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It’s been a roller-coaster of a ride for the Three Strikes law in France. Nearly a year after the adoption of the three strikes law, things still have stalled with no letters being sent and no one being disconnected as a result of the law to this day.

It would be very surprising if rights holders weren’t frustrated with how slowly things have suddenly been going with respect to the Three Strikes law in France. After a constitutional challenge, France had to allow a court to hand down the third strike and subsequent disconnection. This was followed immense pressure from France’s RIAA, SNEP. The law is very controversial and even saw one French citizen suing his employer – a broadcaster – because he was fired for sending a letter to his political representative expressing his disapproval for the law.

Many people thought it was all over since the law was passed though, but evidently, the war to stop the law in any way shape or form raged on after final passage. More recently, the French governing party, the UMP, have expressed second thoughts on the law.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  HADOPI Launches Public Consultation to Classify Secure Internet Access

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