I agree with tiny. I would not mind at all if some advertising was added to movies in order for everyone to be happy. As it is, we have ads at the beginning of every VCR tape and DVD coming out on shelves, so why not some in P2P? It would be better than the media companies continuing to demonize all of us...
They would make more money simply by adding a little screen that says "If you enjoyed this movie, please send a dollar to blah blah..." rather than saying that we are all bad people who are robbing artists (who never see the money they deserve either way).
After all, shareware software has survived for a long time...why not share media? If I liked a movie, I would send a dollar. Better than trying to save up $30 to go see it at an overpriced theater.
In a time where we are already FORCED to have too many expenses (state required insurance, vehicle taxes, property taxes, banking fees, huge utility bills, climbing cigarette taxes, incredible gas prices, ridiculous health care expenses, groceries twice what they were 10 years ago, etc.), I think the public would welcome something like this with open arms.
Since we are all nickled and dimed to death on everything else, then I say Hell Yeah! Give the public some free entertainment!
Best Regards and Be Good!