No one here can definitively state using any sort of encryption alone will help as sometimes an ISP will use the unidentified encrypted traffic rule and look at the duration of the traffic, this can result in throttling also, a proposed response would need to utilise more than one single counter method to halt the practice.
We have been having discussions on counter measures and researching ways to maximise any anti-throttling initiatives for some time now, the key roadblock is that any method selected will need to be implemented at both ends of a transfer and thus should see the light of day in a general client update, this is something we have seen progress on in stops and starts as developers deliver segments but not a whole client thus far, each time the work builds into a bigger mass and we are a few steps nearer the final goal, I apologise to anyone for the massive delay in advance but until all the developers pull together we will have to take the slow road and work as best we can to bring the project to fruit, rest assured there is always work going on by one or another of the community developers although the pace is not as fast as many would wish.
I hope this answers your second post and some of your first, we are after all a community here and folks come and go on the development team and this has to be factored in when discussing completion dates that if over optimistic would anger some folks.