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Offline GhostShip

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US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« on: December 13, 2011, 09:04:42 am »
This topic is heavily in the news recently and for good reason it seems those being paid to act as sock puppets for the media mafia are doing their very best to get this bad bill passed and as usual apathy is on the horizon, however not all web users are taking the creation of a Chinese style web censorship scheme to heart, the fightback is ongoing.

As more and more internet operations recognize the horrors of SOPA, they're stepping up to do stuff about it. The latest is that Wikipedia is considering a blackout on the site in protest -- a move that might actually catch Congress' attention because people in Congress actually use Wikipedia all the time. There's a discussion on the site

Of course many civil liberties groups are up in arms too at the prospect of facing censorship of the web

When the government claims the right to shut down websites by breaking the Domain Name System and forcing search engines to dump user requests to reach a site, there’s only one word for it: censorship. And when big media groups like the RIAA can essentially cut off the financial services to a website based on accusation alone, it’s censorship at the hands of corporations.

We’re not talking about China or Iran. We’re talking about blacklist legislation being debated by the U.S. House of Representatives this week.

EFF and a coalition of organizations, tech companies, innovators, and users are joining forces to fight back against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a bill that would give the government and big content unprecedented authority to censor the web in the name of so-called copyright enforcement. This week, we need to pull out all the stops because the House Judiciary Committee is slated to hold a critical hearing on Thursday.

SOPA's supporters are desperate to rush this bill through quickly by convincing Congress there's no real opposition to it. We know better, but we need to make our voices heard. That’s why we’re calling on you to join us in a dedicated week of action against the SOPA blacklist bill.

We’re kicking off our Week of Action Against Censorship with a toolkit for anti-SOPA activism, and urging you to call your Representatives in Congress. With the hearing imminent, there’s no time to waste. Pick up the phone and tell your Representative to oppose this bill today. Then tell your friends and follow up with a note to Congress.

This legislation, if passed, will wreak havoc on our Internet community, jeopardizing the innovative and creative ecosystem that has created hundreds of thousands of jobs, helped countless people access information, and spurred a new generation of artists and creators. But big media groups are willing to sacrifice all of that in a ham-fisted attempt to control how you consume online content. And in the process, they'll undoing long-standing legal protections for websites and endangering the basic infrastructure of the Net.

We can’t let that happen. So join us in standing up and speaking out. Show Congress that we’re willing to fight for an uncensored web, and deep-pocketed lobbyists will never drown out the voices of the Internet community.

Such changes as the US govt propose will firstly force other organisations to step up to the plate to operate their own DNS systems as Europe warned the US it would some years ago if the system was abused, this alone will take billions of dollars from the US economy at a time when it needs revenues from these valuable services, couple that with the loss of national prestige and being compared to a dictatorial regime like China and Syria one has to ask why are folks sitting on their hands when they should be ensuring that a few hundred representatives actually follow the will of their voters instead of chasing after the big bucks that will cost the US Trillions in the long run.

That amount is more than enough to purchase all of the media companies many times over, no one else is demanding this monopoly level for their products and the run of the mill citizen pays more taxes than hollywood does on their  productions so if your in the US please read up on this and act before your rights are sold off to the highest bidder, folks like Washington and Jefferson didn't settle for less than freedom so why should you let a few greedy folks steal your rights with a few strokes of a pen ?

Offline White Stripes

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 01:07:45 pm »
at one point calls were pouring in at an average rate of 3.6 a second... yet this is still going on....

the owner of this site might want to consider a .eu domain perhaps? .... cos.. somehow... no matter how loud the net screams... i think this one is going to make it through... it'll get repealed when the shit really hits the fan but that time will be too little too late...

...remember; nobody wanted the dmca either...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2011, 06:49:15 am »
It does seem some representatives are taking this seriously now that the "brough and paid for" members are doing their best to rush it through during the holiday season.

As the House Judiciary Committee met to consider changes to the Stop Online Piracy Act, several members of the committee warned that rushing the bill through the legislative process would lead to costly mistakes. "I cannot fathom why we are moving so quickly on a bill that could cause us to save billions of dollars or lose billions of dollars," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). "All of us are opposed to online piracy," she said, but she urged the committee to take more time to address critics' objections.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) agreed. He pointed to the America Invents Act, an overhaul to the patent system that was six years in the making. "We haven't done our due diligence," he said.

Failure to halt this bill will do more damage than anyone has thought about as little thought has been undertaken on the move by technology vendors out of the US for security reasons, already a contract for MS office 365 (a "cloud" based offering) has been dropped by the UK govt for fear this new law will mean they are unable to achieve the security of data they require due to the provisions of the act, that's revenue lost already and it will only get worse. 

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2011, 04:12:46 pm »
here you  can see what has been  failed in a review of the bill

Offline Bieb

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2011, 11:49:12 am »
It's really sad that the state of the government is so poor the citizen's voices are no longer being heard. These politicians, many of whom have no actual understanding of how this bill will effect the entire internet shouldn't even be allowed to vote on this... it's simply ridiculous.

If this bill passes I can see the use of hosts files (lol) and trading ip addresses lists skyrocketing if they do decide to abuse the entire dns system as this bill spells out they want to.

Really is sad.

Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2011, 02:49:51 pm »
what would happen if google search results had an option to link to ip addresses rather than domain names?

Offline White Stripes

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2011, 05:07:17 pm »
If this bill passes I can see the use of hosts files (lol) and trading ip addresses lists skyrocketing if they do decide to abuse the entire dns system as this bill spells out they want to.

interestingly the DNS system was an afterthought... after the creation of tcp/ip but before the dns the only way to identify a machine by 'name' was the hosts file... the dns system was set up as a way of easing the chore of keeping the hosts files synchronized... granted this was in the 70s when room filling computers made by DEC and IBM were still the norm...

what would happen if google search results had an option to link to ip addresses rather than domain names?

ip addresses are part of the wording of sopa.... its not just the domain name that gets taken away...

wanna get even more creeped out? the 'national defense authorization act' for 2012 allows for the indefinite incarceration of any citizen (or greencard holder) considered to be a 'terrorist' ... starting 2012 i forsee a whole bunch of 'occupy wall street' protesters disappearing into oblivion... ...for starters...

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2011, 01:53:03 am »
Or places like that free DNS system the pirate bay folks have been messing with will suddenly pop up large scale. Christ i would imagine we could make our own. Have a patch access our own DNS IP system with the name, foreverwinmx.upurs or eatmyshorts.riaa lol
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2011, 09:05:50 am »

The EFF have released a small article on the state of play.

Yesterday and today, the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee has hunkered down in the Capitol for markup sessions of SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act. The basic facts looked bleak: this Internet blacklist bill is a disaster that stands at odds with the Constitution, but the deep pockets of its legacy media backers managed to make it enough friends in committee that its quick passage seemed possible. Judiciary Committee Chairman, author of the bill, and “Hollywood’s Favorite Republican” Lamar Smith scheduled just a single hearing, stacked the deck in his bill’s favor, and rushed it through to markup now, at the end of the legislative session.

But then a funny thing happened: the Internet fought back. It started in bits and pieces, from our coverage of the bill’s introduction to the citizens who took our action alert and told their Congressmembers that Internet censorship is unacceptable. Then more and more people began realizing the dangers of SOPA and finding their voice against it. One month ago today, American Censorship Day counted almost 6000 participating sites, tens of thousands of people called their Representatives, and more legislators started coming out against the bill.

It was clear then that Congress wouldn’t be able to slip SOPA through under the public radar. But this week was the most important one yet, with the bill heading to markup and possibly even to the floor. That’s why EFF, with a broad coalition of organizations (of all political stripes), tech companies, innovators, and users, declared this week a Week of Action Against Censorship.

It’s been quite a week.  At the last minute, SOPA’s sponsors tried to pull a fast one by introducing a “new-and-improved” version just before the markup.  But we – and you – weren’t fooled.  As we’ve noted, SOPA still conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, despite the protestations of one misguided legal scholar SOPA would, undermine your freedom of speech, hurt students and educators, and harm the U.S. position in international negotiations for a free Internet. And you don’t have to take our word for it — ask Vint Cerf, Paul Vixie, and over 80 more Internet inventors and engineers who signed and open letter against online censorship, which was entered into the Congressional record by opponents of SOPA during the markup.

But the most important thing to happen this week was that thousands of people took action to oppose the bill, calling their representatives and spreading the word via blogs, tweets, social media videos and word of mouth.

And it looks like it made a difference. In a marathon markup session yesterday, which we covered on our live-Tweeting stream @EFFLive, a persistent group of Representatives attacked SOPA from all fronts. Although there wasn’t enough opposition to kill the bill outright, the messages we’ve been sending for weeks — that the bill would create blacklists for online censorship, harm cybersecurity efforts, set a bad international precedent and lead to a fractured Internet — couldn’t be ignored.

During a markup session earlier today, Chairman Lamar Smith acknowledged that the Judiciary Committee didn’t yet have all the facts, especially on the cybersecurity questions. After an amendment vote he abruptly announced that markup would be suspended, and consideration of the bill would be resumed at the next practicable opportunity — which is tentatively scheduled for next week, but could be pushed to late January.

Legislators’ considering facts when crafting new laws is a good thing, and we commend Chairman Smith for recognizing it. We also want to acknowledge Representatives Zoe Lofgren, Darrell Issa, Jared Polis, and Jason Chaffetz, who brought refreshing perspective and expertise to the markup session. Their input — and actual amendments — stand in clear contrast to SOPA proponents’ common refrain that the opposition doesn’t contribute any real suggestions.  (Another fact belying that refrain: there is an alternative bill already on the table: the OPEN Act proposed by Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Darrel Issa.  It’s not perfect, but it takes the conversation in a better direction, and we urge Internet users to go the to contribute their views on it.)

The markup suspension is an important victory, but the blacklist bills are not yet beat; it’s still important that we all continue to take action against them. If you haven’t yet taken our action alert to send a message to your legislators, now is the time!

My thanks go to the EFF for allowing the usage of the entire article here under their friendly CC (creative commons) licence. What nice people  8)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2011, 07:07:05 am »
Dan Bull has created this offering to draw attention to the global censorship concerns of folks outside the US who may be affected if the media cartels are allowed to seize control of the internet via the SOPA legislation.

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2011, 11:46:25 pm »

'vote' against sopa with your wallet ... lesse how many companies continue to support it the more they get boycotted....

Offline Bieb

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2011, 01:17:14 am »
Saw that a few hours ago skunky lol. I've been in the process of vacating godaddy completely and moving to namcheap all this year. I only have a couple left so I guess Ill have a reason to just get it over with finally.

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2011, 08:33:32 am »
Having seen how GoDaddy treat many of their customers I support the plan to move as many domains from their clutches as possible  :yes:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2011, 04:41:02 am »

Reddit user selfprodigy got the ball rolling on December 22nd by posting that he would be pulling 51 GoDaddy-registered domains from the company. He was quickly followed by Ben Huh of Cheezburger (I Can Has Cheeseburger, FAIL! Blog, Know Your Meme) who pledged to move 1000+ of the companies domains. Even Wikipedia is transferring their domains from GoDaddy. We want you to follow their lead. Can we get GoDaddy's attention?


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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2011, 04:05:40 am »

Basically it's talking about how large companies against SOPA such as google, facebook, wikipedia etc. have yet to bring out their weapons against it. If these companies were to black out their main pages with a warning about this website being blocked unless you contact your local representative/senator I think it would be purely awesome.

If tumblr did this and got about 90,000 calls to congress, imagine what Google with at least a billion users and facebook with 800 million, wikipedia etc.,  could do...

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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2011, 04:10:30 am »
Bieb, Youtube better get on the bandwagon as well.  They have an enormous user base, and could loss everything if SOPA is passed. 
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Re: US Web Censorship Bills Slips Closer To Reality - Join The Fight
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2011, 06:50:31 am »
Bieb, Youtube better get on the bandwagon as well.  They have an enormous user base, and could loss everything if SOPA is passed. 

google owns youtube.... and yes... google is more than a bit miffed...

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