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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #60 on: November 07, 2006, 04:56:33 pm »

Where has vladds site gone?
I cant hide the fact im a long term member there; iv had no problems using there patch and feel obliged to carry on with them.
Call it honour.

DDOS attack Debaser, again


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2006, 06:04:32 pm »
change the track please, it is getting repetitive

vladd takes his website offline it was an attack that logged in to his registrar and modified the domains settings
vladd puts up some stupid website in place of his, it was an attack that made the website delete itself and replace it with someone elses site
vladd puts up an under construction page - again an attack deleted his site

you know they are even trying to claim that the latest of pies outages was another attack... except they forgot a few minor points, like how sabre was online and responding to queries, hardly under attack, it was more of a fuckup with the software if anything returning useless results, which it is still doing btw (which is why secondary users are still taking longer to connect than the 30 seconds it used to take them with that excuse for a cache)

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2006, 08:22:25 pm »
Nobby I have to call you on what is a lie, I have accessed vladds site many times recently and it has been operating fine except for the forum, there is a forum error shown there not a 404 notice.

While I trust you in not deliberately misleading us, unless you can explain to me how I,m getting his site that you are claiming is down I suggest you take a look yourself and not parrot what you have been told.

Its clear his  forum is damaged and anyone reaching vladds site can plainly see the notice, this shows there is no attack taking place, if I cannot reach the site I will post to that effect but I have been able to in each case.


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2006, 07:16:11 am »
here we go again the accusation that the vladd website is under attack..........................
pitty there isnt a ounce of truth in that statement........................
despite repeated requests for nobby to provide evidence of these alledged attacks, to date not a single scape of evidence has ever been provided to show that ANY attack has taken place let alone that it is or was carried out by km or the winmxworld 14 as nobby claims.....................
if vladd insists on taking the website off line as he is, because after all only the domain owner and or host can change the dns records,then i fail to see why nobby insists on posting here that its under attack and that that attack is being carried out by km and or winmxworld.................
how much longer do readers of this website forum and supporters of the dll, have to put up with nobbys continuall bullshit and insults.............
and for the record nobby the only ones udp doss attacking are riaa your mates and associates, since riaa only exist on this network due to pie and there pathetic attempts at a patch and failed blocking solution, probably explains why pie wont block, after all would any of you block your best mates and associates............................

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2006, 08:01:26 am »
Folks is this a coincidence or what, I am no longer able to see vladds site page, something I have been able to do all week until my post above.

While I am suspicious of the timing of its collapse, without a direct line to vladd I cannot be sure what is happening and why the site may be down.

Once again though if anyone is attacking their site please desist, nothing is gained by doing so.


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #65 on: November 08, 2006, 09:19:40 am »
Thanks Ñøßߥ

I was on MX last night and was hearing the same thing about the attacks that you mentioned.

Apparently what you said is common knowledge, so sorry for asking a dumb question.

I won’t be checking back on this site because apparently the said scum (attackers) live here.

Thanks again Ñøßߥ.

Over n out.  


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #66 on: November 08, 2006, 10:20:45 am »
what is common knowledge? that the scum like knobby should be shot? indeed

not only have the pie maggots made repeated announcements stating that they fully back  the shutting down of winmx, they actively participate in such actions - including threats against anyone trying to keep the network operational (vladd has personally made threats to hunt me down and kill me if i continue to keep winmx running for example, including paying people to try and locate me), and their constant attacks against the network with their macrovision and netsentry flooding operations (2 divisions of the mxpie operation)

good job they are a bunch of idiots who don't have a clue what they are doing, otherwise they might actually have been able to achieve something - but as it is they are failing miserably due to not having a clue what they are doing (if you want to attack a network and have any success, it helps to at least know something about how the network works to stand any chance...)

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #67 on: November 08, 2006, 10:53:37 am »
Nobby I have to call you on what is a lie, I have accessed vladds site many times recently and it has been operating fine except for the forum, there is a forum error shown there not a 404 notice.

While I trust you in not deliberately misleading us, unless you can explain to me how I,m getting his site that you are claiming is down I suggest you take a look yourself and not parrot what you have been told.

Its clear his  forum is damaged and anyone reaching vladds site can plainly see the notice, this shows there is no attack taking place, if I cannot reach the site I will post to that effect but I have been able to in each case.

Then allow me to clear this up, the site has been and continues to be under attack, vladd has attempted a number of counter measures, some have allowed the front end of the site to remain up for short periods of time, i have been speaking to vladd often daily for updates on the situation, just seeing a few pages running very slowly does NOT mean the site is not under attack, comon Ghost, you know better.

If anyone knows the situation better than that or can confirm the site is not being attacked, perhaps they would like to share their inside knowledge? Im sure you folks can pick up some more details from the WmW grapevine?

BTW KM, i said i had no interest in meeting you, but as your only to willing to hurl abuse and state "knobby should be shot" perhaps we should meet up, i somehow doubt you will have quite so much front in person, you seem to be de-stabalising and decending into a Bughunter like state, a concern for winmx for sure.


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #68 on: November 08, 2006, 11:01:13 am »
on the contary nobby since it is you making the allegations then it is up to you to prove your website is under any attack at all.....................something despite repeated requests you have failed to do misserably.............................
so once again nobby provide evidence that your website is under any form of attack...........................
your word isnt good enough since your a self confessed liar and supporter of winmx scams...........................
so put up or shut up nobby this story is getting boring just like you and pie....................

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2006, 01:50:05 pm »
How would folks be able to pick things up from the sites grapevine Nobby ?

Are you implying something ?

Lets be clear here folks, Vladd has made certain libellous comments against a site member after trying to attack this and other sites hosting operations and failing.
This and other allegations are part of a sour grapes campaign being run by him and his cronies for the last year, perhaps its time to forget trying to help him return to the community he abandoned for the last year, its a well know fact he is not even a winmx user.

If vladd sycophants like Debaser wish to hurl insults they should gather all the facts and ask relevant questions, it seems he is one of vladds sheep as they have been called who believe any allegation blindly.

Let me ask Nobby or Debaser something simple, when was the last time vladd ran a peer cache to keep the network going as he falsely claimed on the mxpie site ?

Yes, thats right he has never done so and sells advertising space on his site to those selling spyware+winmx or even just winmx itself, shame on you vladd for selling out, shame on Nobby for his anti winmx activities and shame on all those who have sponsored a hate campaign against the only person who has actually made major improvements to the networks health, run peer caches and made patches all at his own expense, something his attackers have tried to negate with their "dirty war" and file flooding aid to the RIAA and other bodies who are happy with mxpie,  the rest of us have no time for this buddy up routine.

If mxpie aka vladd/nobby continue to make unfounded allegations they will find themselves held to account.

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #70 on: November 08, 2006, 03:02:38 pm »
1. Vladd's site isnt totally down, at the bottom of the normal page you see default and option 2,
the default is the normal page, option 2 is a white page if anyone has trouble seing the default page,
the site IS there and its on option 2, i have seen it.

2. Correct me if im wrong, but i thought only the host (or his isp) can take his site offline, but as it isnt. i assume he is working on the default page and is showing option 2.

3. it appears that even MXPie do not want to be associated with Vladd's pie patch, they will not work with Peer Guardian or Blocktards on their MXPie patch, where as Vladd advertises the fact that he does do just that, it seems he has few friends and is on his own.

Try Connecting, the attacks may let you

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #71 on: November 08, 2006, 04:41:42 pm »
I know i am sick to death of the bulls**t that is being said in this thread, it was set up to let people know that the new patch wasnt safe and shouldnt be used on the network as it destroys the pleasure we all get from using the network. Not for this pie member to sit here and spread his lie and decite. as for you debaser you are just another poor winmx user that has fell victim to the lies and scaremongering that vladd, Nobby and co have been spreading. I in another thread asked nobby for proof of these's attacks and published the log

This can be read here for all to read, And that thread is the reason why i am banned from all vladds room,
Also when i was in the host room i also kept a log of a conversation between two pie team mebers in their own room, one arguing that he new that vladd had took his site offline on perpose and that vladd had told him so

So im sorry debaser but you have fallen into a trap of lies and if you are running their patch, im sure you will be noticing fake files in your searchs on everything that you search and if you run secondry that your connection lasts no longer than a few hours. I also assume when you spoke to the pie team members they also didnt tell you that they have only one cache currently online and no back-up's incase anything goes, as happened the other day, when most pie connected hosted room's came to us and asked how to get get our patch to work for them as currently in the last 12 months we havent had a minutes downtime, and we are currently up to 8 caches online which you can look at here

Now Please dont listen to the lies that the pie team have spun, I have supplied you with two logs supplyed by me that give un-denyable proof that what they are saying isnt true, I just hope that the remaining pie connected users read this and can see from the horse's mouth that what they say isnt true,and everything they say is contradicting themselves.

Now i request that my thread that i started return to being factual in the pie patch IS dangerous in the fact it is reported by antivirus, DOES allow flooders to access the network, and IS a inferiour patch to the one that we supply, An i call for you nobby to stop slandering us and spreading lies and continue this thread as your patch address's the problem's that i have reported, AS THAT is the reason why you where allowed bk onto this server, to at least attempt and keep us informed as to your progress.
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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #72 on: November 08, 2006, 09:21:21 pm »

If mxpie aka vladd/nobby continue to make unfounded allegations they will find themselves held to account.

I havent made any unfounded allergations. As i told you in pm, u wish to discuss vladds comments, go speak with vladd, if he doesnt wish to speak with you thats his choice, but either way, its not my responsibilty.

Now i request that my thread that i started return to being factual in the pie patch IS dangerous in the fact it is reported by antivirus, DOES allow flooders to access the network, and IS a inferiour patch to the one that we supply, An i call for you nobby to stop slandering us and spreading lies and continue this thread as your patch address's the problem's that i have reported, AS THAT is the reason why you where allowed bk onto this server, to at least attempt and keep us informed as to your progress.

#1 Your out of date.
#2 AV often gives false positives, some even give winmx.exe itself as a virus, it happens, get over it. The patch was tested with a number of AV and anti spyware software with no issues, perhaps your the exception to the rule, just aswell you dont intend to use the patch anyway.

#3 Slander you? You read any of Bugs posts about me recently? Or perhaps KM's feeling i should be shot? 

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #73 on: November 08, 2006, 09:35:14 pm »
Unfortunately Nobby will not be reading this because I have banned him again.. oh wait.. he likes to change IP and his name to 'Not Nobby' to post and read the site...

Nobby I have seen and heard enough, take your own advice.. go do what you do some where else.. and let folks here get on with helping folks.

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #74 on: November 08, 2006, 10:04:06 pm »
I agree Nobby has made no attempt to show any proof of his claims, its a waste of time for those who are actually keeping winmx rolling to be listening to the deranged rantings of Vladd and co.

Lets get back on topic as Tiny says, there are flaws in their patch design that need addressing and as of a fortnight have not been, perhaps this shows how commited they are to ensuring the safety of winmx users.

Folks I am sickened of this sort of activity each time we allow a pie member to use our site to help their group, what was a good turn to them has been wasted on whining and bitching and antagonising the help staff as well as myself, this will be the last time it will happen, sorry from me to you all for unbanning Nobby , I know many of you thought I was wrong to do so and it seems my wish for a quiet life took over to the detriment of the site, once again I make my apology.

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #75 on: November 08, 2006, 10:15:03 pm »

Where has vladds site gone?
I cant hide the fact im a long term member there; iv had no problems using there patch and feel obliged to carry on with them.
Call it honour.
Debaser I felt the same way you did. But when you deffend one patch against the other or compare one patches validity it is not a fair comparison by any means. This is why inevitibly I had to try the dll from winmxgroup/world. I didn't feel it was fair to tell other you should this patch, or you should use that patch without being fair to both. I have read a lot of your posts on Vladd's site and honestly I can't think of any one of them where you have actually showna real disrespect to anyone with a difference of opinion to you. For that you have earned a lot of respect from me. But please do understand, pie team is lieing to users. I have used both patches and I can say without even the slightest doubt which one is best. And when I say best I do not mean just best for me, I mean best for the network. Have you allowed yourself to even give the dll a test run. To give your honour, or respect blindly is careless and foolish. I ask you to try it just once. I challenge you to find real fault in this patch from winmxgroup/world. I think if you do you'll see exactly what I did and you would not want to go back to using the pie patch, and you will know they've been lieing through their teeth to users. With all due respect I think you're a smart guy and I belive that is you choose to not take me up on that challenge then it's because you choose to follow blindly. In the same token if you do take me up on it then I will say that at least YOU gave it a fair chance.
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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #76 on: November 08, 2006, 10:56:53 pm »
As a matter of fact I lay that challenge down to anyone who dares to criticize the dll patch without trying it first. I'd bet money if you try it 90% of you would never imagine using another patch. Are you brave enough to back it up or do you also wish to follow blindly and uninformed?
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #77 on: November 08, 2006, 11:08:47 pm »
At the first, I thought they had finally made a "decent" (but not superior) patch, until I had a closer look. When connecting as primary, the S= count shot up to S=12 immediately.. It does not filter fake files like they claimed it would, nor does it block fake file flooders from connecting to you. Is it because they can't spot the fake file flooders, or is it because PG lite didn't load properly?
I thought you had to get the installer for any pg program from the pg site anyway. I have tried to install pg2 from a saved installer and it will not work at all unless the program comes from the site and installs then from what I could tell. Have tried to install pg2 more than once and every time was the same effect. It would not work unless I got it from them, at the time of the install.
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.


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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #78 on: November 09, 2006, 12:10:19 am »
as nobbys avitar says he wishes he was as smart as homer simpson......................well i do too......................
but anyways were left with the sad fact that nobby and co have a failed patch and blocking solution, and thats a can dress pie up in what ever you like, but it still remains the same a totall and complete simply doesnt work in any way shape or form....................the winmx community all know this and have choosen the dll...............and there is nothing that pie can do about it..................
nobby has continually posted that his web site is under attack, we have asked nobby repeatidly to provide any evidence of this, and yet nothing.................
i actually did a ping of the ip that is supposed to be hosting the vladd website..............results are it showed a response to my pings at 228 ms ave   so the computer hosting there web site is there and is responding..............just someone has turned the web server off..............wonder who that was........................
i know quicks you had to go down this path of trying to mend the bridgers between pie and the dll, but as usuall pie have taken this opportunity to once again shit on the ppl trying to help, and i applaud you for trying....................but once again my friend pie have shown there true colours......................
i hope this is the final time that winmxworld tries to patch things with pie, and that we now leave them to rot....................
our business is helping winmx users, not wasteing time and resources on nobby and co............................

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Re: New Pie Patch is Dangerous
« Reply #79 on: November 09, 2006, 02:15:07 am »
Well i for one am very happy that he has been removed, I know that you where only trying your best to return peace between the groups but he blew it, Like i say to everyone, here's ya rope, up to you if ya hang yourself. An he trulley hung himself. Im not one for gettin involved in the rowing but i had trully had enough, and him taking users away from here and twisting their minds to utter crap was a step too far. LEast now our enjoyment and real free helping can continue
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