Just letting everyone know that there will be a Southern Lights v3.0 released in the next week or so. It will be completely rewritten, and will be oriented differently with a few more features.
Adding support for VLC and Foobar.
Fixing Support for Windows Media Player
Adding more variables for iTunes.
Revamping the entire Winamp Information grabbing. (It will now get info from Winamp, the MPEG meta data from the mp3 file, and read the id3 tag.) Resulting in the following:
%ARTISTSONG% - (Artist - Songname)
%ARTIST% - Artist
%SONGNAME% - Song Name
%BITRATE% - (0-320kbps)
%CHANNELS% - (1,2..)
%CHANNELMODE% - (Stereo, Mono)
%FREQUENCY% - Frequency/Samplerate (41000HZ)
%PLYLSTLEN% - Total # of songs on playlist
%PLYLSTPOS% - Position on Playlist
%SONGLEN% - Song Length (4:00)
%SONGPOS% - Current Position (1:25)
%SONGREMAIN% - Remaining time (2:75)
%FILESIZE% - Size of mp3 file (4.32MB)
%ALBUM% - Album Name
%YEAR% - Year of song/album
%GENRE% - Genre
%TRACKNUM% - Track Number (as on cd)
album, year, genre, and track number are Dependant on the id3 tag, so if it's not found, it will be displayed as "Unknown" or "Unknown Album"
WMP support will have almost all of the avaliable variables on Winamp.
iTunes will have limited support.
VLC and foobar and yet to be determined.
Also, you will be able to send the display to WinMX, Robomx, rabbit, and WPCC rooms.
As for the color patterns, they will be more customizable, with a visible preview of what will be displayed.
Also, you will be able to select if you wan't to change the color of each letter. (#c4#L#c5#e#c6#t#c7#t#c8#e#c9#r), or you can have it be every 2 letters. (#c4#Le#c5#tt#c6#er) And so on up to around 5 letter skipping.
You will also be able to color any message you have in the display.
If your display is "Is Currently listening to - %ARTISTSONG% #c8#(%BITRATE%#c8#)", and you wan't to color perhaps the bitrate, and the word "listening", you will be able to do this.
"Is Currently [c]listening[/c] to - %ARTISTSONG% #c8#([c]%BITRATE%[/c]#c8#)"
If you wan't to use just a temporary pattern that you don't want to save, you can create one in the display format.
"Is currently [c,4,5,51,74]listening[/c] to - %ARTISTSONG% #c8#([c,1,2,3,4]%BITRATE%#c8#)"
If you have any questions or feature requests please let me know