sorry to sound so negative, cos all you guys that helped save winmx and put all the effort into this brilliant website and i think your all brilliant.But recently everytime i been on winmx there seems to be less and less people using winmx. Winmx is brilliant and i have met so many friends from the chat rooms, so it saddens me to see it dieing a slow agonising death, its my opinion, i maybe wrong. Have you brilliant guys who saved winmx just delayed its death?.I listed 1700 rooms today, 60% had 10 people or less in them, i would guess 30% of the other rooms used fake numbers.leaving maybe just 10% with more than 10 people in.Is there anything we all can do to save winmx a second time? from this slow agonising death which i believe is happening. Phase 1: to save winmx ...... was achieved. Now we need to move to Phase 2 : To stop this slow agonising death which is happening.
Once again i thank all the brilliant talented people who helped save winmx and run this brilliant web site.