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Author Topic: CARTA ABIERTA AL SR.VLADD  (Read 2076 times)

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« on: October 13, 2005, 01:48:35 am »
Nos dirigimos a ti para expresarte nuestra opinión y pedirte que pienses cuidadosamente en tus actos .Por favor te pedimos que pienses en el bien del WinMx y no solo en conseguir la gloria para ti solo.Te pedimos que pares de atacar y dar soporte a los que lo hacen contra la ws2_32.dll o qualquier otra iniciativa de KM para que los usuarios puedan conectarse.Te pedimos tambien que termines con tus planes de cerrar WinMX para cambiarlo por tu propio programa personal p2p ie: MXpie.Por el bien de WinMx te rogamos reconsideres tus planes y los motivos que te llevan a actuar asi.Este programa no te pertenece a ti o a UNA sola persona,WinMx pertenece a los usuarios.Tus acciones podrian inducir a los usuarios a pensar que quieres tomar posesión de algo que no te pertenece y destruir cualquier otra opción que no entre en los planes que tú y tu equipo teneis con el PIEPatch.Esta es la posición de Winmxworld,creemos que no tienes ningún derecho de cojer WinMx y tomar decisiones que afectan a la totalidad de los usuarios basandote en su desconocimiento.El control de WinMx no pertenece en exclusiva a o a PIE , cómo tampoco lo hace a Winmxworld o WinMxGroup.
Deseamos que todos los usuarios  que lean esto vean exactamente lo que tú y tu grupo intentais hacer como prueban tus propias palabras aqui transcritas .

15:06] Vladd44: our end of the line date for everything being ready on the push is oct 31st, i want to start pushing b4 then, but thats when everything must be in full effect

[15:06] Nobby: yes Sabre, i do agree i have discussed begining some press releases with Vladd, but we will need to be assured the peer caches can take any increased demand first
[15:07] Vladd44: if we push the numbers and we cant handle them, we are in trouble, and will never recover
[15:07] Gemini777: agreed
[15:07] Jimmy: or a hit from the .dll servers too
[15:07] Vladd44: so we have to be ready when it happens
[15:07] Nobby: perhaps Sabre can update us as to where we are, i for one would like to ear him have the floor for a min or 2?
[15:07] Ranma?: i'm working on udp validation. if we manage to get it working we should be able to handle more queries
[15:07] Nobby: hear*
[15:07] Vladd44: which also means getting that dll off of more peoples comps

[15:08] (E-mail Address Not Verified): we need to put on V's site to tell ppl to remove the dll patch
[15:09] Vladd44: almost 10,000 people downloaded piepatch 2.6 from me at days end yesterday
[15:09] (E-mail Address Not Verified): but implications of that?
[15:09] Vladd44: so in 24 hours another 10,000 people got it from site

[15:09] (E-mail Address Not Verified): ppl r using pie patch fine ... they all get the info and many look in for updates
[15:10] (E-mail Address Not Verified): but the official word needs to go out to stop using KM's patch
[15:10] (E-mail Address Not Verified): like on the front page

[15:10] (E-mail Address Not Verified): but seriously like what Matt said we need to get KM's patch off his site :) or something as drastic as that to stop ppl from using it.

[15:14] Vladd44: if in doubt, and they cant host a peer cache send them to research
[15:15] Vladd44: bc thats the 2 things we need in place to bury this
[15:15] Vladd44: we need more people running peer caches
[15:15] Vladd44: and we need more places to post about JesusMX :P

[15:25] Vladd44: thats after the 30 day period of recovery
[15:25] Vladd44: we have to keep enough of a userbase to make a built in migration

[15:28] Nobby: this will help me and other team members work out how the fuck to reach 8 million ppl
[15:28] Nobby: i do ofc understand the tech guys must be prepared for this first

[15:28] Nobby: i have ideas, but we need more
[15:29] Nobby: this is bigger than most of u could imagine
[15:29] Nobby: no disrespect indended

[15:48] SABre'911: (sorry, gathering thoughts, lost them)
[15:48] SABre'911: I have asked hollow, who I think is overloaded at present, for a Search and Destory of ws2_32.dll to be added to the next installer.
[15:48] Vladd44: yes
[15:49] Vladd44: it needs to go

[15:49] SABre'911: The 2.7 version of the host file well have at least 1 or 2 new caches in it, and probably remove KM's caches.

[15:50] Vladd44: i have mixed views about pulling all of his servers out
[15:50] SABre'911: I dont.
[15:50] Vladd44: lol
[15:50] Vladd44: i was speaking from political terms
[15:50] SABre'911: It was already stated ``I didnt do it the winmx way''.

[15:52] Vladd44: people will go to where they know
[15:52] Vladd44: and a lot of people know v44
[15:52] Vladd44: and love is building a rep on help
[15:52] Vladd44: but we need to get more involved in helping
[15:52] Vladd44: thats the key
[15:53] Vladd44: i will start trying to crack a whip

[16:07] Vladd44: no reason to argue battles that breaking even is winning
[16:07] Vladd44: its pointless
[16:07] Vladd44: not on the forum
[16:07] Vladd44: in a channel
[16:07] Vladd44: on a street corner
[16:07] Vladd44: so i implore everyone to abstain
[16:07] Vladd44: simply ignore it
[16:07] Vladd44: if someone is wrong it will bear out
[16:07] Vladd44: you dont need to prove them wrong
[16:08] Vladd44: its lose lose
[16:08] Jimmy: do not boot them
[16:08] Camille  Le On: or ban
[16:08] Vladd44: that would be admitting you heard them
[16:08] Jimmy: we have a plan
[16:08] Vladd44: people do not talk to walls
[16:08] SABre'911: lmfao  some do
[16:08] Vladd44: lol true
[16:08] Jimmy: thier plan is to disturb our plan

[16:08] Jimmy: that's all they have
[16:08] Vladd44: just go forward
[16:09] Vladd44: look to the agenda you have
[16:09] Vladd44: the reasons you are doing this
[16:09] Vladd44: each of us is doing this for their own set of reasons, most of us are just to stubborn to walk away
[16:09] SABre'911: ``I must hijack winmx''  Oh, wait, already done... next!
[16:09] Vladd44: dont get sidetracked by someone else

[16:10] Sable: whats wrong with hijacking winmx ?
[16:10] Sable: freon hijacked TSC and i dit LVHC lol
[16:10] Nobby: how far are u prepared to go with that Vladd, i cant allow too much bad PR to the ppl, as i said earlier

[16:13] Nobby: this is more important than a name, its almost a corporate identity, excuse the phrase, but from a pr point of view, its crucial
[16:13] Gemini777: lol
[16:13] Sable: i vote for sabmx :))
[16:14] Sable: piemx
[16:14] Vladd44: nah
[16:14] Vladd44: not piemx
[16:14] Vladd44: MXpie
16:14] Sable: :(
[16:14] Nobby: we already have an identity, go with it, it will score with public support
[16:14] (E-mail Address Not Verified): it must start with winmx or mx
[16:14] SABre'911: Carefull of trademark
[16:14] Nobby: im with MXpie
[16:14] Subhuman_Bob: if we change the name, then why are we trying to save WinMX?  We may as well start over from scratch, whcih is what a name change would be.  People use WinMX because they've heard of it.
[16:14] Sable: PieMX
[16:15] (E-mail Address Not Verified): I like it ... MXPie or MXpie?
[16:15] K?I???'?.: hijackMX
[16:15] Sable: lol
[16:15] *** JIM-921 has left the conversation.
[16:15] Vladd44: if there is a clone, or update bob, it cant be named winmx
[16:15] Nobby: because Bob, we ae now our own entity
[16:15] Vladd44: ok
[16:15] Vladd44: well i like MXpie
[16:15] Vladd44: but thats just me
[16:15] Vladd44: or MXPie
[16:15] Nobby: MXpie, is my vote
[16:15] Vladd44: i wasnt taking a vote :P

[16:16] K?I???'?.: i vote with the majority
[16:17] (E-mail Address Not Verified): hey we get them to use it first ... THEN we tell them the origin of it :)
[16:17] Nobby: thats 6, 1 more
[16:17] Camille  Le On: you got to get them to trust it first
[16:17] Camille  Le On: users are like sheep
[16:17] Camille  Le On: they stick to what they know
[16:36] * Vladd44 seriously any objects to this being available?
[16:36] SABre'911: Nope
[16:36] Vladd44: its going to be available anyway
[16:36] (E-mail Address Not Verified): mass distribute it
[16:36] SABre'911: we should not be able to be branded as working behind closed doors.
[16:36] (E-mail Address Not Verified): more ppl need to know what we r doing.
[16:36] Vladd44: agreed sabre
[16:36] Gemini777: agreed sabre
[16:36] Subhuman_Bob: I don't think anything was said that people shouldn't hear
[16:36] Camille  Le On: true
[16:36] Camille  Le On: so share it
[16:36] Nobby: 100%
[16:36] Camille  Le On: let them see it
[16:37] Vladd44: ok
[16:37] Subhuman_Bob: if people want to accuse us of hiding things, they'll just claim the logs were edited before they were posted.
[16:37] Vladd44: then i am done

Te invitamos a que envies tus opiniones sobre el tema a complaints@mxpie .Si estas interesado en el texto completo :


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