The helpful part of all this is that these regulations are riding roughshod over data protection legislation and thus any sites mounting a challenge to the terrorist-style take down orders will have a rock solid case against the ISP for breach of the data protection regulations that cover all of europe, this of course would not be the case if a Judge issued an order but if poor law is passed that leaves scope for any sort of legal challenge its simply a matter of time till a party with a greivance takes that route.
As to the matter of demanding foreign companies hand over data to third parties for a civil action, I dont see that happening as in the first instance an Italian court has no jurisdiction outside its borders or territories and to do so might allow for that "foreign"company to face massive fines for breaching thie local data protection laws once again, I supose its too much for these monopoly minded halfwits to hire a few legal scholars before they think up headline grabbing ideas such as these that are fraught with significant pot-holes in the real world.