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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Fake Files  |  'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.

Author Topic: 'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.  (Read 2532 times)

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'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.
« on: January 10, 2006, 12:38:52 am »
The best form of defence is to mount an overpowering attack... to that ends, surely the hugely talented hackers & Co. could obtain e-mail and phone numbers for the offending 'Media Defenders'... so that the rest of us can drive them nuts by immobilizing their communications... it happened in Oz and that shiny nosed 'Honest John Howard' couldn't use his phone... it really freaks out the 'masters of the universe' when they can't use their phones or have to wade through millions of bogus e-mail's... fight back don't just sit their.

Offline GhostShip

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'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 02:54:20 am »
Much as I admire your spirit we on the site cannot ask folks to do things that may land them in legal hot water, I,m sure if they had a genuine reason to post mail to the said person such as part of a campaign asking questions on relevant issues that would keep matters withing the bounds of legality and satisfy us of decent conduct on the mailers behalf.

Hacking is not the aim of this site unless its code hacking on sourcecode, that is something we freely encourage  :)


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Mea culpa
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 07:14:38 am »
:oops: But if my fairy godmother was to gave me a wish....   :wink:


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Re: 'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2006, 01:59:55 am »
Quote from: Wowbagger
The best form of defence is to mount an overpowering attack... to that ends, surely the hugely talented hackers & Co. could obtain e-mail and phone numbers for the offending 'Media Defenders'... so that the rest of us can drive them nuts by immobilizing their communications... it happened in Oz and that shiny nosed 'Honest John Howard' couldn't use his phone... it really freaks out the 'masters of the universe' when they can't use their phones or have to wade through millions of bogus e-mail's... fight back don't just sit their.

Insofaras that would tend to annoy the RIAA, it would now be a felony in the USA:

but come to think about it.. since their fake flooding tends to annoy us, then this new law makes their actions now a felony!  ALL WE NEED IS THE TOOLS TO START LOGGING THEIR IP AND DOCUMENT DATE/TIME EVIDENCE.. AND A GOVERNMENT PROSECUTOR WILLING TO TAKE ON THESE CREEPS OF COURSE..

nobodys home

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just need a coder
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 11:32:14 am »
it seems one problem is that winmx locks onto the file name when it tries to download it.  Alot of these bone heads have multiple directories, each with a file of the same name, but differnt sizes.   This confuses winmx when its trying to download the file you select.  This confustion only ties up the winmx trying to download.. not the bonehead at the other end.  If WinMx were coded to grab the whole file path in the search, not just the name, then it would download the file.  

anyone who has browsed users, knows the paths are available.

anyhow. at the least, this would start hammering back on the boneheads, drawing on thier bandwith.

OR it would be nice if a coder would put in a filter designed to see multiple files, from the same user, and block them out of the search.

OR incorporate user designable filters in the search window.   I am still amazed the search strings are so limited.   That you cannot use bolean search charactors and such.  (+jazz -blues.. etc)

In the time winmx was down, I tried out the trial version of Limewire.  It's biggest plus, to me, is it's user defined filtering, so you can block out kiddy porn and other offending material.

anyhow.. think filters.. and being able to have search results filtered through the ignore list.

Offline Me Here

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'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2006, 06:29:25 pm »
Hi nobodys home,

WinMx does lock onto a file path when you request a download, however having multiple files with the same name in different directories doesnt 'confuse' it.  Especially when these files have different file lengths.  WinMx uses a MD5 hash system to identify files not a path or file name.  Therefore if the hashs are different so are the files.

Here is more information about that MD5 system and using it to search:

The fakes that we discuss for the most part on here are actual 'fakes'. Meaning its only a list of files, not actual files or down loadable data in most cases.

There is more information located here on them if you would like to know more:

Fakes are sorta a hobby of mine... :wink:

As you will see when you read that, there are user definable filters you can use to refine searches, and filter most fakes.

Here is a guide a user wrote up for us that explains them better:

The blocking method you mention of the multiple entries in a search has been discussed but we felt incorporating this would be difficult and unreliable.  But its a good idea.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Fake Files  |  'Media Defender' their decoy files & bogus searches.

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