This peice has little information in it but whos complaining major labels took top dishonors for driving file-sharing service Napster out of business in 2001, instead of figuring out a way to make money from its tens of millions of users. The downloaders merely scattered to hundreds of other sites, and the industry has been in a tailspin ever since.
"The labels' campaign to stop their music from being acquired for free across the Internet has been like trying to cork a hurricane -- upward of a billion files are swapped every month on peer-to-peer networks," Blender said in the report, which appears in its newly published April issue.
I sort of get the idea that these few words where addded to spice up an otherwise dull peice but they are still relevant unfortunately as greed and selfishness from the recording industry has kept the situation the same for so many years costing them multiple billions in lost sales.
Foresight is still needed to begin to address the problem they have created for themselves, hiding your head in the sand has not worked and nor has attacking or bullying those who enjoy music for what it is, until the disasterous management teams from the big four wake up and work with those offering them a way out of the problem that is fair to the consumer and artist alike, we are doomed to see history repeat itself, forcing users onto heavy encryption is their next shot in the foot, will they ever learn ?