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Offline GhostShip

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Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« on: October 30, 2006, 08:26:42 pm »
Folks I have been concerned recently regarding the attacks that are taking place against the Vladd44 site, whilst we have been often less than polite to each other regarding many issues we both agree on one important point now, blocking of flooders.

Nobby has helped Vladd to the point where they released a new solution for users of their connection method that will achieve this and yet it seems this release has been sabotaged by persons unknown, so I would like to make something very clear to whoever is carrying out this attack on those sites, your driving folks who wont use our favoured solution (for reasons of their own) to the unprotected patch camp,  this has seen more active flooding taking place over the last few weeks, this is a fact.

I do not have any info as to who is behind the attacks but for the good of MX I urge them to stop this mindless activity, nothing is gained and you are most certainly not helping us here.

If anyone has information as to who is carrying out these attacks I suggest you talk to them in no uncertain terms that unless this stops immediately there will be a price to pay, not just for the attacker, but for the whole network as more open hosts will become open for use to flood the network if they switch to the solution offered by the less than technically proficient info team.

While I will continue to ask folks to use the WinmxGroup patch here I think its only fair to get the thousands of host file users who will not use the DLL after reading scare stories, to update to the blocking solution and secure the network against those who get paid millions to attack it.

This long term outlook will at least ensure we are no longer at loggerheads with fellow WinMx users as no flooders equals no problems for the rest of us.

Lets get this put to bed folks, an attack against one of us is an attack against us all, whoever is responsible should cease while they are still free to do so.

Help us, help MX and cease immediately.  :!:



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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 09:01:31 pm »
As far as I can see the website was taken offline by vladd, so therefore if you want to say that the person who took it down is attacking it... then vladd is attacking it, heh

check the Last Updated date on the domain, the domains settings (specifically the DNS servers that allow the domain to be used) have been changed several times lately - vladd changing the settings to direct the domain to other servers that don't work is hardly an attack if you ask me...

Looks to me like vladd has finally given up trying to destroy winmx and just shut down his sites (he shut down mxpie a while back as well remember), and the claims of an attack are probably just one last attempt to try and dent winmx's reputation by telling people that it's a dangerous place with lots of attacks etc and scare people away

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 09:07:03 pm »
I was passed this information by Nobby and he certainly believes it KM, If I,m asking the wrong folks then its not important, I just wanted everyone to be certain we have no wish for any attacks to continue as they serve only as fuel for the rumour campaigns being run in some rooms.

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 10:22:11 pm »
The attacks continue KM, i have witnessed them first hand, vladd has and will continue to make server changes and put in place various measures to attempt to  deal with the situation meanwhile, more Winmx users will leave and more will get into bed with the non protected solution, those responsible for the attacks are being investigated as i understand it on several fronts, by several interested parties, its only a matter of time until its resolved, in the meantime, the attackers are driving away winmx users, and encourageing users to flock to to be left to their own blocking devices. As i am aware some users here may know on the grapevine who is behind these attacks, i suggest you point out the damage they are doing to the user base.

Users here need to accept there are MANY users for a multitude of reasons cannot, will not, or simply choose not to use the .dll, the Pie auto updater will do a very sensible job of protecting those users and cleaning up the network, if its allowed to do so, if it is not, the network will suffer and that would be a shame.

Offline Neutron

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2006, 10:26:32 pm »
Actually nobby & co are the only ones running those scaring campaigns. "WMW and the oh so bad KM are attacking us, see! they were bad like we said, don't use their patch" and their "kickban all WMW members on sight" campaign.
I agree that no one benefits from vladd's website being down, however, they've been banning us and picking on us for so long now that I think this is something they should deal with themselves, instead of us posting it here in this forum.
Not only have they claimed credit and accepted donations from others resurrecting WinMX, but they've also made up lies about KM's patch and our community, trying to get more visitors to their own website.
I've always respected nobby, and after vladd finally decided that blocking was needed, I thought they were going the right direction, then they started with this new kickban campaign. That made me change my opinion about them.
Resurrecting WinMX, which could have bern an easy job, was delayed by them because they first refused to block, and denied/censored our patch. They've sabotaged our work by spreading lies. After all this, why should we care about them at all? It's not our fault that they have sabotaged the network and pissed off so many users that someone decided to do something back.

While I will continue to ask folks to use the WinmxGroup patch here I think its only fair to get the thousands of host file users who will not use the DLL after reading scare stories, to update to the blocking solution and secure the network against those who get paid millions to attack it.

btw, vladd's patch doesn't block flooders any better than a hosts file does.

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2006, 09:53:27 am »
Well Neutron, as you well know from our private discussion, there is a simple reason why i have kicked a certain group from V44, it is because at least 14 users here voted for "action" the resulting "action" took out my web server and 9 of my unrelated sites, my response was simply that of any person who is attacked,i defended myself as best i could, and  i choose to NOT share MY regular room with those who condoned the attack. Any of those folks could have posted to say they condemed the attacks on me, none did. Further more i see no reason to share V44 chat channel with those who so publicallty show hatred for those that go there. That said the last person from WmW that i removed from there was Tiny a good few weeks back now, i did give him plenty of chance to say his peice, even though he was running a Vladd hate room right next door, it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2006, 03:06:32 pm »
I think you will find nobby i do not run a vladd hate room, i run a room informing members that thier is a diffrent patch to protect users, somethin you and all you help team try so hard to hide from users only finding out winmx is bk threw your site. no where on here do you see us trying to censor the host file, its freely disscussed openly on our forums, somethin that we can not do on your forum or any other user infact, even your own pie member's. And the reason you banned me was not because i was running a room alongside your own but because you was loosing a disscussion about saying that km was attacking you but that you had no proof that he was attaacking you, if you look threw the site i published the whole conversation for all to read.And you clearly admitted that you had no idea who it was and upon this banned me and have banned me constatly on any attempt to rectify the debate we had which personnaly i didnt think called for me to be banned. So before you start accusing peeps maybe you need to remeber what you have said in the past. because to be a good liar you need to have a good memory!!!
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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2006, 03:23:28 pm »
14 users here voted for "action" the resulting "action" took out my web server and 9 of my unrelated sites, my response was simply that of any person who is attacked,i defended myself as best i could, and i choose to NOT share MY regular room with those who condoned the attack. Any of those folks could have posted to say they condemed the attacks on me, none did. Further more i see no reason to share V44 chat channel with those who so publicallty show hatred for those that go there.

I do not remember exactly when. But I do remember that I was kicked banned from your room once. No idea why I just came there for about 5 and a half hours. Was just sitting there saying nothing. No warning no nothing. I don't know if it was before or after the so called 14 voters. But still, no warning was given.
The funny thing that I noticed was that almost everyone who came there were not using the mxpie 3.2 patch.
You could have just told us: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED IN VLADD's ROOM.
I wouldnt even have bothered. I just wanted to go there out of curiousity once....

Cheers :P
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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2006, 12:58:24 am »
what attacks.................................
pie / nobby have consistantly stated that there sites are under attack by km and or winmxworld, yet they have failed to provide a single shred of evidence that any attack has taken place let alone that km and or winmxworld are behind it................
the only person attacking the vladd site is vladd since only he has controll of the domain only he can alter it....................
and there is no getting around that fact......................
so its pointless that nobby points the finger at us when he should be looking at vladd and no one else
and i must say im dissapointed that you seem to be giving credence to nobbys lies and futher bullshit..........................
there are no attacks and never have been, end of story......................
unless of course nobby can provide som,e hard evidence that there is an attack, something he has failed to do despite many requests to do so, reason being you can provide evidence of something that has never hasppined.....................
and quiet frankly if ppl are attacking vladd and his lieing scamming maggot sites then good on them.................
winmx will only be safe when the vladd lieing scamming maggots brigade are gone from winmx permanatly.................there is no place for them here.....................they do nothing  for winmx except undermine it from within......................
there is no denying there patch blocking solution is a total failure and there is no way to fix that...............
running winmxworlds blocklist doesnt do a single thing to protect winmx users from riaa, and its a total lie to susgest that it does................but you know this quicks, its nothing new, neither pie solution works, and never wil................
its a lie to say or susgest that winmxworld block list protects pie patched users as it does no such thing.............pg2 with any block list is a failure, it simply doesnt protect users...........but this is old news, and nothing new,....................
and its a futher lie for the maggots to susgest that they have seen the light and that blocking is now a priorty for never has and it never will...............if they truely cared abouit winmx and its users then they would cease immediately the promotion of pie and instead support the dll, which is the only blocking solution that works...........and until the maggots wake up to this fact and actively change there ways, then who ever is attacking there sites should carryon untill the scum that is pie and those that support this are removed permanatly from winmx

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2006, 01:47:18 pm »
First I want to say kudos to Nobber. Nobber you are one liein little ballsy peice of crap. If it were up to me you wouldn't be allowed on this forum any longer. You come here with your hand out lookin for scraps like a stray raggedy little mutt that you are and as soon as you get fed you bite the hand that feeds you. Tell me does it say anywhere on your site yet that the blocklist your patch uses is provided by winmxgroup/world?

i am aware some users here may know on the grapevine who is behind these attacks, i suggest you point out the damage they are doing to the user base.
Exactly what are you aware of? You are not aware of yourself, let alone anything to do with WinMX. Once you say you work for pie team. Then you say you don't. Now you do again. Next you say you'll use the mxgroup/world blocklist. Then you won't. Then you will again. Please do tell me something, anything that you are totally aware of pertaining to yourself that you know is a fact and you know will not change in the next 5 minutes.
there is a simple reason why i have kicked a certain group from V44.......... i choose to NOT share MY regular room with those who condoned the attack. Any of those folks could have posted to say they condemed the attacks on me, none did. Further more i see no reason to share V44 chat channel with those who so publicallty show hatred for those that go there. That said the last person from WmW that i removed from there was Tiny a good few weeks back makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
So did you kick only thos e 14 or did you just kick everybody from WMW?? Enquiring minds want to know Nobber. And nothing is simple with you because you're a lieing manipulative peice of crap. You purposely lie, twist and manipulate users words to what you want.
it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
good question. why are you still coming here?
it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
couldn't have said it better myself. get lost.
it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
practice what you preach brother.
it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
want a going away bash?
it makes no sense for folks so openly showing their feeling towards a certain room, to be in that room hanging out.
you may go at ANY time
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2006, 02:47:29 pm »
I am seeing activity on vladds site that does question whether it really is under attack  :?

The following pics where taken yesterday and 4 minutes ago, the main site page comes up and the forum seems corrupt , hardly a DDOS induced problem, perhaps Nobby has information as to how things are going now it seems the site is operational ?

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2006, 02:56:10 pm »
that's a very pretty picture Quicks. You mean you can't even get bibs on Vladd's site anymore? See he's gettin just like Wal-Mart and any other money hungry mogle. Soon as they finally get something you like on his site, BAM!, he takes it away.
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2006, 03:38:50 pm »
Tell me does it say anywhere on your site yet that the blocklist your patch uses is provided by winmxgroup/world?

Ofc not, as the patch does not currently use the WmW blocklist.

i am aware some users here may know on the grapevine who is behind these attacks, i suggest you point out the damage they are doing to the user base.
Exactly what are you aware of? You are not aware of yourself, let alone anything to do with WinMX. Once you say you work for pie team. Then you say you don't. Now you do again. Next you say you'll use the mxgroup/world blocklist. Then you won't. Then you will again. Please do tell me something, anything that you are totally aware of pertaining to yourself that you know is a fact and you know will not change in the next 5 minutes.

Well the site owner has heard on the grapevine whats going down, thats a pretty good start wouldnt u say? U should perhaps check with him.

I left the Pie team some time ago, it was published, i left and began working on some ideas for a hosts based blocking solution, then Vladd stepped in and put Pie support and his resources into the project, seems only sensible to run with that as the Pie team had a better distribution system in place than i could manage alone, i didnt really care who took on the idea, so long as it reaches the users that most need it.

I would happily use the WmW blocklist, and have discussed this with Ghost, however recent circumstances have made that goal tough to achieve as its not my direct call what blocklist is used.

These are the current facts.

So did you kick only thos e 14 or did you just kick everybody from WMW?? Enquiring minds want to know Nobber. And nothing is simple with you because you're a lieing manipulative peice of crap. You purposely lie, twist and manipulate users words to what you want.

My initial response was to simply remove those 14, however, i reserve the right to remove any user from that channel that i feel support the actions taken against me or make it publically known their contempt for said channel and its users, it is my right in that channel to do so, it is ofc also the right of all the others in that channel to excerise the same powers.

You folks can go right ahead and continue to insult me in your usual futile manner, this thread is about attacks on Vladds site, these attacks, make no mistake are loosing more Winmx users by the day. As for pics of site pages, DNS redirects, host server changes and any other BS km chooses to make up etc etc, WOW how odd a site owner tries a variety of options to get his site back online, including scripts, server changes and various testing with and without 3rd party companies in an attempt to resolve the ongoing action against the site, perhaps u folks would just give up and bend over? I somehow doubt vladd will do so, he will find a way to resolve the issue and i would guess he will leave no stone unturned.


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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2006, 04:51:56 pm »
these attacks, make no mistake are loosing more Winmx users by the day.
who are you getting your figures from? because you certainly aren't getting them from someone who knows the number of users on the network - which is the same as usual (of course taking in to account the normal fluctuations at the standard times of day)

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2006, 05:14:10 pm »
As for the numbers of people leaving winmx i too also can easyly notice more people are returning to mx. try doing a few searchs you will find pretty much anything you want now. Maybe its the traffic to your site that you are noticing is decreasing, havent you maybe thought that is because nobody wants to post on your fourms anymore for the fear of having their post constantly removed for asking questions about patch's. or is it that maybe everyone is leaving the pie patch and moving to the winmxworld patch, Also i would like you too show me how you know the current user count of winmx seen as you dont run a cache or infact do anything apart from supply a bundle of other peoples work, Maybe this new bundle has a backdoor, so you can tell how many peeps are using it. Wouldnt suprise me one bit....
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2006, 07:47:31 pm »
Nobby I posted those pictures to show that there is activity on Vladds site and that the fact I,m able to see this activity shows the site is not currently under attack.

I am disappointed you are attempting to abuse my efforts to clear up this issue, perhaps you feel myself raising the issue here of helping a site that many started out on winmx with is weakness ?

My personal wish is for a line to be drawn in the sand and for everyone to reach an acceptance of the situation with their neighbours, when this is done we can have faith and confidence in each other, thats what I was aiming for as discussed between ourselves, nothing is being hidden here so if you want to start a shit fight then you are no longer welcome, It's rather annoying to feel I tried to help others and they then try to take advantage of my good nature.

Those pictures are genuine and shown in good faith, lets see some from yourself please, or was I wrong to think your goals where similar to my own, a peaceful community raising its voice only in anger against our foes, not each other.

To the rest of you I would ask too that you calm down on the name calling etc, Nobby at least showed a desire to come here and face you all, that at least is why I think we should try to listen to each other, is anything being gained for the users by a show of bad manners ?

The war trenches some folks have made for themselves should be filled in with "good will", a disagreement should not turn to hate or we all lose the flavour of fun that we found here.

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2006, 10:50:00 pm »
 Ghost refreash my memory when was the last time winmxworld and vladd was able to work together?

 And why did it fail?

 Dont expect many people that have been users of winmx to share your optimisam of a day when vladd44 and his frinds will ever be welcomed with open arms by all the users of mx.

 The old saying goes :Fool me once Shame on you Fool me twice Shame on me.

 It doesnt take a high IQ to see that Knobby does not care about the winmxworld users,and i for one say the less i see , hear of vladd44 or his room or page the better.

 Any more than one thread on the vladd44 matter is a waste of forum space. This thing with vladd has been going on for over 2 months now and all we hear is its km or 14 users of mxworld thats doing it .To hear knobby there are many people trying to figure out who is doing it and are no closer to a out come as they were 2 months ago. That in its self says alot about their ability to do any thing.

 I will not shead a tear for Vladd44 or Knobby some times in life you just get what you deserve and you cant blame anyone but yourselves.

 If this was just a unprotected pie patch thing looks like the real pie team would be haveing the same problem but they are not just vladd.

No one has stood up and had any thing good to say about vladd and his teams actions other than the few of his team. That should tell you some thing.

 Ghost dont be used by Knobby you are smarter than that.

I or no one i know has had any thing to do with the so called DDOs on vladd44's site and to be blunt i dont care who is doing it.
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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2006, 11:13:15 pm »
Nobby knows full well why those 14 users (including me) voted to take action against vladd's website, it was because vladd was accepting donations for other's work, using other's bandwidth, with the donation page saying something like "donate to help me keeping this site going", and the other pages trying to make it look like vladd is running WinMX.

I still don't believe the new wonder patch is any better (or the same) for the network than the WMG patch. KM knows what he's doing, and knows how the WPN works, and understands the protocol. Vladd & co don't. If the wonder patch gets widely spread, it could damage the WPN if it doesn't operate correctly. A new neutral user wouldn't know what patch is the better one, or what the differences are, and it's 50/50 what patch they'll use. Vladd's camp will make them think the wonder patch is the only patch available. The user will see that MX is full of fakes, without knowing there is a solution that filters the fake results. Users should primarily get on the WMG patch, and then eventually the wonder patch if they don't trust the WMG patch thanks to the lies that pie/vladd & co have spread.

I have no trust in this new wonder patch, and I think that if vladd & co get it going, they'll start accepting donations again for a hosts file that wasn't their idea, PG lite which is a free program, a blocklist that isn't provided or maintained by them (they have no way of detecting flooders, other than looking at WMW's blocklist), and leeching from KM's or sabre's peer caches. When a user donates, they'd donate thinking vladd is running WinMX, when he isn't. It's a lame trick for vladd to make money from other's work.

Pie (before the split) were the first ones to strike and start this "war", by denying our patch, trying to push theirs. They believed they were the "good guys" and we were the "bad guys". They need to understand that we aren't bad like they think. Luckily most users are using the WMG patch by now. When you google "WinMX", you see WMW/WMG as the first results, among oldversion and wikipedia. Vladd and pie aren't even listed as the top 10 sites. I think that's the easiest way to tell from a neutral point who's the "better side" or who is providing the better patch.

Now that Vladd & co have kept sabotaging KM's work since the start, started a "war" and split the WinMX community into 2 groups fighting each other (now 3), I don't see why we should *help* them getting back online. They can deal with that themselves if they are so well trusted and nice as they claim! Maybe they will learn how annoying it is when you just want to get something going, and others ruin it for you. In the start of the MX resurrection, pie said "may the best patch win". They were trying to get WMW/WMG off the network. Now they've ruined the rest of the trust from people that they had, and made it so far that someone decides to attack their website. That's their problem not ours. Like I care if the whole vladd bunch are gone from the network. For me, you can get it the way you want it, the better patch wins. I wish we didn't need a loser in the first place, but if there is any loser, it's you.

The list of the WPN's threats is:

1. RIAA/MPAA/Macrovision etc
2. .info idiots
3. vladd idiots

Without 2. and 3. in the list, 1. wouldn't be there. with number 3 gone, only number 2 to go. when 2. goes, 1. will be gone too. Don't help them getting back online. Let's just hope they stay offline and that everyone forgets about the website that once was a good website, but then turned into a bad lie/scam/censorshit website.

They can say we are just as bad as they want. What I see is that they are the only ones who kick and ban WMW members without good reasons. We don't do that. They deny WMG's patch because WMG has the better solution. WMW simply offer the better solution, we have nothing to hide. They started the "war" and split the community into 2 (or 3) pieces. We didn't. KM did not put a backdoor into the dll, even though some people believe there might be one. Some people might believe there is a backdoor in the wonder patch too, so we're equal there. Btw, the wonder patch has the ability to control the entire hosts file and blocklist on the user's system, and it can be used for things that aren't related to MX, even though that's not the intention of the patch. The WMG patch can't do that, so if either patch is going to have a backdoor, or be less secure than the other, then it's the wonder patch. Now quit moaning about how bad the dll is and start doing some serious work like we at WMW do, and KM does, but I suggest you don't ask WMW for help again, at least not me. You have ruined a lot for many and for us, now why should we/I help you?

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #18 on: November 01, 2006, 11:38:04 pm »
Well I had the idea that with the hurdle of blocking agreed upon Chuck that matters would resolve themselves as that was the original wedge driven between us by the pie teams poor tech advice given to them by Sabre.

Its become crystal clear to me that some effort is still required to clear up the unprotected host file mess and that some of us have to alert the community of possible ways forward, I hope none of you here are offended by me trying to at least make a effort to resolve differences where possible.

I signed up here to help winmx users and to do that in ways that help as many as I can, the distrust and subsequent name calling is damaging to the community and a waste of the site teams time, to keep my pledge of help I need the help of the rest of you in speaking plainly without malice on those matters that concern you and to enter into dialogue with fellow users where possible to reach reasonable compromises that can be honoured, this is the way forward at this time and for many months to come.

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Re: Attacks on Vladd - Call For Common Sense !!!
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2006, 11:58:12 pm »
 Ghost i and many others know that you are trying to be the biger man in all this. I would agree with you and try as you are to unite all to save winmx. But ive never seen one time when we have tried to work together that we have not been stabed in the back by vladd44 and his team not once!

 And we all know how vladd , knobby and all the others of his team will use your own words and turn them to discredit you and use it against you.

 All i was saying was a warning to you to not be fooled by vladd or knobby. This goes much deeper than just blocking this goes to they had thought of us a secound class on mx for many years now not just us but many usersd we dont even know have been mistreated by vladd and his team. Their lies of a free speach room and forum , their kicking and bannintg anyone for not agreeing with their point of view , they have built their room's , forums and now their patch on lies.

 As with all things there comes a time when people dont care to give a 100th chance to redeem yourselves and that time has come for vladd, knobby and the rest of their team. They have no one to blame but themselves and its time for them to see it and stop blameing everyone ealse.
 I in no way dought that you are trying to do no more than help winmx and dont want your name damaged by vladd or knobby.
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