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Offline Rossi

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OURMX "The New Client"
« on: October 15, 2017, 10:54:03 am »
What happened to OURMX, did you finally admit defeat after almost a decade?

FOPNU didn't take long to produce.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2017, 10:15:25 pm »
OurMx is at beta 3 atm and its still being worked on, I am rather concerned however that you havent really paid much attention to Fopnu otherwise you wouldnt say it didnt take long to create, the developer states its 2 years of work, and as anyone with eyes can see most of it is taken from Tixati so we can say its actually a tad longer in the tooth from a heavily experienced programmer, I mention this so you may be able to comprehend the difference between OurMx and Fopnu and why one has a full time developer and the other does not..

When we have more folks working on OurMx or indeed any other community client project then I will be the first to congratulate them but when theres few folks wnting to do anything in the community bar whine about time-scales and what they want out of  WMW when they have never put anything themselves into the pot leaves me more than confused, are such people capable of figuring anything out even when told in simple terms ?

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2017, 06:47:10 am »
So how many updates have you announced and when was the last update?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2017, 04:44:27 pm »
I would love to be able to show you my machine with all the main projects and subprojects dated and stored away for when they are needed to be added to the main build, unfortunately your never going to see what I have been up to with your own eyes and thats always a problem, if folks have no trust then its like trying to build on sand.

Originally Some folks said the whole project was made up and fake, this was disproved with a very early release that was full of problems, we all agree it needed further work, that work has been rolling on and progress has been made, the progress however is not up to a stage what I wish to deliver to the community, it needs a few more tweaks and routines and some existing code streamlining, so in short its looking a heap better but its not yet a full clone, there is then no rush to lauch a badly floating vessel when the boat we all bob along on is still holding its own in the water, I know its annoying, I know its frustrating but put yourself in my shoes for once, I know there are folks out there whom can assist in the communities client project and sit idle, the price on the community however for the laid back attitude is shrinkage and apathy, thats not my wish nor will I rest from the task, however we all use this network and I want it to live on and on for the next generation of folks needing a safe place to converse and stabilise their outlooks on life whilst sharing something of enjoyment, I am not the one holding anything back, please take some time to review the situation, we all want a secure future in terms of not having to rely on anything that could be closed overnight, we have a great community here and it would be immoral to let it sink slowly  when with a few extra hands we could have a spare boat for the time it will become necessary. 

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2017, 05:39:26 pm »
I'm not annoyed or frustrated as I rarely use Winmx and have long given up on the "New client".

I was curious to see if any updated info was on this forum, but it seems you want to keep it to yourself.

Transparency is the best policy.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2017, 06:22:49 pm »
It is not simply a matter of keeping anything to myself, I may well take a differing view than yourself on whether to release something or not but with so little in the way of support  I really feel unless somethings pretty much annoyance-free I cant toss it out there as we both know if there issues or problems it would fall to me to support it in some emergency capacity, that is the reality of the situation and whilst I am not happy with the current version it will remains out of sight.

This will not be the case forever, I am certain that transparency has been delivered even if its been the cause of much annoyance to some, the truth has always been told and this will continue to be the case, when the time is right and things look better in terms of bugs etc we can all as a community explore the open src route, this will then free both the community and myself from any further commitment and I hope lay the seeds for a more public foundation for all of us, currently the WinMX  network rests on the goodwill of less than a dozen folks, those folks are unselfish decent folks whom put you all before themselves because they care for this community, if anyone seeks to judge me for being cautious then so be it but the communities welfare has and will remain my primary concern.

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2017, 08:35:55 pm »
I'm not asking you to "put it out there" I'm merely saying you should keep folks informed.

If as you say you have done this and that, how come you never mention it? You talk about everything but.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2017, 09:24:29 pm »
Really ?

Aside from numerous answers to folks questions spanning many years these static pages are still in evidence.

(from post here

One of the reasons you may not have seen everything OurMx related was likely to do with the site separation we had for OurMx topics, they would naturally appear on OurMxWorld and not WinMxWorld, a simple mistake to make.

I am of the opinion that your not a regular forum user or you would have seen many of the posts or at least one of these links above and the ones posted off forum including the ourmx forum that we parked up when the development tean dropped to one.

Whats also not shown here is any of the other support information including new tutorials for when we go open src, these describe in detail how the various bits of the client work so others can step into the battle when the time comes, all this goes on outside of your view, such material has a priority over answering the same questions umpteen times on the forum here, I will always answer questions out of politeness but for some reason the same posters make the same posts and are simply out to waste time that could be better spent elsewhere, for the same reason i havent created any new data for this year on progress, its not a vanity project I'm working on, its to get it working and completed and if that requires research i do the research if that requires some support pages I write those and share anything important with the developers area we have on the forum here, the other developers also share so we all sing from the same hymn-book, all this goes on outside of your view but have no doubts it goes on.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2017, 11:08:50 pm »
httpss://  heres the actual thing itself... its buggy as hell but it does, to a degree, function... note that this is an old release that was mostly a 'try it out' and 'proof it exists' thing.. the actual code that makes it up is scattered about so another release would be a feat to pull off...

the search function of the forum... something many seem to forget about... is also useful...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2017, 11:57:51 pm »
The worst of all this is that I too want a new client  :lol:

I will do the best I can to get something ready even if its just to show we have fixed many of the bugs, the annoyance that I'm working on atm is the transfers area, its not nice and was undergoing a big rewrite so its not really ready for anyone yet, theres no magic wand to say give the folks this bit and let them pretend that bit still works but in reality does not due to it being rewritten on the fly and in need of a serious recalibration of effort, that aside I have been using the beta 3 mk "who knows what", each time i have visited the wmw chatroom for the past few years and its pretty good but like I said when its ready you can have it folks, you wouldnt buy a 2 wheel car, and I wont ask you to put up with something thats broken. 

As an aside folks theres nothing stopping any of you from forming a steering committee to help direct the work as all the effort really is a lot for one developer who has to second guess most of you when it comes to whats acceptable and whats no longer required, we could save a lot of time if we all start talking again in fine detail instead of generalising around a problem area.

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2017, 11:56:19 am »
Most of the links you put up are over 3 years old and none are from this year.

Offline wonderer

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2017, 01:01:42 pm »
advise to Rossi to use fopnu although that does not seem to satisfy very well seen Rossis curiosity for ourmx.

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2017, 01:37:42 pm »
advise to Rossi to use fopnu although that does not seem to satisfy very well seen Rossis curiosity for ourmx.

Any chance of the English version?

Offline Pri

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2017, 04:22:30 pm »
Why would you come here for and make these posts? - What does it matter what GhostShip is working on? - We have a working WinMX right now that people are enjoying and we have Fopnu for those that want features WinMX doesn't support right now (IPv6, Larger than 2GB file support, endless browse windows etc).

Hassling GhostShip over OurMX is completely unnecessary, it is his project and he shouldn't be hassled for it. There is also Seans project, I forget the name but like ? there are many people working on WinMX replacement clients in their spare time, they don't owe you anything.

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2017, 07:28:41 pm »
Why would you come here for and make these posts? - What does it matter what GhostShip is working on? - We have a working WinMX right now that people are enjoying and we have Fopnu for those that want features WinMX doesn't support right now (IPv6, Larger than 2GB file support, endless browse windows etc).

Hassling GhostShip over OurMX is completely unnecessary, it is his project and he shouldn't be hassled for it. There is also Seans project, I forget the name but like ? there are many people working on WinMX replacement clients in their spare time, they don't owe you anything.

Who said they owe me something?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2017, 07:47:31 pm »
I believe that Pri is questioning in a round about way as to why you feel its ok to waste foklks time with pretty pointless and flawed rhetoric, I say pointless as you are by now well aware of whats going on and had it explained to you in fine detail, posts such as those by yourself make up unfortunately the majority of posts regarding OurMX, the problem for me as always is that being polite means we lose time and focus on the work and other real life issues that are required to be undertaken.

Simply because you have nothing to do you must not assume that is the case for the rest of us, I have answered your questions and if your unable to comprehend that then I see no reason to do more.

Also Wonderer is stating to you that if you dont like any of the answers here try the new Fopnu client, its decent but needs supporters/users, theres no real reason to continue bothering me any further unless your trolling to waste time or where just a bit slow in getting to your end point, I do like to help and inform but a poor attitude and diminished comprehension of the delivered information can only lead to a poor outcome for both of us.

Offline Rossi

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2017, 08:02:04 pm »
I believe that Pri is questioning in a round about way as to why you feel its ok to waste foklks time with pretty pointless and flawed rhetoric, I say pointless as you are by now well aware of whats going on and had it explained to you in fine detail, posts such as those by yourself make up unfortunately the majority of posts regarding OurMX, the problem for me as always is that being polite means we lose time and focus on the work and other real life issues that are required to be undertaken.

Simply because you have nothing to do you must not assume that is the case for the rest of us, I have answered your questions and if your unable to comprehend that then I see no reason to do more.

Also Wonderer is stating to you that if you dont like any of the answers here try the new Fopnu client, its decent but needs supporters/users, theres no real reason to continue bothering me any further unless your trolling to waste time or where just a bit slow in getting to your end point, I do like to help and inform but a poor attitude and diminished comprehension of the delivered information can only lead to a poor outcome for both of us.

You have been called out as the liars you are. You say it's all on the ourmx forum, that hasn't been used for years.

You lot on here hide the truth and I have proved it.  You get challenged and along comes your gang of sycophants

Game set and match to me. Goodbye liars.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2017, 09:27:26 pm »
Ahh the troll reveals themselves at last, as usual folks you can see that such people as "Rossi" here are just one of the reasons things take forever, and unfortunately they are never going to be honest and stay away as they claim, I think they enjoy the ability to waste someones time and it makes them feel important, the truth is of course than nothing ever said to such people will satisfy them and they do nothing for the community bar provide cheap laughs.

If you have any specific accusations to make I will simply point you once again to the mere sample of sources I already posted above, your own dishonesty in reading the dates on much of the material shows whom is being more than economical with the truth, your so predictable in your deceit its pathetic.

Have a great life however, your visit has been of assistance in allowing me to once again ask for extra community support, something that may or may not bear fruit unlike any conversations with yourself it seems.

Note to self: There are "lots of me", and I have a gang  :shocked:        :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Bluehaze

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2017, 09:36:48 pm »
Thank you to all of the folks: Ghostship, Sean, will, Kevin and any others who are working on peer network sharing and chat clients for us! :)
"As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish,"
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Offline Pri

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Re: OURMX "The New Client"
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2017, 09:49:14 pm »
You have been called out as the liars you are. You say it's all on the ourmx forum, that hasn't been used for years.

You lot on here hide the truth and I have proved it.  You get challenged and along comes your gang of sycophants

Game set and match to me. Goodbye liars.

It's obvious to me and many others here that you are one individual that keeps coming on these forums making loads of usernames and asking the same questions over and over again. This try hard behaviour will get you nowhere in life.

As for gang of sycophants I think you'll find for me at-least Ghost and I have butted heads quite often on these forums. I am just tired of these same attack threads made by you every few months. Get over your hatred of GhostShip or WinMXWorld or whatever it is your so pissed about and move on with your life.

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