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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World  |  Site Feedback  |  A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?

Author Topic: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?  (Read 3666 times)

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A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« on: February 27, 2008, 03:49:31 am »
In the room everyone's constantly discussing pc setups, windows setups, linux, pc issues, pc software, things like so. Might be nice just to have a little spot where maybe if someone has a pc issue they may want to ask about can just ask. Or maybe if someone learns a new tweak or workaround maybe, or even just buys a new pc and wants to post the stats. As long as you do not endorse pirating then you're fairly safe I would think on that end. Just an idea. Kick it around a little. :D
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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 05:33:39 am »
I think that would be a good idea personally. There as been many of times where i have needed help and i am a computer engineer. I think the users would like it.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2008, 02:09:39 pm »
I general I like the idea of this, I cant say I like the bit about users stats being posted as that is sort of forum filling for the sake of it info thats not likely to be of help, but I do like the idea of users with weird of wonderful setups sharing their know-how with other users and steering their fellow mx users in the right direction when problems arise, there is one caveat though with creating such an area, will it be a self manging area as you can perhaps see the dilemna with someone posting an obscure problem and the poor mods and supervisors here not having the exact answer to help them, this could lead to some harsh words from some posters so it has to be addressed before any firm decision is made, after all I wouldnt be wanting to add to the workload of the most helpful folk on the site at the cost to the rest of the site, so all that aside I am liking the concept of new tips and info being exchanged.

What do the rest of the site team think of this ?

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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 06:21:27 pm »
Kinda like the idea in principal and have helped out myself on other general pc help forums so wouldn't mind having some input into this myself...could also gain a good few users to winmx into the bargain.... so a yes from here  :)

Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 03:34:28 am »
I'm just talking about a "general" unmoderated section where users can let their inner pc geeks roam free. Obviously if a user comes on and asks what's the digital rpm of a psycholitical pathological modular algarythem or some crap like that noone's gonna know the answer so all we can say is we don't know on that or direct them to another site they may not know of that would. By pc stats I mean like my vid card is nvidia, I got a p4 proc, an asus motherboard, 2gig me. That kind of thing. We've all posted our stats in the room at one time or another anyway. And I mean I used to have all kinds of tweaks and hands-on repair tips and such like that that I saved so I'd know. It wouldn't have to be a laboring section just to draw people's attention. Just kind of put it there as say "Got A PC Problem? Maybe We Can Help, Post It And See. : General PC Issues, Setups, Tweaks, and Geeky Stuff". Might have to section it up a tiny bit but there are other "unmoderated" moderated areas of the forum so shouldn't be a biggy. :)
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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2008, 08:33:09 am »
be nice to have say a shout box on site too

Offline GhostShip

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Re: A possible Q & A area for just general pc issues?
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2008, 09:27:06 am »
I cant really say that a shoutbox is ever likely to become reality for this site, I have after all seen it abused on many sites I have helped on, either spammers or folks with grudges are often the main posters in such a box and policing it is near impossible  :(

I,ll speak with the rest of the supervisors now that is seems a few of the more interested folks have made their preferences clear with having a pc help section.

Cheers for the feedback folks 8)

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