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Author Topic: att and mcafee and windows updates  (Read 7308 times)

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att and mcafee and windows updates
« on: April 13, 2014, 04:13:54 pm »
I am running windows 7, isp is att dsl with mcafee security.  every time windows updates WinMX goes out.  I have reinstalled Winmx and reset mcafe and att to no avail.  WinMX starts up fine and I can browse, but no one can connect, they queup and time out.

Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 09:40:51 pm »
can you download form other people? Is it just people can't download from you?


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 11:32:57 pm »
I can que up on other people, search and browse other people, I don't know if I can actually download because of the ques. people can que up but time out.  I think it is a windows problem because I uninstalled and reinstalled winmx and redid the mcafee and att settings.  it has done this on the last several windows updates.

Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 07:20:07 am »
sounds a bit like you need to check your ports on your router, have you done that already?


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 11:26:54 pm »
Yes, it is an ATT 2WIRE dsl/modem and the ports are set to standard 6699 / 6257.  the system has been working without assigning ports on the computer itself.  It has done this before, worked fine until the Windows upgrade.
PS I don't know where you are, but im in Houston, work full time and im only in front of the computer 3 or 4 hours a day.  when Winmx was running iws online 24/7.
Thanks for the help, I realize this may take a few days


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2014, 11:41:46 pm »
When I do an ipconfig, it lists the ip address, subnet and default gateway but DOES NOT  show a dns server. I believe this is handled by the 2WIRE modem / router and may be part of the peoblem

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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2014, 12:30:34 am »
ipconfig doesnt show the DNS server you are using... type nslookup with no arguments and it will show what dns server it selected to use... use ctrl+c to get out of nslookups prompt... or type an address if you want to see if DNS works....

Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2014, 07:37:50 am »
are you running as primary?
 you can test your ports here  --->
thanks go to piney for keeping this resource available

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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2014, 08:05:14 am »
due to the trash on the network atm running as primary can actually screw up your router so if primary doesnt work try secondary


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2014, 05:23:18 pm »
I'm back.  This is a little like playing chess by mail.
It is a TCP problem.  The last time i tried to start it,  winmx  would not let me run as aprimary because i didn't have a TCP connection.
What i did this morning:
uninstalled and reinstalled winmx 3.53
removed then reallowed  winmx through  mccafee
removed aand then reallowed winmx through windows firewall
reset winmx ports to 6699 and 6257
removed then reallowed winmx through the att modem / router on ports 6699 and 6257
i will let you know how that worked tonight
ive used winmx since 2.6 and this is the 5th computer ive installed it on and never had this kind of problems, of course the first 4 were all xp / comcast /d link and norton

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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2014, 12:49:37 am »
if that doesnt work have you tried the 'run as admin' trick?


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2014, 01:18:29 am »
OK, after all that, it still does not work.  I am qued up on about a dozen files, people que up and time out.  I running as a primary again.  I can see what the att 2wire dns is by accesing the 2wire homeportal.. did the port check per silicon_toad, the tcp port is closed. Thanks 'toad, that confirms the problem.

on my windows firewall, I have the winmx PROGRAM authorized, for the INBOUND settings, I have the tcp set to 6699 for both local and remote ports, the udp setting is 6257 for local and remote ports, the OUTBOUND setings allow the winmx program, and tcp settings are 6699 for both local and remote and udp settings are 6257 for both local and remote ports

what am I missing/screwing up?  it was never this hard with xp / Comcast

thanks again for everyone's help / suggestions


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2014, 04:06:17 am »
the port 6699 is blocked, winmx WILL work if I turn off mcafee firewall, which supposedly also controls  the windows firewall.  I have tried everything I can think of and am completely stumped. it is clearly in the firewall but I cant think of how to fix it

Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2014, 06:48:49 am »
some firewalls have separate settings for allowing outgoing connections and allowing unrequested incoming connections, sounds like it might be that.   - does this link help at all?


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2014, 04:41:47 pm »
ok, everything is running again, 4 ppl downloading, 50 more qued up, and im qued on about a dozen files.  the problem is mcafee firewall, frewall on ports blocked, firewall off, ports open.  the CULPRET appears to be a mcafee update.
quick recap, I was running the current setup, win 7, att , 2wire, mcafee for over a year with no problems, so this was not an initial setup. beginning in February, everytime I did a windows or mcafee update, winmx stopped.  the first couple of time I did a system restore, backed things up 2 weeks, and winmx worked again, without doing anything else. the last time that didn't work,  I either didn't back up far enough, or the update was so imbedded a restore didn't affect it. either way, no amount of tinkering with mcafee seemed to resolve the problem. I still have the win 7 and 2wire firewalls so im probably good.

thanks again to everyone, especially silicon_toad for the link to piney and the port check, that helped isolate the problem


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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2014, 05:19:16 pm »
yo 'toad. just read your message and checked the link. I hadn't tried setting ports in mcafee that because I did not do that on the initial installation, and everything worked fine, also when I checked out port setting on the mcaffe security center, it didn't seem to apply to winmx..  the link was much more instructive. that might be the "update" that is causing all the problems.  I will give it a try in a couple of days when the que thins out or another update is due.  ill let you know, and thanks again

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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2014, 05:40:43 am »
Your 2-wire router probably has a hardware firewall built in, if it does, you can leave the Mcaffee and Windows firewalls turned off. Permanently
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Re: att and mcafee and windows updates
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2014, 04:58:28 am »
if you are paying for mcafee it would actually be best to let it expire and replace it with avast ( ) free antivirus... bluey is right... the 2wire routers do have firewalls built in and att keeps their firmware up to date... the one built into the os isnt too shabby either... with windows xp and beyond there is no real need for a 3rd party firewall... win7s firewall was even designed to handle public wifi...

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