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Author Topic: Potential Fake File Uploader  (Read 3544 times)

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Offline richardwagner

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Potential Fake File Uploader
« on: October 21, 2006, 02:57:04 pm »
Everything I dld from this user has no sound or anything else usable. I tried to communitcate but his pivacy settings does not allow it. WHO IS reported the following (an image of wha t was rendered by browsing is attached, also, it always shows 2 users in his address).

Samuelitos211_56440 on WinMX 727fc3d1871
Time/Date of Report: Sat Oct 21 10:24:05 2006
Username: Samuelitos211_56440
Files Shared: 1974
Elapsed Time Online: 27:06:32
Transfer Status: 56 in que (-4 of 1 available)

In any case, I mantain separate folder for dld and uplds so do not contribute to the flooding.

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Re: Potential Fake File Uploader
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2006, 03:41:01 pm »
Hi richardwagner,

As KM mentioned in the other thread, there is nothing we can do about users on the network whose content is damaged or mislabeled.  That is not the intent of the block list or the fakes we target. 

The fake files that we target are industry generated and are fake it the truest sense of the word.  Fake as in there is no file.  The file like you mention above are not actually fakes but would fall into the category of damaged or mislabeled files.

Its unfortunate that you are not able to message this person and is a good example of why i think you should at least allow PMs from uploading sources to help you when possible. 

I have taken your mention of this content seriously Richard its just that we can't do anything about this on a network scale.

One thing that has crossed my mind is that hes used something odd to rip these and that possibly you could find some codecs or a different player that the sound might work, however if they are damaged then this is not an option...

Offline richardwagner

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Re: Potential Fake File Uploader
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2006, 01:10:20 am »
Indeed, it  would big a tremendous challenge network-wise.

At least, I make sure everything is properly labeled and works.

Can you explain more about this: Its unfortunate that you are not able to message this person and is a good example of why i think you should at least allow PMs from uploading sources to help you when possible.

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Re: Potential Fake File Uploader
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2006, 06:52:53 am »
What I mean is that users should 'at the least' go into their Settings > Incoming Msgs & Privacy settings and allow pms from folk that your downloading and uploading from..

In the above case this would have been helpful if this user was allowing such so that you could message them to let them know the files are not working properly.

Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: Potential Fake File Uploader
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2006, 07:36:12 am »
indeed.. you may even have got a helpful reply along the lines "they were encoded using ....., you'll need such-&-such codec..."
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Re: Potential Fake File Uploader
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 09:36:13 am »
reading that , if u need a codex to read anything from that user, i think he/she has altered the files themselves so it renders them useles to anyone without the codex know-how, this in itself is anoying and is as good as fake files because they are wasting the time of nornal sharers that wish to enjoy winmx, its a shame there are people that  we come across like this, like unreadable files is another anying thing. but when you see 2 of everythig in somepne's files it does happen sometimes, i browsed someone that had 4 of every music file, each mp3 had (1) (2) or (3)3 next to it so it shows that was deliberate to make it look like alot of files when there want that many, another thing to look for is someome woth 20 files all incomplete and no complete files at all.

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