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Author Topic: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?  (Read 2824 times)

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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2010, 07:50:03 am »

By decodong another persons wireless password it is theft wether you use it or not you have still broken into someone elses property without their consent. And by now stating you have connected to someone elses wifi you have indeed comitted a crime using someone elses property without permission.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2010, 07:50:03 am »
I must ask too, i suppose...

Why DO you need to mask your identity?

What (nefarious activities) are you hiding?

Yes you DO have a reputation!
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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2010, 07:52:32 am »
Bluey if i did hide my identity it is for use on networks that suffer monitoring from anti-p2p groups it is merely to obscure my real identity while i obtained certain media.

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2010, 07:55:20 am »

By decodong another persons wireless password it is theft wether you use it or not you have still broken into someone elses property without their consent. And by now stating you have connected to someone elses wifi you have indeed comitted a crime using someone elses property without permission.

Yes many years ago I connected to an unsecure wireless access point that was hosted by the bed and breakfast for _gasp_ the guests! oh my how criminal of me.

And also decoding someone elses wifi that enters my own home be that a crime or not is morally not a grey area. I did not connect, I did not steal WiFi, I did not steal personal files. I didn't do anything.

And there is a long list of things you do. Proxy use, spamming rooms, changing ur name and signing back up to the forum thinking people don't know who you are after being banned etc. Why is this moron still even on this forum? Aren't we sick of his pathetic whining already?

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2010, 08:11:26 am »
Facts of the situation:

WEP = Cracked
WPA = Can be Brute Forced (and fast)
WPA2-PSK = Can be Brute Forced (and fast)
WPA2-AES = Can be Brute Forced (and fast)

It is easy if you have the software. Just like everything. This was my point, you disputed it, I proved you wrong and then you called me a criminal. Which I find very humorous as that has nothing to do with the topic at all.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2010, 08:12:28 am »
 Spamming and so on where is your proof Pri ??????????????????????????  and i did not hide my identity comin on here under a new name as when i first came on with this name i stated who i was clearly in the first thread i posted in.    It appears i have touched a nerve with you as it is clear you are indeed a criminal and there is no grey area in obtaining another person passwords without permission and we only have your word for doing nothing with them yet you have youself been guilty of activities on winmx agaisnt other users so please do not come the high moral ground!

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2010, 08:14:29 am »
I merley asked for more information regarding the ability to crack AES as i was interested in knowing you then turned it into a personal issue not me.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2010, 08:18:30 am »
...  and i did not hide my identity comin on here under a new name as when i first came on with this name i stated who i was clearly in the first thread i posted in. 

What utter Bulldust!!! DONT make me start quoting threads...
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2010, 08:21:05 am »
Spamming and so on where is your proof Pri ??????????????????????????  and i did not hide my identity comin on here under a new name as when i first came on with this name i stated who i was clearly in the first thread i posted in.    It appears i have touched a nerve with you as it is clear you are indeed a criminal and there is no grey area in obtaining another person passwords without permission and we only have your word for doing nothing with them

And everyone knows you spam other people have proof of your spamming including Ghostship who could write a novel on your spamming.

I can't believe you are calling me a criminal you are so full of shit haha. We are both posting on a website dedicated to a P2P application that facilitates us to download files we have not even paid for and you ran a chat room dedicated to distributing Movies not even released on DVD yet. Some screeners not even released in theatres which is a crime in the united states. Yet you still have the gull to call me the criminal lol

yet you have youself been guilty of activities on winmx agaisnt other users so please do not come the high moral ground!

What the fuck are you talking about? You are so full of shit.

I merley asked for more information regarding the ability to crack AES as i was interested in knowing you then turned it into a personal issue not me.

You made it personal by first stating I was a criminal :) - You are so full of shit. I've said it a few times, Just want to ram the point home because you are so full of shit. Before you even asked what the program was I had already given you a guide that allows you to crack AES. You expressed it was to difficult (So you've tried it huh, are you a criminal under your own definition?) and I simply told you that there are windows programs that make it easy. You wanted the name, I don't feel you are a person that can have access to such technology and not use it for nefarious purposes :)

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2010, 08:27:21 am »
SO you did not do anything toward Movies on top hots and many other user,s check your own forum ? and when i have used your network, you have no idea what media i download or have and i do not live in the US so cannot be classed a criminal. Iam pleased to see you level of english has now dropped to your true IQ level. If i am full of it what does that make you. And Bluey first time i posted was in the wcs thread around the same time Raven was banned and i did say who i was at that point.

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2010, 08:29:30 am »
SO you did not do anything toward Movies on top hots and many other user,s check your own forum ? and when i have used your network, you have no idea what media i download or have and i do not live in the US so cannot be classed a criminal. Iam pleased to see you level of english has now dropped to your true IQ level. If i am full of it what does that make you. And Bluey first time i posted was in the wcs thread around the same time Raven was banned and i did say who i was at that point.

I never did anything malicious to Movies on Top so I don't know what you're talking about. Clearly clutching at straws here Birdman :)

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2010, 08:34:43 am »
Well you have driven this topic way offline from a mere querry for more info, you know what you have done to others on winmx Pri and so do those you have done it to, anyone wants to see more just go over to his own forum, why was i banned from your room ?  was it not for standing up for the host of movies on top who you was bullying and makin threats to! well iam sorry but i cannot stand people like you with over big egos and who use that to threaten and bully other people, you maybe a clever guy Pri but as a person your nothing end of .....................

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2010, 08:39:43 am »
No you have never discussed the Host of Movies and Top in my room. I don't know what your smoking must be good stuff. You were banned in my room because you used every swear word in the book to me over PM when I incurred why you were bullying one of my members (Mr Jeeves).

Why would you ever have anything to do with MOT? You make it sound like you had something to do with it. You just aren't that important I'm afraid.

And also what are you on about with this threats bullshit I've never threatened Bill. He was using my software which was not licensed to him and I told him that I didn't want him to use it. He was using a Bot given to him by Angel who did not have my consent to give my code to Bill. I do not even know if he complied or not because I only ever spoke to him 1 time after what happened. I never made no threats.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2010, 08:49:02 am »
Hmmm thats funny considering you use to have screen shots on your own web site of me and Suzuki coming in having a go at you regarding giving Bill an ultimatim to remove your code or else, thats what you said Pri and thats why you banned me and SUzuki for sticking up for Bill and at that time i used to be in MOT all the time and i never claim to be important i just did not like you bullying Bill. So like i said do not take the mroal high ground as your far from mr clean. And mr jeeves was a member of my room before yours as i told you and there had been issues and yes i may have told you where to go when you approached me over it as it was the manor in which you approached me and was around the same time as the above goings on. Anyway enough already this is way off topic come see me if you want to argue further..................

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2010, 08:51:22 am »
Suzuki came in my room threatening me:

And you just said you came in my room threatening me too? After I had already banned you a long time before that for the Jeeves incident? lol Are you trying to dig yourself a hole by admitting that or what?

I can't believe I ever tried to help you when you got banned on this site last time. I must have been crazy to ever think you was a decent person. Even recently you were acting like an ass when I posted that IMDB script. I think you are just looking for a confrontation with me at all costs. I mean this is a topic about WiFi cracking and your brining up a room I used to admin in over 2 years ago. What has that got to do with anything. And you say I'm going about bulling people and yet everyone on WinMX has a beef with you. Because of the shit you've stirred up I had to write and release a proxy blocker program to the community, I had to compile and distribute a peer block list to stop the spam targeting you. You've pissed more people off on this network than anyone else.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2010, 09:11:28 am »
No i came to you to voice my opinion on how you had threatened the host of movies on top i did not make any threats to you but obviously you did not like being told you was in the wrong, as for what anyone else then said to you that was up to them nothing to do with me but it showed i was not the only person unhappy with how you was treating a fellow winmx user. And congrats on making lists etc i see that as nothing more than promoting your own site which is also the case where you have posted your scripts on here, even though those very scripts were not your own ideas they was taken from other rooms as in the IMBD which was running in my room long before you thought of it. You go on and on about ive done this and that well where is your damn proof ive asked many times on here for it to be shown. It is so easy to say something but proove it as without it its slander simple as. And if the only way you can express yourself is by swearing then your just showing how poorly educated you are and as i said if you want to discuss matters that are not related to this topic come and see me.......................

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2010, 09:24:46 am »
I have no idea when you added IMDB to your bot.

Here is the date from my change log:
10th/May/2008 - Added: The long awaited, many times requested !imdb movie lookup command. After several months of planning the command is in and its finished.

And I never saw IMDB in your room until very recently. You may recall that I asked you about it 'when did you add this? I've had this for years' etc it was clearly new to me.

And what did the MOT stuff have to do with you at all, you had NO idea what happened behind closed doors. You had no reason to stick your nose in, which is why people hate you so much, love to stick your nose in to other peoples buisness.

What happened in MOT was simple. Bill abandoned the room. Left it for over a year in the hands of Rav and Angel. Rav and Angel took me on as an Admin and I gave Angel many scripts I had made under the condition she did not share them with anyone. She unforutantely forgot that they were in her bot when Bill returned after being gone for a year and they reinstated him as a co-host and gave him the bot. 48 hours later he decided he wanted to take the room back. Me Rav and Angel didn't like the way he was dictating to us. But I was the newest admin and so I left the discussion and went to bed.

The next morning I wake up and Rav and Angel have told me that they have started a new room and that Bill is using my scripts still. So I ask Angel to ask Bill to stop using my scripts. She asks him and he tells her to get fucked. So I go in the room use a command to check my scripts were being used and they were. I then asked him to remove them within 3 days. I even said have a nice day and then parted. I didn't return as after I'd slept on it I decided it wasn't worth it. I don't know if his still using them or not, I couldn't care less.

And you say I've done this and I've done that, where is your damn proof? I can say the same exact thing to you. I've got a forum, if you want to discuss it come on there and we can discuss it but I know you wont. You keep saying 'come and see me' come and see you where? You don't even have a room showing on the room list at-least when I load it.

And I think I should be able to support my own site with the releases I make, after all I did code them for gods sake. Just like when Raven released WCS she hosted it on her site and posted links here to it. I don't see what the big problem is. The IMDB script alone uses my web server for every dang request it does. All my scripts clearly state if you edit them in any way at all you can host them anywhere you want. You can distribute them however you want.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2010, 09:28:41 am »
Pri i love you, and thankyou  ;)

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2010, 11:23:29 am »
Due to becoming offensive and so far off topic that without the reminders now and then i cant even remember what the topic was to start with lol
Please Blitzen if there is further discussion to be had on this off topic matter take it over to Pri`s site as invited ... if this happens to spring up elsewhere on this site i will lock such items as required as this has just become an argument of non winmxworld matters.
Thanks for the entertainment guys but enough is enough  :)

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