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Offline GhostShip

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Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« on: January 12, 2009, 02:41:38 am »
Folks as some of you know I am trying to edge my way out of heading the site here and focus my attentions on development, for a while I have been trying to do both but I noticed that the site was suffering from this so with the help of Tig and the rest of the crew others are going to be filling my usual slots around the forum, have no fear though I am not leaving the site never to be heard of again  :lol:

I have had a great time working here with many of the most talented people you could wish to meet but I have been for some time now not been putting the site first as I believed and still do that we need client code if we are to gather yet more users and fix some problems identified over the last few years, this then is what I intend to be doing full time until we have something that the users are happy with, anyone is free to contact me if they want to help with this project, at this time I wont be asking what folks want as the goal is firstly to duplicate the functions of mx and then add items or features not in the original build, this of course is common sense  :yes: 

The good news is the project is already under way and going slowly but surely, when testers are required I will of course ask the community for help but let me not mislead you, this will be some time away, I hope you are all in agreement that at this stage we have nothing to lose by me handing over the reins to the rest of the well known crew here who have patiently put up with me over the years and yet again are willing to pull the community cart, to allow me work on something I feel is important and a priority.

For those who like to read the short version : Out with the old, In with the new for 2009, lets keep WinMX alive together and once again prove you cannot crush the spirit from friends who stand shoulder to shoulder against oppression.

I,m a proud man and your support has kept me that way, thanks for your time and understanding folks.

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 02:42:22 am »
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ghostship for all his hard work around the site over the last few years. However, I do believe this is not the last of him as there are many more adventures yet.

In the case of who is going to report the news DON”T worry ALL.  I will now take this opportunity to welcome DaBeeKnees and p2p rules to the news section and who are now reporting the news to the community.

Over this early part of the year, you will all notice new jobs around and the older admins are picking up something new as Ghostship has already done. This year is a time for a change and a time for a new beginning.
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. BY Norman Vincent Peale

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 03:11:57 am »
Well I can't do coding so I suppose you can sign me up as one of the guinea pigs when you need some testing. As for the move I can say I've been seeing this coming for a while because I think that's where your hearts been for a long time now. Courage is being strong enough to brave areas that all others have either failed to try or failed and gave up. Sail away my friend and do not worry, we will do the best we can. Of course I don't believe for one second that you will not be posting news, just maybe not quite as much, lol.
When you wake up each morning always try to remember tomorrow is never your option, it's God's. Love like you want to. Live like you aren't afraid. And ALWAYS try to remember that even if it seems personal it's never as important as something you may have forgotten to do today. Help_AE182F4EBABE - For WinMX help or help on other pc related matters. Cafe_AE182F4ECAFE - For great chat.

Offline Trestor

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 05:56:56 am »
I have valued greatly your frequent contributions here, and keeping us informed about what is going on. But all things change, and I am glad that you will still be around, working towards a new client. Thank you very much for your hard work, past and future.

Offline Røçkåfë££ë® §kåñK

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 10:38:30 am »
Unfortunately i am a busy man also, but any help i can offer to you GS please feel free to grab me or add me to msn.

A new client is definately what is needed, i too have thought about this in the last few weeks, but a combined effort is a must.
Well done on ur hard work on the site, and good luck in ur efforts towards the client.

perhaps a new name for the client "BinMX" is my suggestion :P
[ìíÍIí¯Iì·´¯ìÍ]Íì•íÌí¯`·íI¯ìIÌì í]¡í¯ìIÎ Røçkåfë££ë® §kåñK ÎIí¯ì¡[ì íÍIí¯Iì·´¯ìÍì•íÌ[Ìí¯`·íI¯ìIÌìí]

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 01:05:17 pm »
perhaps a new name for the client "BinMX" is my suggestion

i always thought "reMX" (pronounced 'remix') would have been a good name for a new client ;)

anywho.... can i help out a little?... the bugs in the sites stylesheet are killing me... (whos in charge of that part?)

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Ghostship To Sail Fresh Waters !
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2009, 11:58:44 am »
Well its about time ya stopped trying to do everything round here ya pain in the arse. Glad you finally decided to shift ya work load to what is important and im sure the new news readers, and the rest of us will take up the slack. Good luck, with the project if their is anyone who has the knowledge, time, patience and leadership skills to get people involved and doing what they do best is yourself.
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