Tyrants having temper tantrums! Thats awesome news! Who do they think they are! I was reading about all the different house of Representative members and congress men and women who except large dollar donations for campaigning from internet and media corps. The dollar amounts are staggering! Thats why they are so pissed off! Millions of movie, music, and media money has gone in to getting these people elected so they could create these laws. Little did RIAA and MPAA know that WE THE PEOPLE come first and our voice is loud when our rights are threatened.
STOP MAKING MUSIC! STOP MAKING MOVIES! STOP REPORTING THE NEWS! Because when you DO stop, someone else will pick up where ya left off.....
I'm not a big Obama fan, but I hope he does investigate the corrupt politics behind it all. If he does, He can have my vote for a second term.