hey all.... i've only been usin metis a few weeks and have looked for a script that logs hostnames,without any success.i've used pieces of various scripts and came up with 1,but the problem is when i type in the command to view the hostnames via private message i only get the last 4 from the text file of the logged hostnames.Also they dont show up uniformed (like starting on a seperate line from one another).....Can anybody tell me how to fix the below script or post a working script of this kind? would be much appreciated

here is the script i've been trying:
<OnEnter type="script">
<in>%RAWNAME% %IP% %HOSTNAME%</in>
<out type="file" mode="a" extdata="C:\Program Files\RoboMX7\Plugins\Logs\hostnames.txt">#c4#Username: #c10#%RAWNAME% - #c4#Hostname: #c10#%HOSTNAME% - #c4#IP: #c10#%IP% </out>
<usergroup name="hostnames">
<command type="script" usergroup="hostnames">
<in>!print hostnames</in>
<out type="push" extdata="ph"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="C:\Program Files\RoboMX7\Plugins\Logs\hostnames.txt" lvalue="c" rvalue="-1"/> </out>
<out delay="3000">/message %RAWNAME% $ph$</out>