Looks like Techdirt have another great story here about the cartel taking over myspace and driving out the independent music producers who made trhe place worth going to.
http://techdirt.com/articles/20080925/1530262378.shtmlThe success of MySpace was helped along quite a bit by independent and non-major-label musicians using the site as a distribution mechanism and way to reach out to and connect with fans. So that's why we were surprised, earlier this week, about reports claiming that the new MySpace Music subsidiary was blocking out some indie labels and focusing mainly on just the major labels (most of whom own a piece of MySpace Music). Yet, now the Financial Times is also reporting that a number of well known bands and independent record labels are complaining about being locked out of MySpace Music - including the Arctic Monkeys
MySpace, undoubtedly, will claim that it offered the independent labels fair terms which they rejected, but when the site itself is owned in part by the major record labels, it's not hard to understand why the indies might feel that they're not getting a very fair deal.
I dont think anyone needs a map to see whats going on here a bit of the old "monopoly protection" going on, you all know my views, dump your account and go to a real "social" networking site that dont treat you like sheep and sell off your personal info for profit.
My advice it to ask yourself a simple question before placing all your info into those nice blank boxes ,how do theses social sites make money ? Thats right selling your private info, wise up and clam up for your own good.