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how do we know the attacker isn't using a proxy?
For the record I did not change the poll another supervisor did following our policy of not allowing personal attacks on the site staff, Nickster did not to my knowledge change the poll.I dont so much mind the poll but the obvious KM/NB lies I take umbrage to.
Quotehow do we know the attacker isn't using a proxy?using tor exit nodes... same as a proxy... shift around daily... impossible to block just the ips.... gs has promised a patch that will fix this but has nothing to show after more than a month... ...suffice it to say tensions are a bit high...
Quote from: GhostShip on June 13, 2011, 02:27:25 amFor the record I did not change the poll another supervisor did following our policy of not allowing personal attacks on the site staff, Nickster did not to my knowledge change the poll.I dont so much mind the poll but the obvious KM/NB lies I take umbrage to. i have to admit id be interested in the results of a fairly worded poll on such.... (on a comment locked thread ofc cos it would get nasty quick if it werent locked that way)
Good evening Selena, I do indeed remember your name but I cant say I have ever left winmx to my knolwedge, vladds site for sure but never winmx.I understand the point you made but please understand that "an attack" is where the similarity ends unlike the sites and services you speak of winmx uses a proprietory encryption and the information necessary to lauch such attacks was until KM handed it out kept under tight security as we have all known the network relies on such a security mechanism, making that mechanism public has opened the door to many potential attackers but Nickster implied by his guarantee he knows whos behind this and in our last MSN conversation he said KM egged him on to post a similar rant last time thus I concluded he has done the same this time.Its no coincidence the attacks started when KM and NB returned here and have continued while they cower in rooms planning how to remove the single most trusted person in the community who has consistently shown up their attacks and underhand tricks launched against this community, I fully understand those two ppl wanting to get even but when others join in with less information that most folks can read on the back of a cigarette packet what choice is there but to show folks its rather stupid to make a claim based on the words of some cowardly attackers, unlike the attackers I have been here aiding the community till I retired from the site to do development work, I used my familiarity with KM to make a deal to stop his stupidity, he has broken the deal and now fears repercussions should he admit he or NB are the attackers, so if Nickster really does know who the attackers are he should in all honesty stand up for the truth and be counted, doing the right think is always the sign of a great man. I hope you too share the value of being honest.
[12/06/2011 08.55] <Splint566_55775> yep look at what this "great community" has become..[12/06/2011 08.56] <Splint566_55775> lol I have never attacked[12/06/2011 08.56] <Splint566_55775> well I have..[12/06/2011 08.56] <Splint566_55775> but only for a short time to get attention on rthe issue with the blocklist[12/06/2011 08.57] <Splint566_55775> lmao
winmx uses a proprietory encryption
and the information necessary to lauch such attacks was until KM handed it out kept under tight security
the network relies on such a security mechanism
when we should all be working towards a common solution. As Stripes says we are working on such a solution
If you pm me your room I dont mind visiting you Selena and discussing matters directly.