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Author Topic: U.S. Caves on Anti-Circumvention Rules in ACTA  (Read 807 times)

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U.S. Caves on Anti-Circumvention Rules in ACTA
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:29:19 am »
One of the biggest stories coming out of the latest ACTA leak is how the U.S. has gradually caved on its digital lock demands.  While the U.S. initially proposed an aggressive draft chapter it hoped would export U.S. law to all ACTA partners, it has now caved on many key issues with the European language carrying the day.  The implications for anti-circumvention rules are significant, since the language is closer (though not identical) to the more flexible WIPO approach and confirms that Canada's Bill C-32 actually goes beyond would be needed to comply with ACTA, were it to conclude in its current form.

Before examining the changes, it should be noted that there remain doubts about whether this chapter even belongs in ACTA.  Both Canada and Mexico have reserved the right to revisit all elements of this chapter at a later date, suggesting that both countries have concerns about the digital enforcement chapter.  Moreover, there are still disputes over the scope of the Internet chapter, with the U.S., Australia, NZ, Canada, Singapore and Mexico seeking to limit the chapter to trademark and copyright, while Japan, the EU, and Switzerland want to extend it to all IP rights.  Without resolving this issue, there is no digital enforcement in ACTA.

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Re: U.S. Caves on Anti-Circumvention Rules in ACTA
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 06:09:20 am »
Why are they calling this a leak? the draft was made public in april 2010. the latest draft came from LIBE in the european parlimanet.   theres the current revision
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