I've found using data keeper it's best set to cover the importsnt folders only (my documents, my music, email other & data folders you may have created, otherwise it uses a lot of space & resources saving files pointlessly..
If disaster strikes, Windows & programs can always be reinstalled from cd or things like adobe reader re downloaded, in fact the vast majority will REQUIRE you to do this, & the reinstalled system will run better, because you won't have backed up & restored the endless inevitable errors that creep into windows systems, causing the exact sort of disaster that the restore is recovering from..
That way things you can't easily recreate are backed up, & those you can don't matter anyway, you can easily re create them.. plus after the disaster you get a nice clean relatively error free install.. instead of one cluttered with junk to the point it's *almost* ready to crash & take everything with it (it just did remember, or you wouldn't be restoring)....