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WinMX World :: Forum  |  OpenNap Help  |  OpenNap  |  Opennap getting started guide

Author Topic: Opennap getting started guide  (Read 3670 times)

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Opennap getting started guide
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:16:36 am »
I just had a peek at the help section. In your opennap getting started section it states     
"select Select All then right click again and then select Connect"
This has been discussed in other post's that I've seen and that is a very BAD piece of advice.
Could someone perhaps change that please?
Attempting to connect to ALL of the servers in the list at the same time results in the all too common complaint
"I got banned for not sharing enough!"
The problem is that as multiple servers connect, winmx sends a list of your shared files to each server.
If you are simultaneously connecting to multiple servers all at the same time, some of those networks will
fail to receive your shared files list! When that happens, the automated server software has no other option
than to see you as having 0 shares thus auto-banning you as it's supposed to do.
The proper way to deal with almost anything you do on opennap involves patience.
When you click on the Open Nap Protocol page in winmx, Please, please, resist the urge to select  "Select All"
Instead, beginning anywhere in the list of networks that you please (top, middle, bottom, it doesn't matter), simply right click individually on each network separately and then choose Connect. Only connect to ONE AT A TIME.
Wait until each one turns to green before attempting to connect to the next one.
This should ensure that you never get banned provided you share the min required.
It really doesn't take that long and remember.... Please Practice Patience! :-)

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Opennap getting started guide
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 11:47:37 am »
Well really opennap used to have like 30-40 servers running. My last nip over to gotnap showed me about 15 or so. And this used to be a issue when people had much slower lines. Something that has changed alot over the last 5 years. An im sure you can change the time to be more lenient in your settings to stop such a issue. But i will ask someone to look at it again for you.
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Re: Opennap getting started guide
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 12:13:38 pm »
Hmmm  wow I just counted 38 networks and 52 total servers listed right now.
15 must have been a real low point.
I'm glad that I missed out on that.
At any rate, even with a good dsl line or cable connection,
the highest number of opennap networks that I'd try to
login into at the same time might be 2 or 3 at the most.
To avoid the "banned for not sharing enough" thing

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