Not posted anything here for a while,had a spare hour so thought I'd write a quick script.
<command type = "script">
<out condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicegame$" rvalue = "1">#c7#Sorry the game is already in play</out>
<out type = "break" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicegame$" rvalue = "1"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicegame">1</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "player">%NAME%</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice2"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice3"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice4"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice5"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice6"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice7"> </out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicenumused">""</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "Lose">Lose</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "Double">Double</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "Treble">Treble</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "Points">Points</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "Give">Give</out>
<out>#c5#Type !throwdice to play #c16#or !exp for the rules</out>
<command type = "script" users = "_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_;$player$;">
<out condition = "0" lvalue = "$dicegame$" rvalue = "1">#c16#You must type #c7#!game #c16#to play</out>
<out type = "break" condition = "0" lvalue = "$dicegame$" rvalue = "1"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botgo"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "loop">0</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "loop"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue ="1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicenum"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "%RANDOMNUM[6]%" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "1">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "2">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice3" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "3">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice4" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "4">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "-6"condition = "0" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "4"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "loop">0</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "loop"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue ="1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicenum"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "%RANDOMNUM[6]%" rvalue = "1"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice5" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "1">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dice6" condition = "1" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "2">$dicenum$</out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "-4"condition = "0" lvalue = "$loop$" rvalue = "2"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "1">$Lose$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "2">$Double$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "3">$Points$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "4">$Points$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "5">$Double$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice5$" rvalue = "6">$Lose$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "1">$Treble$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "2">$Give$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "3">$Points$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "4">$Points$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "5">$Give$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetext2" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dice6$" rvalue = "6">$Treble$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetotal">$dice$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetotal"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "$dice2$"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetotal"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "$dice3$"/></out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "dicetotal"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "$dice4$"/></out>
<out type = "self">!checkstatus</out>
<command type = "script" users = "_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type = "goto" extdata = "12" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "2"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "playerdiceholder" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Double$$Points$"><operator type = "*" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "2"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "7" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Double$$Points$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "playerdiceholder" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Treble$"><operator type = "*" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "3"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "5" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Treble$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botdicetotal" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Give$"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$botdicetotal$" rvalue = "$dicetotal$"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "4" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Give$"/>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "3" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Lose$$Points$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "playerdiceholder">$dicetotal$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "playerdicetotal"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$playerdicetotal$" rvalue = "$playerdiceholder$"/></out>
<out type = "self" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "1">!showdice</out>
<out type = "break"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botdiceholder" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Double$$Points$"><operator type = "*" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "2"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "7" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Double$$Points$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botdiceholder" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Treble$"><operator type = "*" lvalue = "$dicetotal$" rvalue = "3"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "5" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Treble$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "playerdicetotal" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Give$"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$playerdicetotal$" rvalue = "$dicetotal$"/></out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "4" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Points$$Give$"/>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "3" condition = "1" lvalue = "$dicetext$$dicetext2$" rvalue = "$Lose$$Points$"/>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botdiceholder">$dicetotal$</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "botdicetotal"><operator type = "+" lvalue = "$botdicetotal$" rvalue = "$botdiceholder$"/></out>
<out type = "self" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "2">!showdice</out>
<command type = "script" users = "_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type = "push" extdata = "botgo" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "2">0</out>
<out> </out>
<out> #c20#[#c1#$dicetext$#c20#] [#c1#$dicetext2$#c20#]</out>
<out> #c20#[#c1#$dice$#c20#] [#c1#$dice2$#c20#] [#c1#$dice3$#c20#] [#c1#$dice4$#c20#] #c7#Playerscore #c8#= #c20#[#c1#$playerdicetotal$#c20#] #c8#Botscore #c7#= #c20#[#c1#$botdicetotal$#c20#]</out>
<out> </out>
<out condition = "3" lvalue = "$playerdicetotal$" rvalue = "99">#c8#Well done $player$ you have beaten the Bot.</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "winner" condition = "3" lvalue = "$playerdicetotal$" rvalue = "99">1</out>
<out type = "goto" extdata = "3" condition = "3" lvalue = "$playerdicetotal$" rvalue = "99"/>
<out condition = "3" lvalue = "$botdicetotal$" rvalue = "99">#c8#Hard luck $player$ you have lost to the Bot.</out>
<out type = "push" extdata = "winner" condition = "3" lvalue = "$botdicetotal$" rvalue = "99">1</out>
<out type = "self" condition = "1" lvalue = "$winner$" rvalue = "1">!win</out>
<out type = "break" condition = "1" lvalue = "$winner$" rvalue = "1"/>
<out condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "1">#c16#The Bot is now throwing the dice</out>
<out delay = "2000" type = "self" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "1">!throwdice</out>
<out delay = "2000" condition = "1" lvalue = "$botgo$" rvalue = "0">#c16#Please type !throwdice</out>
<command type = "script" users = "_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_;$player$;">
<out type = "pop" extdata = "playerdiceholder"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "botdiceholder"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "dicegame"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "botgo"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "playerdicetotal"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "botdicetotal"/>
<out type = "pop" extdata = "winner"/>
<out> #c21#SimpleDice By #c2#F£#c10#¥#c2#è®</out>
<command type = "script">
<out>#c16#This is a very easy points scoring game against the bot,the first to 100 or more is the winner.</out>
<out>#c16#If the 2 text dice contain the words Double Points, Points Treble, Points Give or Lose Points then that action is performed.</out>
<out>#c8#Type !throwdice to play.</out>