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Author Topic: help for a metis script  (Read 2484 times)

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Offline reef

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help for a metis script
« on: August 21, 2006, 04:24:53 am »
hey all.... i've only been usin metis a few weeks and have looked for a script that logs hostnames,without any success.i've used pieces of various scripts and came up with 1,but the problem is when i type in the command to view the hostnames via private message i only get the last 4 from the text file of the logged hostnames.Also they dont show up uniformed (like starting on a seperate line from one another).....Can anybody tell me how to fix the below script or post a working script of this kind?     would be much appreciated   :)

here is the script i've been trying:

<OnEnter type="script">
<in>%RAWNAME% %IP% %HOSTNAME%</in>
<out type="file" mode="a" extdata="C:\Program Files\RoboMX7\Plugins\Logs\hostnames.txt">#c4#Username: #c10#%RAWNAME% - #c4#Hostname: #c10#%HOSTNAME% - #c4#IP: #c10#%IP% </out>

<usergroup name="hostnames">

<command type="script" usergroup="hostnames">
<in>!print hostnames</in>
<out type="push" extdata="ph"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\Program Files\RoboMX7\Plugins\Logs\hostnames.txt" lvalue="c" rvalue="-1"/> </out>
<out delay="3000">/message %RAWNAME% $ph$</out>


Offline Maxe

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Re: help for a metis script
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 11:42:53 pm »
Just change this line as shown (\n at the end of the output line.) This will put every hostname and IP on a separate line.
Code: [Select]
<out type="file" mode="a" extdata="C:\Program Files\RoboMX7\Plugins\Logs\hostnames.txt">#c4#Username: #c10#%RAWNAME% - #c4#Hostname: #c10#%HOSTNAME% - #c4#IP: #c10#%IP%\n </out>

Offline reef

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Re: help for a metis script
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 02:45:28 am »
thx for the reply maxe....i modified another ip logger script and changed it to log hostnames..... its logging great and lists hostnames in the room via pm whoever knows the trigger and is included in the usergroup of course..... thx again 4 the reply tho,much appreciated.


Offline richie

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Re: help for a metis script
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 01:46:27 pm »
need to know if you can do me a pvt message script for ip and hostname onenter in bot please so when they come in room only they can see it. thankyou very much if you can

Offline Max™

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Re: help for a metis script
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 04:21:15 pm »
Hi Richie,
if your hosting on WinMX then it doesn't support /message on screen but the bot can pm a message (depending if that user has them turned on or if on a robo they have to be properly connected)
hosting WCS or FXS it can be done, when you said only they can see you mean that person sees their own ip and hostname?
Code: [Select]
(WCS or FXS)
//this will send their ip & host to them in private on screen
<out>/message %NAME% hello %NAME% your ip is %IP% and your hostname is %HOSTNAME%</out>

//this will send the same info to the admins (the normal idea for security)
<out>/opmsg %NAME%'s ip is %IP% and hostname is %HOSTNAME%</out>
if this isn't what you want, pop in my room and we can go into more details Richie, we can work something our im sure.
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