...ladies & gentlemen. I currently have WinMX version & it seems to work well within its own capabilities, but I was wondering if anyone here could tell me if any versions of WinMX 4.53, 4.54, + are still in usage by anyone. I have found version 4.6.... to be rather tiresome & I personally do not find all of the files that I am looking for. I tend to look for audio files for music and spoken word and video files for movies & funny clips/old cartoons/tv commercials, etc. I am NOT a porn hound, but if that is someone else's thing, keep it to yourself, like I really need to know....
I also found the versions of WinMX 4.5 + to be quite interesting when looking for a conversation. 4.6 doesn't appear to have squat when it comes to chat rooms! I had heard, & was under the impression, that 4.6 was also only for sale at however much per day, per month, etc. and that all of the chat rooms were fully regulated & monitored. So, maybe I've been rather out of the loop but that definitely does not appear to be the case. Please, someone, school me... tell me where should I go to recover the feel and the ambiance of the old WinMX of the old 4.5 + days!
Thank you!
Spookey Ruben Ghost Hunter Extraordinaire!