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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Upload/Download Issues  |  YES. WE ARE BACK

Author Topic: YES. WE ARE BACK  (Read 4339 times)

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« on: September 26, 2005, 04:52:24 pm »

thanks to all those that obviously worked there asses off getting WinMX back up and running for the thousands of people that rely on MX as a way to spend time without spending money
thanks all

We Are Back.  To All The Realm users, you can find us @:

Movie Realm_FA7CB3511A2A
We Are back To Almost Full Strength

Please be aware, we are leaving the rooms on FT and Ares open for those wishing to share.  Any Members Caught sharing before the network is at full strength will be booted.

Offline Me Here

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« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 05:24:20 pm »
Thats great your back up and running.. its wonderful to see our community getting back to normal.

I have to address the issue with sharing however, this is contraversial and for that reason here is my view..

Sharing promotes users , which promotes more pimaries.. Not all WinMXers live in the chat rooms and we are loosing those people by not sharing..
My view and the view of KM is that its ok so share and should be left up to the individuals...

Please dont be too hard on your members if they want to share   :cry:


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Thats Fair Enough
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 05:29:19 pm »
But Personally

I have seen my room drop once cos someone pulling from me killed me

so, for the time being
(And i only talking a day or 2)
sharing is fair enough, but not in the room cos i dont wanna see others drop

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« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 05:42:25 pm »
NOT arguing the point.. that sounds more then fair.. but a thought also to the dropage problem

PLEASE read the homepage if your not using Peer Guardian with the block list we have updated your hosting the RIAA on your primary connections also..

Just a FYI for everyone..


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« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 06:32:17 pm »

i am doing that

and i am instructing my members to do so aswell

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« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2005, 06:50:16 pm »

Trust NO one

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« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2005, 08:00:16 pm »
A few things id like answers to.
WinMX closed becouse the RIAA sent them a letter to cease and desist.
So they closed why? Becouse they knew they would loose becouse they didnt have the money to fight?

 The only thing new here is the RIAA has started going after the makers of the program not the users for a time now nothing says that after the program is shut down by the makers the users can not be sued.

 You say mx has won that is not true they gave up. All that is going on now is a few users have opened a outlaw peer cache server and changed the host files in windows to let Winmx connect through the outlaw cache server. If winMx had won this would not have to be done.

 If the peer cache servers were changed so the users could not connect to mx and only the new outlaw servers can connect now why are the RIAA nad all the fake files still on MX?

 Could it be that the RIAA is connecting through the old Peer cache servers and really there is nothing to be done about stoping them?
If that is not the case then again i ask why is the RIAA and the fake files still on MX?

AS we all know to connect to the internet all computers have to make their IP's known and any thing they connect to was that IP shown to it.
 Your E-mail server,Your web browser,any P2P program you use, Even the chat room your on in mx shows your ip.

 The funny thing is no matter if the RIAA wins a lawsuits or not.
the cost of fighting it takes most people under.

Vladd wrote "It is going to be more difficult for them to prove fault for an individual running a peer cache."  Not really they all ready know the RIAA has closed the program down and chose to go against them
and web sites that help by hosting the new host files and give how to's on the replacement of the files so the program can connect are guilty
of the same as the "software creator" category. Only they cant fall back on "I didnt know." Becouse you do know you had to change a file to make it work and had to open a server to help people to connect to the dead WPN.

The people now on WinMX have no "I didnt know" answer to use any more
you have just made it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel for the RIAA
or any other Gov. Office to go after them.

If any of you think this is BS ask Saber,KM,Vladd or any of the web sites that are hosting the fix or telling you its all ok if they are pepaired to Pay your legal defence.  If such a letter ever comes your way. I bet they decline even knowing you.

The arguement this site has made is just as stupid as some one saying
they closed down Winmx but we are not the WinMX co. so we are all safe now. Check you bank account people and ask if Co.'s with more money than you closed shop over a letter can i afford a letter? they were sueing the user and winning long befor they started sueing the maker
it was just easer for the RIAA to sue one than many.

And to those that ask about their IP's Yes they go through the cache server the new host file derects WinMx to go to how long your ip is on that server depends on a few things does it log connections do they flush all history files on the server and how often? Some ask can they track us with a secondary connection the answer is yes if they are downloading from you your ip is there for them to see. And as far as some say the cache servers are hidden lol the host file is on this page for all to down load and if you just open it in notepad you see the IP adresses for the servers running now is that hidden?

I think It's great youve taken the time to work around this but in saying that i allso think the users should be told all the story not just the part that works in your favor. The truth all P2p programs are subject to the RIAA and other Lawsuits as well as the users.  WinMX is dead in their sights now.So is Winmx safe the answer is Hell NO.

Offline GhostShip

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« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2005, 10:01:05 pm »
I,m rather disappointed that you start by asking questions then move on to a  tinpot agenda  :roll:

Could it be that the RIAA is connecting through the old Peer cache servers and really there is nothing to be done about stoping them?
If that is not the case then again I ask why is the RIAA and the fake files still on MX?

What makes you think the companies like Globix etc who operate these servers need to connect to the peer cache, they have been on the network nearly a year now continuously,
conducting what is in many states across europe an illegal data disruption campaign, to say nothing of it being a criminal offence to log data there also.

What you fail to grasp is that the sole purpose of the peer cache is to connect users of the winmx software, and that connection usually lasts for a matter of seconds.
There is no central server to control winmx, its users form part of a decenralised network, surely you have some time to look these things up ?

Moving on to your petty propaganda , let me spell the fact out for you as you seem to be focusing on your area of the globe to the exclusion of all other nations.

1) The RIAA have no domain over any of the cache severs and they need only try closing one to find they will hit a legal brickwall and possibly a countersuit.

2) The winmx software has not been altered as you claim, as you can check for yourself, the file added is a windows file or do you claim miscrosoft are in on the conspiracy ?

3) Winmx closed due to a bullying legal threat from an organisation specialising in extortion when the law does not give them the power they crave over the US people.

4) The software is not illegal, the software has not been modified, the peer caches are breaking no laws, and its not illeagal to speak or share files you own the rights to.

I ask that you post the legal basis to all the claims your making so we may see that your a man of integrity rather than a puppet    

Please remember that the members of this site live in a democracy where we are free to share our creations, freeware, open source programs and generaly have a good time , sour grapes because you have sat back and watched congress members take "donations" will hardly help you make friends in countries not being victimised.

For those that have read the post above by Trust , please bear in mind that a cache sever does not actually keep a log as Trust would know if he did better research.
No attempt is being made to hide their locations as they not breaking any laws nor are the users, but in any case I say let the courts decide, not some organisation that sues dead and old folks, and withdraws from cases they know they will lose for publicity reasons.  

And because I,m just happy speaking to my friends again I say the same as this site HERE , go suck a lemon  :lol:

Offline ..Ñøßߥ..

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« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2005, 06:10:54 am »
Amen Ghostship and might i add, thanks for posting that final link, i just spent 30mins reading them all, superb entertainment...Well done to the folks at Pirate Bay... :D


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MinMX's back
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2005, 11:24:55 am »
Hey, good on you blokes getting WinMX working again. Had it running for a couple of hours. Good on ya.Thanks :D


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« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2005, 07:02:41 pm »
I downloaded the latest patch today, and i still can't connect.  I placed the ws2_32.dll in my winmx file and nadda.  It's displaying:

Using Peer Cache: "KM"[]

Different display than using the "host" patch, but......:(

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


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opennap don´t work with the patch
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2005, 07:38:25 pm »
yes it´s true
evry time i try to connect i see in the openap: connection refused or connection rest be peer
when i remove the .dll it connec t to opennap


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« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2005, 08:56:52 pm »
thank you for pointing out that bug with opennap, it should be corrected re-download and try again :-)

for other problems it's best if you post the problem, any error messages etc, and any addons/plugins you have in this thread -just to keep things in one place :-)


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waiting for network replay - timeout
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2005, 03:15:49 am »
Can't seem to get anything to download - I can search, I can ping, but when I try to download everything timesout?

I have installed latest patch  ws2_32.dll into my winxm folder - didn't help.

Offline Me Here

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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2005, 03:38:02 am »
Nothing has changed about WinMX that would effect your downloading ability except the users.
There are not as many of us back, however the numbers of returning users is climbing everyday.
Also, recently it  was suggested that users not share for a while, and its just now starting to be known that its ok to share.
The flooding of fakes has always been an issure and conintues to be as the numbers of flooders havent drop like real users.

So be sure to do the things on this list.. esp look at number 4 and if your a primary connection now Please use our new patch on the front page or Peerguardian and add our block list.

Avoiding Fakes
KM's New Patch with built in flooding protection.



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« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2005, 04:43:45 am »
i can't connect even with the newest patch. there's a message saying using peer cache km and an ip number but it's not connecting at all. i'm on a secondary connection if that helps.




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« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2005, 04:58:22 am »
did you give it a couple of minutes to connect? due to a lack of free slots because of the flooders (the same number of them, on a much much smaller network...) it can take a few minutes to connect :-(


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« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2005, 05:18:53 am »
yes i have. i even closed winmx and restarted it several times. still no connection but i'll keep trying and let you know if it's still not working.



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« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2005, 07:40:41 am »
YES!!!!!!!!! WE ARE BACK!!!!
I would like to thank everyone who hepled,everyone who believed in winmx and saved it:)
thank you all:)


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« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2005, 11:43:42 am »
it finally connected for me. it took about 7 hours though. the hubby thinks maybe it is because it's been raining off and on since last night here in adelaide. thanks for everything.


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