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Offline GhostShip

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Virtual Code Force Required ?
« on: February 09, 2007, 11:14:54 pm »
Folks it seems some folks are getting restless for a new client, much of the info for a new build is in the public domain now and the only real delay is time and skill in the c++ dept.

What do you folks think about a new build and more importantly do we have the skill amongst our ranks to deliver something people will be happy to use in the future ?

There are many aspects to rebuilding such as fixing bugs and making improvements to some aspects of mx that have become dated, or should we as a group take no action and not bother ?

What do you all think on this matter, I ask now as I believe its within our grasp to bring something to fruit, there are currently no distractions and there is an air of optimism in certain circles of the viability of undertaking such a project, something that has been noticibly missing while the in-fighting was occuring.

Anyway lets hear some comments and if your a coder lets hear what you think on the matter, as with most "impossible" missions this is something likely to require a commited effort by all involved, and for no financial reward, (the spirit of a free mx is something not open for debate).

If you have an opinion lets hear it, I for one am looking for some signal from the community on where they wish to be heading in the future.

Offline Josh

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 11:46:31 pm »
I wouldn't mind a new client, I just would want it to look the same. And the same easy User Interface. Otherwise people will just think of it as another bloated robomx or metis.

I would like to see some improvements. But just don't go overboard like the maker of ares is doing. He is driving me away from even liking ares anymore, making it look like WMP 11 then adding a whole bunch of useless features, changing everything, and full of bugs.

Just improve it and add a few features but keep it mostly the same :-)
- Josh

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 11:47:41 pm »
I love you i love you ilove you lol, at last forwad motion.


lets geta new client on the go. I have millions of idea's like hundreds but no knowledge to code on me own, i good at noticing bugs thogh thats about as far asi it gets. But always willing to help where ever i can and if you can code please post and lets get a team together,

God damn can feel good days a coming for mx ha ha    ..!. cartel  
* G/¥Á Tîñý4èvå [W/¥W] runs of singing and dancing and to dream about new mx ;-)
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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2007, 12:06:02 am »
I would like some more information before I decide, like who will be working on it, will it be backwards compatible with WinMX v3.54 Beta 4, and will the new client keep the winmx name. I hope it doesn't turn out like limewire; a resource hog and lots of embedded junk. I would like to choose my own video and music player ty...

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2007, 12:23:47 am »
I think keeping the winmx name would be a breach of copywrite, but then, then trying to pin the breach of copywrite on soemone might just be the problem. so thats somethin that would have to be disscussed and i agree, that i would like winmx to stay light like it is and to use seperate tools for video and audio. i think the only major change i would like is to the uploads slots. thats my greatest concern anyway,
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2007, 01:54:37 am »
i want something thats the exact same except better support for ogg, like showing the average bitrate, and searches for mp3 -and- ogg by default, the displaying of the 4cc codes for AVI files in searches, ditching the 3000/5000 file limit and -something- done about the queue problem that has plauged the MX from day 1... other than those i see no need for any improvements.... and please... lets not bloat the thing....

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 04:58:46 am »
I'd love to see a new client. :)

Things I'd like to see:

1.>Everything in winmx that is there :P (that was easy to say lol)
2.>A possibility to somehow remove the shared file limit....
3.>Ability to add or remove columns in the search tab.
4.>Removing the 2gb file limit
5.>Sometimes when winmx crashes, it also loses the tray icon. An ability to restore the tray icon would be nice.
6.>Ability to pause downloads (not merely cancel them or clear themor keep them on afs...)
7.> (Optional) Ability to have a scheduler like in utorrent.

Cheers :P
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Offline J a M e S

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2007, 11:02:20 am »
are you guys going mental.. whats wrong with winmx as it is...

first you guys wanna take away the caaches now u wanna completly change EVERYTHING?

i see this becoming a disaster,

but hey... thats me..
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Offline reef

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2007, 12:03:28 pm »
There are many aspects to rebuilding such as fixing bugs and making
improvements to some aspects of mx

I would like to see some improvements. But just don't go overboard...

Silver Stripes
i want something thats the exact same except better support for ogg

Things I'd like to see:

1.>Everything in winmx that is there

I don't see anybody sayin that they want EVERYTHING changed   :?

A permanent hotlist would be cool if possible   :)

Offline Scyre

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2007, 05:44:51 pm »
#include <newfeatures.h>

void main() {
                    printf("The single best change would be to filter ignored people out of the results in your search window!");

int farewell() {
                       return (1);
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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2007, 07:13:49 pm »

are you guys going mental.. whats wrong with winmx as it is...

their needs to be advancement as winmx is being left behind.

1. Full upnp support to stop 90%  of newbs either not being arsed to forward ports or just scard to try.Most things like torrents have this already.

2. A internal blocklist to the programme instead of having to havea dll

3. Obvius add new caches

4. Change in how the transfer chatter is done to stop alot of cacndian and now some UK isp's from throttling using packet sourcing.

5. Aot more but hay just making a point.

first you guys wanna take away the caaches now u wanna completly change EVERYTHING?

You have took this from another post talkig about what if we could make a full decentralised network. This would be great for mx as thier would be no single firing point for macrovision like they did to frontcode and Winmx could survive forver on its own. This is a wild idea at the mo and is just a dream but if enough ideas could come forward it may be possible although KM has stated in that post he doesnt think it is. At the end of the day I just posted that idea, with no coding knowledge and no way implementing it. At the end of the day if we have a idea we should all post them. disscussion is what will make this work

i see this becoming a disaster,

I dont. Nobody that i am aware of as come forward to start this epic task so you aint got nothing to worry about have you, I am on the other hand very excited that the powers that be have popped their head forward to say come on lets get a team together. puttig doubt in peoples minds before it begins will make it fail.

A permanent hotlist would be cool if possible   

Yes sounds nice but for that we would all have to have permant names on the winmx network and if that was the case their would be no security when macro watch your name for 3 months and say for that period you have x y & z shared in this name. The reason why the hotlist isnt permant is that every time you reload mx or change primary the numbers at the end of your name change making you imposible to find and impossible to trak over the network.
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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2007, 07:14:33 pm »
James no one took away the Caches with help from WinMx World and other they restored them please get your facts right before flaming. I would like to see a new client but its not that easy. People like WinMx for what it is allready you would have to do something Major for people to want a new client.


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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2007, 07:41:43 pm »
1. Full upnp support to stop 90%  of newbs either not being arsed to forward ports or just scard to try.Most things like torrents have this already.
as you've seen that can be done just as well in a patch as inside the client

2. A internal blocklist to the programme instead of having to havea dll
hu? it makes absolutely no difference which file the instructions are read from, they are executed from memory...

3. Obvius add new caches
i have no idea how a different client will have any effect at all on the number of servers avaliable... unless you intend to make it a profit making client to fund servers, in which case leave me out of it

4. Change in how the transfer chatter is done to stop alot of cacndian and now some UK isp's from throttling using packet sourcing.
that could be done from a patch just as well as another client, however there are 2 major hurdles to getting past throttling, 1. both clients have to be compatible to use a different protocol (meaning every client having to be updated) and 2. it would be little more than a temporary fix and by the time enough clients were updated to use the new protocol the throttling boxes would already be getting their automatic updates with the new protocol defenitions in... a new client would change neither of those problems

5. Aot more but hay just making a point.
there are a few reasons a new client would be beneficial, however you appear to have completely missed those :-P

i did actually start writing a client a while ago but decided that it's best not to... the only real benefit a new client would have is to effectively rubber stamp the fact that the network is now operated by me rather than frontcode, there wouldn't really be any direct benefits to a client as such (most of the stuff that could be beneficial could also be added on to the existing client with a patch almost as easily)

A permanent hotlist would be cool if possible   :)
it's not possible, the only way it would work is by using a central server (/server cluster/whatever, same thing) and having users register with that server, then to send messages they'd either send all messages through that server, or at the very least look up the current addresses of the users using that server - it's a lot of server infrastructure to support the network just to add a major failure point
any decentralised system would be unworkable, as the only way to do it is to basically send out a search to search and find their current address, causing a lot of network traffic, and also what if 2 people chose the same username?

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2007, 08:01:07 pm »
Blimey your picking on me tonight.

i have no idea how a different client will have any effect at all on the number of servers avaliable... unless you intend to make it a profit making client to fund servers, in which case leave me out of it

I meant adding the dns names, where the fu*k did i mention adding a way to charge money, i aint never put anything forward like that i the whole time i been a part of winmxgroup and world. Why would i start now

as you've seen that can be done just as well in a patch as inside the client

How you going to mend it with vista then. I mean alot of things have changed in it surely winmx will have to. i cant see a patch curing that.

hu? it makes absolutely no difference which file the instructions are read from, they are executed from memory...

How would i know, as i have said i dont know how alot of things work but i sure have alot of ideas. You blasting me for idea's isnt helping. If you dont like the idea of a new winmx just say. dont nick pick at it.
I for one as i posted above am excited about having a new client and if one energetic person can get the clever bods going then so be it. At the mo you all seem to be sitting thier scratching your head while some crap called cross mx is being made that is going to have our users connecting to diffrent networks, i dont see that being healthy for winmx
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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2007, 12:11:36 am »
if your referring to that pile of crap being put together by april and co that supposidly connects winmx with ares and with irc  then im with were in any of the convos from the source code room have i seen anything about blocking of riaa, macrovision or fact there seems to be more talk of how they can charge ppl for there client..........guess the pie maggots havent learnt a thing, no blocking of any kind will be used except probably pg2 ooooooo big fucking deal......and of course which cache are they going to use sabres unreliable heap, but most likely they will try to leech from actally in favor of blocking any non dll patched users from winmxgroups cache  , since we can identify these maggots they should be blocked period.................probably explains why kasey  lvhc aston and others have been stinking up the winmxworld room looking to were they can get access to the blocklist.........( the ONLY block list that is accurate and works........)
to a point i agree the winmx client needs to be upgraded.......but that cant be at the expense of users protection and privacy from macrovision and co.............and since pie have repeatidly failed at provide any for of protection i dont see how there going to fix that now.............and besides ares is a waste of space go use it to see  fuck all files avalable  and there chat room side is inept at best as for irc  lol  good luck connecting to that virus trojan and worm infected network. thanks but no thanks..........

there is no point in re-inventing the wheel unless you make a better wheel...........think about it................

Offline Scyre

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2007, 02:16:02 am »
The idea of a client linking irc, wpn, and ares is laughable. As bug pointed out, they haven't even figured out how to protect the wpn. I certainly don't believe they can protect MORE than that. And that is assuming that they actually could accomplish linking the three.

No, I say if there is any chance of a new client that isn't full of exploits and problems, it will come from somewhere else. And anyone with half a brain wouldn't try to link any other system to the WPN. That idea in itself, I could write a novel on, as for the ill conceived idea it is.

If that is really what they are up to, then let them play. When they come to accept how ridiculous it is, they will throw in the towel. And I would say that long before it would reach the technical non-feesibility, they will all squabble over the amount of money, and who will get what. After all, money will complicate and frustrate even the simplest and easiest of things. Imagine what it will do for something that is already a disaster waiting to happen.

As I said before, a true client will come from elsewhere. Perhaps the Japanese programmers who are well versed in the inner workings of WinMX, or from a team of people who frequent our very own neighborhood... Either way, even if there is never another client, we have a great thing.

A truly great thing.

Best Regards, and Be Good!
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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2007, 06:59:57 am »
april has nothing to do with any new client

the only person planning anything is bug is making a client that is meant to connect to winmx, and april is taking donations to fund her role of donation taker i believe she said - like those people who take donations for winmx in order to fund their donation taking website, or scam sites as they are more commonly known

and april claimed bug was going to include blocking, with no block list... kinda making it a non-blocking client with no blocking at all? but then again she also said that bug had a hard drive failure and that caused her to forget absolutely everything about the basics of the protocols and have to start figuring out the winmx protocols from scratch... lol

Offline J a M e S

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2007, 02:26:20 pm »
James no one took away the Caches with help from WinMx World and other they restored them please get your facts right before flaming. I would like to see a new client but its not that easy. People like WinMx for what it is allready you would have to do something Major for people to want a new client.

firstly i didnt say the caches wer taking.. my post said

"are you guys going mental.. whats wrong with winmx as it is...

first you guys wanna take away the caaches now u wanna completly change EVERYTHING?

i see this becoming a disaster,

but hey... thats me.."

Note: i said "But hey... Thats me"    MEANING ITS JUST MY OPINION!

Think ya'll should understand a post before you all start flaming..

my point: i've used winmx now for a few years... alot of people are happy with the way winmx is.. i for oe are.. i dont see the need for change..

but before ya'll start quoteing my posts n bashing what i say...


is this not the idea of a forum.. to post your views and ideas on a subject?
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Offline Scyre

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 05:44:19 pm »
Yeah that sucks KM. I had the source code to windows vista, winmx, and the entire internet (courtesy of Al Gore) among a lot of other impossible to find things. But unfortunately I lost all of it when my gigabit dialup connection got hit by lightening. It fried everything. So now I am having to start all over again too.

I have just about reverse engineered the start button, but it is taking longer than I thought. Apparently the last 't' in 'start' is really embedded deep. But I do not give up!

I plan on starting on the internet again soon. I am still in the planning stage there. I haven't decided whether to start with the little spinning globe thing, or the little www thingy. (Personally the second 'w' looks the most intimidating)

It is a shame when you have everything, and suddenly it goes bye bye. I was just about to release my own version of windows, and start a new internet....

I suppose there is always next year.

Best Regards, and Be Good!
A cat will almost always blink when hit with a hammer.

Offline J a M e S

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Re: Virtual Code Force Required ?
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 08:17:08 pm »
hahahaha.. that sounds insanely funny!

hahahahaha :shock:
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