hi Dtec498,
I'm having a hard time finding your Internet provider can you tell us who that is?
Not being able to download is usually going to be because of the ISP throttling WinMX so badly it cant connect most of the time. Do your uploads and downloads work some of the time? When/if they do, is it usually smaller files your able to download?
Here are some things to check/know:
1) -Make sure that your not using a program called 'Threatfire' this was discovered recently to stop downloads from proceding (although it allowed uploads oddly enough)
2) -Make sure that your AEQ settings are set right:
https://www.winmxworld.com/help/winmx-settings-search.html - Having these set to defaults can cause downloads not to work.
3) -Make sure that what ever firewall your using is allowing WinMX 'and' where appropriate that the correct ports are set in it. If your using XP firewall it does require ports set up for uploads to work and its a good idea if you use 'another' firewall to check and make sure the XP one is off:
https://www.winmxworld.com/tutorials/changing_port_numbers.html -settings/checking ports in WinMX
https://www.winmxworld.com/tutorials/firewall.html -check/set up Firewalls with WinMX
4) -Besure that the patch your using is the 'WinMX Community Patch 1.0' from
https://patch.winmxconex.com This will ensure your not attempting to download fake files.
Try these things and settings Dtec and get back to us with your Internet Provider name so we can let you know of any known issues with them that might cause this for you.