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Offline Blå_Mocka

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Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:28:27 pm »
Here comes a long post. im trying to get as many details as possible to help you exclude things

That is my problem as the topic says, at random time i allways loose my entire internet connection when using Winmx only! and i must restart my computer to get internet to work again

What has that to do with Winmx you now say?

I have wonder that myself many times but moore and moore is pointing to a Winmx specific problem and i cant get away from it now after trying all other alternatives

I allso use all forms of other P2P, from Bittorrent to Emule over the entire night as i did with Winmx..and this never happends when using them, right now i have Emule active for 16 hours and there have never and will never be any connection dropp thath requires a compuer restart

Whats happening is i get a tray message like this in 2-10 hours of using Winmx
but i can't guarrante that the text is exactley the same seens i use another windows language..but it compalins about a "network cable is not connected" all of a sudden thath i know

but that is a lie that the cable is not connected. it works normal untill this happends lol..and most important= all lights on my DSL modem is still enabled as thei should be..during this down time. i feel i can exclude thath the modem is brooken therefore
Its wery odd thath i must restart my computer for it to work again..therefore it's pointing towards an application problem that is the criminal ore Sp2 ore PIE patch?

I feel i have trying all methods to fix this.
i have SP2 yes..and i have all hotfixes installed (wish includes the one that is mentioned in the link above)
i have allso installed the SP2 connection limit patch.
i have disabled Sygate Personal Firewall..accually uninstalled it.
Windows own firewall is allso enabled but thath has never caused me any problems so i exclude it
i have checked that my network cable is correct atttached in my computer..and it is

First i thauth thath this could be caused by the fact thath i have a "Tekoa Intel Pro Connection" directley from my motherboard, wich means i dont have a network card in thath meaning we think off. (i have updated the latest driver on my Tekoa however)
I have now buyed a real network card ..but right now i can't get it to work..still i now have started to doubt that thath will help me even if this new network card would work?

what do you think?..could this connection losses when ONLY USING WINMX really have something to do with the fact thath i dont have a "real" network card in that meaning? i wonder if not PIE patch is involved in this is some way?
have in thauth thath i dont have any overall connection loose problem exept when being connected to Winmx 3.54
with a PIE Patch 3.4
I have allso checked with my broadband hosts..and there are no connection problems at my location, thei think this is a problem with my computer, and i agree

So i feel that this problem is completley unlogical in its nature and im sick of it

Would appretiate any thauths about this..cause now i can't use Winmx at all  :(

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2006, 01:39:05 pm »
Completely remove winmx
Try reinstalling winmx from here:

A recommendation: Throw out the XP firewall and use sygate
Sygate is much better and like winmx as well.

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2006, 02:10:05 pm »
I agree with sam, Pie Patch users are vulnerable to being flooded and DOS attacked whereas the mentioned patch blocks that and should give you no problems.
Don't let the lower version number irritate you, the Patch version 3.0 is still the most recent and works fine :-)
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Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2006, 02:46:18 pm »

 :( i cant still use this patch unfortentley..tested it yesterday..and it crashed after 5 min as usual

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2006, 02:52:30 pm »
note that this 2 problems i have is totally sepparate..this is only crash problem on Winmxgroup

and completley "internet loss" with PIE

seens i have never get winmgroup patch to work without crash i dont know if the complete
"internet loss" loss will be present on this patch allso

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2006, 03:26:16 pm »
ok,, im that tenacious chick that hates to give up.. and well although i think we could find and eliminate your crashing problem (there are others that have had issues and 99.9 of them we were able to find out whats causing it)  if you dont want to try that.. do this

In light of the current predicament ..Im about to suggest something that I will ONLY be suggesting to you.

1. Do not use the new vladd version of Pie.  (its useless)
2. While using the other Pie solution, please Install Peerguardian but..  DO NOT USE ANY OF THIER LISTS.  If you do your only blocking untold amounts of real users and most of the peer caches you need to get connected.  If you have it already installed then go to List Manager and untick all lists except for the WinMXWorld Block List.   If you dont have the WinMX World one added there are instructions here.  YOU MUST HAVE THE WINMXWORLD LIST   
This shows you how to add the Block List and even the pie folks wont dispute this list protects you while using MX.  Without the default lists peerguardian asks you to use (remember DO NOT USE THOSE)  you will only need the block list.

Restart everything when this is done.. the Attacks continue while using pie even after hours of being off MX.. so if you get a new IP when you reboot thats the best way to make sure they are gone.. then restart with PG one first.. have it start up on start.  Then start MX.. this should stabilize you some.

Please let me know, and if you ever decide to see about why the WinMXGroup patch crashes do let me know .. :wink:

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2006, 03:32:07 pm »
if you was using the Pie patch, just installing winmx with the 3.0dll is not  enough, you need to totally unintsall the Pie because that sits in your system32 folder in windows and modifies your hosts file, the hosts file is the main file that allows you to connect, the hosts file should only have 1 IP in it, but Pie will add alot of crap in there and that is what is stopping your connection, msn messenger also relies on the hosts file, here is a standard hosts file, anything from mxpie or winmxerr or should be removed leaving only 1 IP thats your localhost connecting IP
# The hosts file contains information regarding the known hosts on the net- work.
# For each host a single line should be present with the following information:
#       Internet address
#       official host name
#       aliases
# Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters.  A ``#'' indicates the beginning of a comment;
# characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file.
# Do NOT alter the following entry, it is critical for proper operation
#   localhost

Try Connecting, the attacks may let you

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2006, 09:55:30 pm »
ok,, im that tenacious chick that hates to give up.. and well although i think we could find and eliminate your crashing problem (there are others that have had issues and 99.9 of them we were able to find out whats causing it)  if you dont want to try that.. do this

In light of the current predicament ..Im about to suggest something that I will ONLY be suggesting to you.

1. Do not use the new vladd version of Pie.  (its useless)
2. While using the other Pie solution, please Install Peerguardian but..  DO NOT USE ANY OF THIER LISTS.  If you do your only blocking untold amounts of real users and most of the peer caches you need to get connected.  If you have it already installed then go to List Manager and untick all lists except for the WinMXWorld Block List.   If you dont have the WinMX World one added there are instructions here.  YOU MUST HAVE THE WINMXWORLD LIST   
This shows you how to add the Block List and even the pie folks wont dispute this list protects you while using MX.  Without the default lists peerguardian asks you to use (remember DO NOT USE THOSE)  you will only need the block list.

Restart everything when this is done.. the Attacks continue while using pie even after hours of being off MX.. so if you get a new IP when you reboot thats the best way to make sure they are gone.. then restart with PG one first.. have it start up on start.  Then start MX.. this should stabilize you some.

Please let me know, and if you ever decide to see about why the WinMXGroup patch crashes do let me know .. :wink:

Mutch to take in a once now

im gonna start with you "me lady" :lol:

1. i dont use Vladds patch cause i agree its useless..i use "":s latest patch. 

2. i have used Peerguardian before, i stopped use it asome month ago cause i was advice to avoid it by Slyck:s P2P Winmx forum,
i experienced myself thath a user i know about whas on the blocklist by accident. have heard thath there are alot of wrong adresses thats vlcok innoccent pl
however i have only used the P2P list not the others..still i dont know if i can trust this list
but when u say attacks..i think about my connection thoose attacks powerfull enough to temp break the connection?

3. i have reinstalled Winmx from scratch again. i have installed a the newest version of SP2 connection limit patch (mine was outdated)
i have reseted my internet connextion twakers to windows deafult again, and i have installed a application WinsockXPFix to fix corruåted connections

4. Im now driving Winmx again..and i experience a mutch healtier winmx now after thoose actions i mentioned above..all connection refresh seems faster than before..and most important my connection have not died yet and i have been using it currentley for 6 hours!

5. im gonna import the winmgroup Perrguardian list only..and perhaps it will get me a even moore healthier winmx?

6. i have not tested winmxgroup patch priority must be so long to not loose my connection.. ill yest it tommorow if winmx can survive throu the whole night

7. im gonna eat an apple pie  :shock:

8. thanks

lets hope for the best now

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2006, 10:07:22 pm »
i must be blind cause i can't see in your link any winm-world peerguardian list?  :?

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2006, 10:44:27 pm »
i found it...darn i looked at the wrong list LOL...thanks "Me Here"

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2006, 11:22:02 pm »
OK Blå_Mocka,

From what i read now i think you stopped using PeerGuardian some months ago.  The information you had was correct, its not the best solution but from your other post I thought you said the WinMX Group Patch caused crashes or problems so I assumed you had tested it.

What Im saying in the above post is to use Peerguardian with the site patch however DO NOT USE any lists provided by them.  If you have any lists by them installed Open Peerguardian and then click on List Manager.  In the new box remove any ticks you have on any lists of theirs including the p2p list.  The ONLY list you need or should have in that list ticked is the WinMX World list.  This should offer you the best protection.  If you are not using this list DO NOT USE primary on mx.  Your simply helping the riaa to shut us down. 

Im glad to hear things are working better but since your on the pie patch you do still need to worry about protecting not only yourself but the rest of the network while you use Primary on MX.

Oh and yes if your running a primary unprotected by this WinMX World blocklist then yes you could definatlly be being taken offline completely by their attacks on you. 

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2006, 04:10:35 am »
Use pg, but throw out all the lists except the wmw blocklist.
That might tax your computer a little less.

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

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Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2006, 06:25:29 am »
i now only use Winmx Worlds PG2 list with 8320 IP:s :)

and Winmx survived the night! i only have thath Winmxworld patch crash problem left it seem

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2006, 09:05:47 am »
hmm..connection died now..but it took longer time than before,over 10 hours, its a better sign

perhaps an attack slipped throu then?

what i find a bit weird is..not only must i restart my computer, i must allways allso restart my DSL modem ..On/Off
otherwise it doesnt work even after restarting computer
even thou all "light buttons" is "lighting" on the modem during the failure
but seens its only winmx that triggers this..thath talk towards thath it is my modem thath is brooken..

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2006, 09:27:11 am »
talk towards thath it is my modem thath is brooken..

sorry i forgott the "nt" on "is"

don't think its my modem

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2006, 11:33:35 am »
I can't agree completely that its 'not' your modem or 'not' a cable or even 'not' a bad wireless channel if you use wireless.  But What you have to understand is this.  Using the pie patch your still not completely protected.  This is why we recommend our patch,  Because another feature of it is the fact it prefers to link with other WinMXGroup patched users.  Making for a more stable local network for you and so on.  There is a link below to help explain the damage and why this flood of activity can be more then your modem can handle, more then your cable can handle... Maybe by adding the pg2 and the WMW block list you have helped the situation.

Keep in mind here also, there is no magic wand with some issues like loosing internet that we can say here is the exact fix.... so many things we start with what seems the most obvious possible cause and at the same time make sure your set up to use WinMX with the most ease.   

Using peerguardian is not a good solution, it uses masses of resources while its blocking these IPs on the list and that in turn can cause your Internet to drop.  The same symptoms your describing have happened to us  many times before this new patch was made.
We had to do the same things. reboot both machines (we used ICS) and then it would be fine for about a day.

The other solution is dont use pirmary on WinMX, Use secondary only.

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2006, 12:39:09 pm »
if you was using the Pie patch, just installing winmx with the 3.0dll is not enough, you need to totally unintsall the Pie because that sits in your system32 folder in windows and modifies your hosts file, the hosts file is the main file that allows you to connect, the hosts file should only have 1 IP in it, but Pie will add alot of crap in there and that is what is stopping your connection, msn messenger also relies on the hosts file, here is a standard hosts file, anything from mxpie or winmxerr or should be removed leaving only 1 IP thats your localhost connecting IP
# The hosts file contains information regarding the known hosts on the net- work.
# For each host a single line should be present with the following information:
# Internet address
# official host name
# aliases
# Items are separated by any number of blanks and/or tab characters. A ``#'' indicates the beginning of a comment;
# characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines which search the file.
# Do NOT alter the following entry, it is critical for proper operation
#   localhost

Im using a sofware called "Your Uninstaller" wish clean out remnants the standard windows unistaller lefts on the computer
i checked now and my host file was clean after unistalling PIE
this line

is the only in my host now after installing winmx world patch

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2006, 01:26:21 pm »
With the WinMX Group patches you will have actually two lines Local Host    (this other one is for your update bar)  and the IP will depend on which version of the Patch you have installed but either way is OK.

Offline Blå_Mocka

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2006, 02:47:40 pm »
With the WinMX Group patches you will have actually two lines Local Host (this other one is for your update bar) and the IP will depend on which version of the Patch you have installed but either way is OK.

im driving winmx currentley and i lost my connextion again 10 min ago (but now on winmx world patch instead of PIE  it has not crashed to desktop that is good so long:)

we can now see atleast that i loose connection on both patches..however i noticed something moore now, exactley when the tray icon showed up thath "A Network Cable Is Not Connected" i fast closed down my actice Sygate Personal Firewall..and by doing so i was managed to connect again without restarting computer all of a sudden..and winmx did go from "red" to "gren" by itself.

I know that if i hade not closed sygate down there..internet would not have comeback..cause i have done this 2 times now with exactley the same result. the last time i uninstalled Sygate after, but it didnt help thath time...but then i hade not Perrguardian active either..but have now with both the P2P list and RIAA list to be safer

so what do you think about Sygates possible involvment in this? seens it act like im driving winmx here with sygate disabled..lets see how long i can stay online now?

Offline Me Here

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Re: Losing entire internet connection when using winmx only
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2006, 04:04:10 pm »
Ok maybe I didnt make myself clear enough about PG2.  So lets start there.

If your using Peerguardians lists including the p2p list your blocking MX connecting right.  Your blocking this site, and the winmxgroup site.  They added our sites and all the peer caches to the block lists after a post was made by KM complaining about the way they maintain thier lists and about normal users being added.  In fact the only reason your able to connect at all with that list loaded is all the User caches that are running at this time cant be added as they are changing IPs (dynamic). 
Why does a program that is supposed to protect you while using a p2p network block one?  We dont know but its irresponsible and childish and not professional at all.  If your using any of the lists that come with PG2 your going to have connection problems.  You already have enough problems I dont think adding to it by using that list is going to be a good idea.  Hope this clears this up for you.

Sygate.. and many other firewalls for that matter.. will have this problem.  Firewalls are meant to protect your machine from attacks.. they are going to fight them with what ever they can. Sygate is one that if it sees a flood of UDP coming in it blocks it.  This cant be stopped manually by settings and this includes the UDP attacks your under from WInMX and even simple things like getting a complet room list(which if your primary comes to you via UDP).  Its quite possible that if your going to use pirmary you may consider using XP firewall if you have XP system.  Its just as good and wont be as effected by the UDP, when it is its not going to shut down your entire system.   So basically there isnt alot we can do about Sygate its a good firewall, I use it myself but its known to have some issues when UDP floods in.

Remeber also one more note about PG2, if your using the WinMX Group patch you dont need it.  You should turn it off.

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