit there wadeing thru thousands of fakes trying to find a real file...........ill download files fake after all we have the only working patch and blocking solution avalable for should try it sometime like the rest of the ex pie users have, you might actually start enjoying your winmx experience, instead of being  bitter and twisted.........after all what do you have to loose................

Offline J a M e S

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Re: in response to stupid idiots like knarly
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2007, 12:25:32 am »
to much to even bother rezading...
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: in response to stupid idiots like knarly
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2007, 02:34:07 pm »
Was that post really worth the effort James ?

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