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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World Community  | Strategic Directions  |  THIS THREAD SAYS IT ALL

Author Topic: THIS THREAD SAYS IT ALL  (Read 11614 times)

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Offline Einsteinus

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« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2013, 10:56:59 pm »
It might be because I'm one of the more active posters here Stripes and its traditionally fallen to me to deal with Trolls and put our side of any situation, but I agree it would be really great if folks got chatting again as a lot has changed over the past few years and a vibrant discussion would help solidify the direction the community wish to take, otherwise we may all end up fragmenting at some stage, always a matter of concern and one that's unnecessary.

We have fragmented many times over, that's how we survive as a community.  The magic of this is that we all come back to the same home, at some point.  I have time and time again taken breaks from running servers due to any number of reasons (maybe I only have 3 computers running and don't have extra bandwidth etc...) but maybe I get only a few users at first,  after being offline for a while, but like magic they all come back to that virtual community and before I know it (a couple few days) I have a full server.  Yes open/slavanap do have sites to point you in the right direction but still someone (how about 100 to 200 people?)  have to be keeping an eye open to know when to try logging on again.  So are these people any different then the one's who use the peer network?  Not really because most of them (us) run both sides of the winmx client. That's why none of the so called attacks has ever effected the network to the point it's unusable.  In fact as I have stated before the increase in Fiber infrastructure and hard drive storage space has only increased my library SINCE THE ATTACKS BEGAN by 600% because maybe I have LESS PEER CONNECTIONS but "we" have made more QUALITY connections with better speeds because most of us (that figured how to make this work even now) have hot listed trusted users that have great bandwidth.

Offline GhostShip

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« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2013, 11:45:32 pm »
One thing I do know Einstienus is simply that as long as folks care there is always hope and hope is what we all build our dreams on  :)

I'm rather pleased to hear once again that your travels in Opennap land have helped salvage what might have been a disastrous episode but for your will to not be bullied or cajoled by reckless types who had no care for the networks future as they had already left it to become parasites elsewhere.

Please keep your community spirit burning brightly, you inspire many including myself  8)

Offline reef

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« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2013, 10:09:21 pm »
Nice to see some positive posts once in awhile, such as these instead of the negativity and hatred by some. Its almost as if they're wish was to see winmx collapse rather than succeed.  :suspious:

Offline Joanne

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« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2013, 06:27:37 pm »
I have increased the post rate on here by at least 1000%.

If it wasnt for me this place would be as dead as winmx itself  :lol:

Offline PlanB

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« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2013, 09:37:50 pm »
And how busy is your own forum??

Offline Einsteinus

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« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2013, 05:58:30 pm »
You know what's so nice about "busy" is that "busy" takes care of itself when things are running correctly.  My basic concern is that people can search and find what they are looking for.  For years I have teamed up with another old fart "texas mike" who runs a different flavor server then I do. We all have min requirements which keeps total leeches away but unlike my server which has always had a very heavy concentration of video files and a real big GB or now even TB per user ratio ( rocksolid has always been a video place) always greedy has always specialized in VBR files.  His server usually has 1,000,000 files give or take but he crams that into 14.8 Terabytes while I have 350,000 files (on average) and suck up a good 200+ terabytes.  It's been more then just turnkey operation at times and it would be easy to spend more time chatting and turning new people on to WinMX.  So far in over 12 years of running servers I have personally trained over 50 people on how to construct and manage a server as well as linking with other servers in at least 10 other networks as well as a few of my own.  Just in my personal circle of friends I have had 2 or 3 serious relationships which led to travel on 3 continents and lots and lots of fun.  I have also experienced the loss in the just the last couple of years of two dedicated admins who even in their last days from a hospital bed participated in running servers and helping people share in the experience.  To call any of this less then a very beloved community would be doing it injustice.  As an aside I would like to invite anyone interested to PM ME  to be a part of my 2017 Eclipse trip  in the heartland of the US in August.  As many of you know great stuff sometimes requires a bit of patience and waiting ... this event will be worth it!

Offline Bluey_412

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« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2013, 10:07:26 pm »
Don't make a habit of blowing your own trumpet too loud, Joanne
We know that you are just a silly young strumpet,
coached in the ways of being a PITA
by one of the greatest PITA around
Are you his friend or his silly young tool?
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World Community  | Strategic Directions  |  THIS THREAD SAYS IT ALL

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