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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  RapidShare to tout industry's best practices plan against piracy in Aspen

Author Topic: RapidShare to tout industry's best practices plan against piracy in Aspen  (Read 1840 times)

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Offline p2p rules

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Cyberlockers have gotten a bad rap since federal authorities shut down Megaupload earlier this year, but legislation isn't necessarily the solution to cracking down on the distribution of pirated copies of movies, music, books and other content on these cloud storage services, argues RapidShare Chief Legal Officer Daniel Raimer.

To avoid a sequel of the divisive Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), Raimer believes these online services should develop a set of voluntary best practices on combating piracy. He plans to push that idea during a panel that will discuss how Hollywood and the tech industry can find common ground on combating piracy at the Technology Policy Institute's conference in Aspen next week.

"There are going to be companies in the future that don't want to play by the rules, but that doesn't mean these best practices aren't helpful or useful," Raimer said in an interview. "If big companies agree to a certain type of industry commitment, then this is already a big message."

Offline Bluey_412

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perhaps too, even after all this time, we  need to look at the definition of 'Piracy' and the meaning and INTENT of copyright, not the abuse thereof by 'content owners' who, in my mind, should be told to go far far away forever, and remove their taint from this world

Content owners are the people who created the stuff, not some fat-cat in a reeking pin-striped suit who bought or funded the creation

And grey suits dont make e'm any less offensive

[pardon all my sunday morning ramble]
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  RapidShare to tout industry's best practices plan against piracy in Aspen

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