This is a very simple coutdown script,I suggest that you run it in its own bot.
To start the timer = !st%PARAM% where %PARAM% is the number of days to countdown eg.!st30
Alter the text output lines to whatever you want to show.
hope this is what you wanted,
<command type = "script">
<out type = "push" extdata = "minute">0</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "hour">0</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "daystocount">%PARAM%</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkdy">%DAY-OF-WEEK%</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "0">Sunday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "1">Monday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "2">Tueday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "3">Wednesday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "4">Thursday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "5">Friday</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "wkday" condition = "1" lvalue = "$wkdy$" rvalue = "6">Saturday</out>
<out>#c16#It is now #c8#$wkday$ #c7#%LONGDATE% #c16#the #c7#$daystocount$ #c16#day counter has begun</out>
<OnTimer type = "script" interval = "60" condition = "3" lvalue = "$daystocount$" rvalue = "-1">
<out type = "push" extdata = "minute"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$minute$" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$minute$" rvalue = "60"/>
<out type = "break" condition = "0" lvalue = "$minute$" rvalue = "60"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "hour"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$hour$" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "minute">0</out>
<out type = "self" condition = "1" lvalue = "$hour$" rvalue = "24">!displayer</out>
<command type = "script">
<out type = "push" extdata = "daystocount"><operator type = "-" lvalue = "$daystocount$" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out condition = "1" lvalue = "$daystocount$" rvalue = "0">#c16#It is now #c8#$wkday$ #c7#%LONGDATE% #c16#The day has finally arrived</out>
<out type = "break" condition = "1" lvalue = "$daystocount$" rvalue = "0"/>
<out>#c16#It is now #c8#$wkday$ #c7#%LONGDATE% #c16#there are #c7#$daystocount$ #c16#days left until.........</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "hour">0</out>