As requested by tiger in the help room i have modified a script by zenar to hopefully suit your needs. Thanks zenar for alot of the original coding im sure you wont mind, if you even recognise it lol
<usergroup name="TKsafe" case="1">
*yourname here*
*regnames here*
//Dont remove this name below
//When a guy enter in your room, it start the script
<OnEnter type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1201]%" rvalue="1" usergroup="!TKsafe">
<out type="push" extdata="1200">%NAME%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="1206">%IP%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="1202">nop</out>
//It stop the script when the person talk
<command type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1206]%" rvalue="%IP%">
<out>/opmsg %NAME% spoke so has been removed from the ban option</out>
<out type="self">!TK reload</out>
<command type="script" mode="thread">
<out>/opmsg Wait a reaction from %USERVAR[1200]% if he leaves will be banned</out>
//If the guy exit, it ban the user
<OnLeave type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="1207">%IP%</out>
<out>/ban %USERVAR[1200]%</out>
<out type="self">!TK leave</out>
<command type="script" condition="==" lvalue="%USERVAR[1206]%" rvalue="%USERVAR[1207]%">
<in>!TK leave</in>
<out type="script">/opmsg %USERVAR[1200]% has left without saying anything so banned him.</out>
<out type="self">!TK reload</out>
<command type="script" usergroup="TKsafe">
<in>!TK reload</in>
<out type="push" extdata="1206">ok</out>
<out type="push" extdata="1202">ok</out>
<out type="push" extdata="1200">ok</out>
<out type="push" extdata="1201">1</out>
What this does is stores the entering persons details to memory, this removes the need to have timers or to put the bot to sleep.
If the person who enters the room says hello or hi they wont get banned, after all if nobody speaks back to them why should they stay, but if they just come in and then leave without saying anything then the bot bans them. It worked in my room but that was wcs, shouldnt need much modification for other rooms apart from if the ban code like /ban blah is diffrent for other servers, the rest should work fine, hope this is what you after, if not let me know, and i will post it out of the help section into the main part, if not fill me with more ideas for this or you hungry other scripts add away.
Happy new year to you tiger and to all the scripters and learners.
######Modified Post to work lol, sorry folks, hope that clears a few things up#######