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Author Topic: Shocker: Windows 7 to sell in UK for half the US price!  (Read 902 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Shocker: Windows 7 to sell in UK for half the US price!
« on: August 20, 2009, 06:45:38 am »,39029471,49303374,00.htm

We've been doing some investigating, friends -- making phone calls, demanding answers. And it was worth it. We can confirm something very few people get to confirm: British shoppers aren't going to be totally shafted over software pricing for once. Full versions of Windows 7 Home Premium are going to cost us half as much as they cost Americans.

In the UK, full versions of Windows 7 Home Premium -- not an upgrade edition -- are going to cost around £65. That's less than the price the Americans have to pay just for an upgrade version -- $120 (£72) -- and half what they'll have to cough up for a full version -- $200 (£122). is already selling the full version of Home Premium for £65, and is selling it for a little more at £75, but with free delivery. Incidentally, this is the version that includes Internet Explorer 8 -- the Windows 7 E editions have now been scrapped (see our previous coverage for info).

An spokesperson told us to treat this pricing as "indefinite". We asked Microsoft for comment on the pricing disparity, but it's yet to get back to us. Our best guess is that it's honouring its pricing for Windows 7 E, which was cheaper because an upgrade wasn't possible.

It's nice to see a more realistic price being set in the current econonic climate.  8)

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Re: Shocker: Windows 7 to sell in UK for half the US price!
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2009, 03:15:56 pm »
I don't believe they're going to have much choice in the matter really. Given the current economical status here in the states, how many do they thhink are going to be willing to run out and pay around $1100 here to build a GOOD pc that will run Win7 just so they can go buy Win7 @ $200? They really aren't going to have a choice I think. Otherwise it'll flop for price alone and likely end up leaving them in even worse shape than what they were in over Vista which I would go buy new @ $85 now for Vista Home Premium, which is what's on my wife's pc and I like just fine, before I'll pay $200 for a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium.
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