You know what's so nice about "busy" is that "busy" takes care of itself when things are running correctly. My basic concern is that people can search and find what they are looking for. For years I have teamed up with another old fart "texas mike" who runs a different flavor server then I do. We all have min requirements which keeps total leeches away but unlike my server which has always had a very heavy concentration of video files and a real big GB or now even TB per user ratio ( rocksolid has always been a video place) always greedy has always specialized in VBR files. His server usually has 1,000,000 files give or take but he crams that into 14.8 Terabytes while I have 350,000 files (on average) and suck up a good 200+ terabytes. It's been more then just turnkey operation at times and it would be easy to spend more time chatting and turning new people on to WinMX. So far in over 12 years of running servers I have personally trained over 50 people on how to construct and manage a server as well as linking with other servers in at least 10 other networks as well as a few of my own. Just in my personal circle of friends I have had 2 or 3 serious relationships which led to travel on 3 continents and lots and lots of fun. I have also experienced the loss in the just the last couple of years of two dedicated admins who even in their last days from a hospital bed participated in running servers and helping people share in the experience. To call any of this less then a very beloved community would be doing it injustice. As an aside I would like to invite anyone interested to PM ME to be a part of my 2017 Eclipse trip in the heartland of the US in August. As many of you know great stuff sometimes requires a bit of patience and waiting ... this event will be worth it!