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Author Topic: Remove Immediatly & Thank You  (Read 5687 times)

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Joan Stark

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Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:02:06 pm »
Please Remove

Please remove all my artwrok that was copied from my website that does not have my signature attached from DarkElves to the files as it is in pure copyright violations under terms of use.

                     -- Joan G. Stark -- All Rights Reserved --
READ: Internet Copyright Information & Intellectual Property Law Primer

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2007, 12:01:37 am »
Hi Joan sorry to impose an additional burden on yourself but perhaps you could indicate what your claiming as your property as the law specifies, I shall then check that against the internet archive to confirm the validity of your claim and then it will be removed swiftly if thats ok.

Thank you for your co-operation  8)

Dark Lord

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Re: Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2007, 01:03:20 am »

wonder whats going on here since yesterday morning.

1) seems more ppl are just tryin to stir more shi*
2) i don't believe that is   joan stark    ghostship
3) just open the zip files on the pages for fast ascii and add this line to all the artwork that i have done that is joans and everything is in accordance to law and no one can say anything about any of it as it will comply with joans request on her website to where and which i had already informed her along time ago what i was doing with her artwork and sent her a nice email thanking her to which is why i dont believe taht is joan ^ there ... its prob just another person tryin to keep this feud going even further
between you and me.      add this to all of mine and joans work    jgs / »°Ð{¥}§°« thats all you need to do is edit the ini file in each zip folder and make sure  please that the way i placed it above is placed exactly as shown . then in the program file that has fast ascii included you might have to edit the files in there and place that on each one.. and that is accordance to law and doesnt infringe on anyones copywrights although i dont believe thats joan up there^ but to be safe you might want to do that . and i've had enough of this crap cause seems like some of time im getting blamed for posts i didnt post. but some i did that i dont deny.  but if you really want to keep all my work so be it  im too tired of all this shi* and yes i did contact my lawyer   but i want this to end.

remember please   edit the ini files in all those zips and just place jgs / »°Ð{¥}§°« in each ini file  to those that are not tagged  and later on down the road maybe in a few months i may send yah a copy of the other artists signarure to add to and such that worked with me in creating them and that way no one can be in deep doo doo .

good luck  ghost

ill check back tomorrow just to see  if they replied to which is theirs cause i even gave credit to joan stark on the first copy Volume One  if you look through the pages im not sure which page it is  but i doubt thats her ^ there

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Re: Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2007, 01:20:22 am »
I have sent an email to verify the original post here. If this is indeed Joan, we will comply with 'her' wishes on the matter.

Dark Lord

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Re: Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2007, 01:37:45 am »
well im glad you sent them an email  i didnt    but like i said i doubt it is joan and if it is  all she is stating is to have her initials on her work..... which is what is even stated on her website

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Remove Immediatly & Thank You
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2007, 08:28:04 pm »
Sorry to have to point out something simple to you Dark Eleves but you told me this was your work, I can see now why you chose not to call a lawyer, stealing other peoples work is wrong and you should have made it plain when you gave the work to the community it was not yours to give and perhaps a site link for Joan as well as giving her her credit.

Please dont bother replying I shall just clean up the mess as best I can  :x

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