It seems that targetting the young with deceiving propaganda is alive and well again in the UK schoolchildren are soon to be served even more anti-p2p 'education' spam, dished up by the Big Four Organized Music cartel.
And the UK government is playing right along, says Belper today.
Children at schools across the Amber Valley in in Derbyshire, England, have been signed up to take part in the self-serving EMI, Warner Music, Vivendi Universal and Sony BMG My Music campaign - like it or not.
It's a, "a new music initiative from the record industry and government" and involves 1.3 million secondary school pupils, representing 2,000 schools across England, and 2,500 record stores, says the story, going on:
"Belper, John Flamsteed, Mortimer Wilson, Swanwick Hall and Frederick Gent Schools have all signed up to be part of the activities during national music week which runs from October 16 to 20."
My Music, "will also give teachers lesson plans and activities which explore the music business itself, encouraging debate around controversial issues such as music file sharing," it adds.
Current research shows that the majority of CD sales are made to young fans who purchase substantial quantites of different styles of music, before settling on a preffered "taste", this then seems the reasoning behind the campaign, I,m sure that the music industry will not be running any campaigns to show the young how to make their own music and licence and sell it over the internet without paying the recording industry Cartel members 90% and ceeding rights to their creations to some "fat on the work of others" record label.