It seems some Icelandic tracker operators wanted to know what sort of intelligence the anti-piracy folks where gathering, (likely illegally), and decided some "play acting" was in order. first arranged a meeting with Snæbjörn Steingrímsson, the executive of SMÁÍS, about a month ago. He told Snæbjörn that he could provide details about the owners and administrators of the BitTorrent tracker, and said he was willing to testify against them.
To gain the confidence of Snæbjörn and the other investigators, 15 in total, Unnar led them to believe that the TVB staff was threatening him. “I was called in for another meeting and I told him that I had been assaulted because somebody knew I was going to witness against TVB, I made my friend give me some bruises.” Undy told TorrentFreak.
The investigators fell for it, and believed that they finally had an insider on their side, so they started to share confidential information. The cover story had worked, and this Friday Unnar was called in for a meeting where they showed 1000 pages of evidence against TVB.
All in all Unnar thinks that he has gathered enough information to have a significant advantage in court. This Friday he publicly shared his covert-ops experiences with other users at TVB, but up until now, he hasn’t heard anything from SMÁÍS.
I wouldnt be waiting for any court apperance if I was this guy, my phone calls would be to the police after a swift call to the data protection authorities, after all you cant let illegal personal data gathering and criminal trespassing on a computer system go unchecked, let these criminals be seen for what they are would be my policy
Lets hope enough facts from this case emerge to make the public more aware of the dirtier side of so called "anti-piracy" operations that are in fact often just staged events that are used for the enforced continuation of their global monopoly over artist and consumer alike, it seems its common practice for Cartel groups to break into web sites they believe affect their monopoly, a word to the wise Cartel "Enforcers": breaking the law renders your evidence unusable and yourselves liable to criminal and civil penalties.