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Do you the WinMX Users wish to see a united effort in WinMX's future

Yes I would like to see a unified effort
7 (58.3%)
I would like to see some new effort
4 (33.3%)
Lets leave things as they are
0 (0%)
No I do not want a unified effort
0 (0%)
I dont undestand whats its all about
1 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: March 31, 2006, 06:21:34 am

Author Topic: The Way Ahead  (Read 15097 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2006, 03:43:55 pm »
Gnarly I have read through your post and will reply using the minimum of decisive prompts..

One simply defines the plan one wishes to help with.

A committee, if we all want such a thing, will endeavour to meet the hopes and plans of users and take measures to gather a concensus for those plans after being certain they reflect a true picture and match them with the available resources, using as their authority that which any party chooses to give to them.

The vote is there to show prospective posters what their fellows feel and serves as a useful but not definitive pointer from the forum communities on there wishes.

Lets hear some of your more forward looking plans, you seem like a chap who likes a say in things.

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2006, 03:49:53 pm »
Ghost whilst i agree with your "idea" in princepal, to select/vote on a comittee would be extremely difficult without support from both the current sides, in fact without that support i would think it would fail, so i would say again before talk of such a comittee or indeed a way forward how do you propose to unite or at least bring factions to the table??

Km, will you work for/with a committee, even if it asks things of you, that you dont 100% agree with?

Will you Ghost?

i suspect i know the answer in most cases, which would mean you 2 would need to have a close involvement to the decision making process, this as im sure u can see opens all sorts of  other issues, KM on a committee? working in a team, lmao, when hell freezes over. Then ofc if you guys feel you needed to be part of it, wouldnt Vladd? and others, leading us all right back to square 1.

This needs WAY more thought, preparation and planning before it even makes it as a possibility folks, theres just too many unknowns and variables right now.

You see a committee without those who hold the cards, is indeed about as effective as chocolate teapot.

Sorry to sound negative, but im just trying to be realistic.


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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2006, 06:05:08 pm »
as i have made it quite clear, i will do what is required to help the network

if it is better for the network i will do it, without any committee needing to tell me to do it

if it damages the network then i will not do it no matter who tells me to do it

the constant bickering etc is really not helping the network, which is why you'll notice i have completely ignored the vast majority of your posts directed at myself and that is why you started directing posts towards ghostship to make him take the bait... don't keep trying to get me involved in all the political bullshit, as stated before i don't give a damn about the poletics of winmx only the reality of it

do what you want, set up as many committees as you want, do all the PR crap you like, does it really matter? do you really care more about PR and poletics than about getting winmx back to the top of the list of best p2p networks?
if the answer is yes then stop posting, nobody cares
if the answer is no, then you would stop with the constant bickering and trouble making (no, that's not directed only at nobby) and go do something useful to bring back users

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2006, 06:58:18 pm »
ty KM, u just helped me make my point, i somehow think Ghost and Vladd are gonna feel the same as you along with others, they will only ever do what they feel is right, regardless of what a 3rd party committee says, and if we could get a plan that all those involved folks would all agree on, there would be no need for a new committee.



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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2006, 07:34:33 pm »
ur are the progrmmers..iam an user and abuser havung used pie  and dll patches and users will use what works 4 them...unite the effort :P

Offline nylly444

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2006, 07:56:17 pm »
How about we agree to disagree and stop bickering for a start?
Both sides will probably never be able to work together, but I feel at this point not working against each other and stop having any fights in public will help more than anything else.
Let's try to show each other at least a minimum of respect, even if some may feel it's hardly earned at this point.
Maybe we can find some neutral gound where we can argue (not fight!).
I think we should find a new place set up just for this purpose, maybe a forum hosted by a neutral party?
(I could offer making a new topic in our room forum, but I fear I wouldn't be viewed as a neutral party although I try to be objective)
This way people who don't want to hear this won't be bothered with it but we could still talk openly, i.e. not "behind the scenes".
Maybe we can establish some common ground, like blocking the riaa no matter what patch and a general direction.
Both parties - and any new parties if and when they appear - could work on different varieties of a new winmx or components for it simultanously, different pieces of the whole puzzle maybe?
I can't see a reason why there can't be more than one variety of a new, improved winmx as long as they don't contradict or even eliminate each other.
Let's concentrate on our strengths and not explore each others weaknesses!
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Offline Stevi

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2006, 08:36:04 pm »
You all have permission to post this stuff on my forum seeing as how it has been empty since January.

I am a neutral party and will not take sides.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2006, 12:10:18 am »
I didnt wish to labour the point but I will not make up a part of any committe, I feel that myself and Vladd would pose problems for each set of users.

The old guard need to recognise that doing nothing is not what the users seem to want, KM and Nobby both wish to increase the userbase, thats something we all agree on it seems, as Nylly mentions lets build on that and meet the users wishes.

Perhaps a move off of this forum is a way forward and I invite an agreed neutral party to step in here, the one thing that is important and not open to debate is openess, without that we are likely to hit the same wall twice.

So, it seems there is a virual agenda already, more effective ways to highlight winmx and project it into the public arena and innovative campaigns to acheive that.
I know pie have done some effort to acheive this but due to the usage of the name they have chosen its not seeming to connect in folks brains that their trusty file sharing and chat app is still afloat to the general population, its a sad fact I have met many who have told me variations on the theme of winmx is closed down, its pay only, its illegal etc.

The community itself needs to stop sitting on the fence and take action to make sure folks understand that winmx is alive and well, each user should work with others, but look to themselves to carry out their share of the continued recovery, Gnarly is right in pointing out that we each have a rock to chip at, a rock that we can each take a peice of and do our share of chipping away at.

Are we all in agreement here on this aspect at least ?

If so I ask for members of the community to step forward to form a self organising committee to start work in generating ideas, harnessing talent and the most important thing of all, take action.

I hope I am not too preumptous in asking for this so early, its just that it seems to be something we can all move onto in a united fashion.

Offline Stevi

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2006, 01:37:04 am »
Here ya go guys...... Have at it

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2006, 04:49:29 am »
hey yes km i know alot of are comments are dericted to you because u have alot of good knoledge about the network and how winmx works etc etc i just got my dsl back 2 hours ago "rock on" u told us to do something about it and get peeps to come back and yes i have and im still doing it till this day u want us to do something but me i dont know what to do for winmx and the network/users so mabey if u can tell me what to do and how to do it mabey i can help just that bit extra!!! please respond i know ur a loner kinda person but i would like a response please

Offline James420

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2006, 12:31:42 pm »
I think I have to agree with KM on all this. It is complete bullshit and a waste of time. All of this isn't WinMX, what you are making is nothing more then a huge mess of something that should have been kept simple. Before winmx got shut down. What did everyone do? Go about their way, work on little programs to improve the chat rooms or other features of WinMX. KM did his share, so did Vladd. Big deal, there are two different fixes. You say they aren't working together, then you must be blind. They both make it possible for winmx to work, it is that simple. I don't care if on edits the host file or one is a dll implant. They make WinMX like it use to be, you're able to get online. Go in the chat rooms and chat any time of the day, download w/e you want, upload to your friends. WINMX IS FIXED, stop with this childish non-sense.

Before WinMX ever got that letter making them shut down. RIAA had people flood the network with fake files to kill it from the inside. Now you guys are doing nothing but attacking your own people. See what they have done to you guys? We've fixed mx to where we can go about our lives on there. The only problem left is to get rid of the flooders, and we have people working on that constantly. I believe that is the only thing to worry about at the moment that has to do with the actual WinMX program.

But guys, wasting time bitching at eachother non-stop. Bashing some other team that has done exactly what you have done is stupid as hell. Big deal, they did it a different way. I create web sites constantly, and not once in my life have I met someone that does things exactly the same way I do it. No one is the same, but if you accomplish the same thing, it don't matter.

What made WinMX different then all those other p2p programs was its community, and these little 3rd party programs that made it unique, which actually made the community even stronger. This is why we was able to revive winmx, even if 2 groups are the one that did it. They did the same thing, fixed it. Winmx is fixed, so forget about it. The caches are fine, both patches work fine. Now what do we do? Change more stuff? No, we improve on what we have. Programs such as all those 3rd party chat clients. KM does that and has helped fixed the network and so much more. I think we need little programs like this to bring WinMX back to the top, new ideas, new programs, or just new improvements on them. 3,000+ members on this forum, plus all the other WinMX sites. We have so many people to give different imput, new ideas, unique ideas. The stuff that made WinMX what it is now. So stop the political non-sense, you want that. Go run for mayor or something. This isn't how to deal with this, so please for the love of god. Stop bitching and fighting and go about it all as if WinMX was never broke, because it isn't anymore. We fixed it to not change it, but to put it back like it was.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2006, 06:43:53 am »
James I dont think you have read much of this thread, what you seem to think of as politics is called forward planning, something I havent heard you mention or complain about before.

I was one of the lucky folks who helped get winmx back on its feet and its didnt happen by waiting for someone else to do all the work it was done through teamwork, each person did what they knew best to reach the goal, the same thing goes on today with work being done behind the scenes that most users dont know or care about, but the work still goes on, sitting idle has not been an option.

I have asked folks in this thread especially for forward looking ideas and have not seen the fighting you claim is going on in it, most of those bothering to vote want a unified effort to improve matters, it would be nice if you added your vote to those already there to reflect your view.

May I suggest you ask a few questions before sounding off into an attack on those trying to secure many different aspects of our future,  as you mention winmx has a strong community and its made up of folks who selflessly do what they can and calling for folks to help with that is what this thread is about, the time for fighting has passed, we need to move forward now and the more folks the merrier.

Lets hear your positive thoughts, doing nothing is not what the voters seem to be saying.

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2006, 06:49:16 am »
I've noticed a lot of good comments in this thread. And I'm proud to see, whether anyone has noticed or not at least everyone who has posted in this thread has been honest without being hurtfull and slamming anyone to the ground. Something like this gives a good to start to moving on. While I think it would be good if both sides could work together to accomplish more I also find it unlikely to happen, but I do remain confident and hopefull that I am wrong in that. While both sides are not workinmg together I hope that it at least becomes more noticable that at least without the name calling, finger pointing, and hair pulling that at least both sides can work on their seperate ideas with minimal distraction. As for KM, you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing far as I know. That is working on better ways to connect, keep up the good work. I personally would like to thank you all that has posted in this thread for keeping it honest and keeping this post going in the good direction it appears to be moving in.
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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2006, 07:36:31 pm »
Hallo All been busy for the last week so first chance i've had to read this thread.

Procrastinators Unite. TOMORROW

Lot of good points both sides of the great divide

I think no-one could disagree that a united front would have to be the best
way forward, however me thinks this is not possible in the short term but
never say never.

Having been an avid MX user for some ten years or so but not been very
vocal until the big bang, i guess i'll have my two bobs worth.

Any independant commitee should be able to receive suggestions from
both sides. The problem arises when direct communinations occur between
the warring parties. Even if they had to communicate via a third party they
probably would find another site or forum to flame each other. Such is the
nature of a healthy free speech society.

Although it is quite often upsetting and disheartening to us all if we were
to curtail this activity we would we would be no better than  that lovely
group of people we all love to hate.

When the big bang happened no-one told KM,Vladd etc what to do or
where to go. This Is A Network FOR The People, revived by SOME people
and enjoyed by ALL the people.

So I tend to agree with KM for a change. If it needs to be done KM or Vladd
or someone else will do it. The network seems to be fine the last couple of
weeks. Flooding is still an issue. Bringing more ex users and new users back is an
issue. Who votes for KM or Vladd not even on the board. I voted for you KM.
by the way.

The BIGGEST Task we Face is getting the user base up again so please work
on that one boys and girls.

If we need to turn it into a competition then lets get some ideas on how we
can get our share of users on the KM dll and forget about the others. Lets
have some positive forward thinking about what we can do to better our
performance and let the others worry about theirs.

We didn't need a neutral commitee in the past and we don't need one now.
just need a good marketing manager. I vote for Ghosthip and Mehere

Gotta Go Bow Fingers Getting Tired



Offline GhostShip

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2006, 09:03:07 am »
Thank you Nooky and you too Wombat, we all seem to have the will to move matters forward and in the end that is what will happen,
I had wished to get wider support and more actitvists who would act above the interests of individual sites and move all the community forward, yes it may be a dream but its one I felt worthwhile and so with that in mind once again can we see someone step up to the plate to form a small group who can try their best to launch a campaign of publicity, we have a small amount of time left to reach many for summer and talent is at hand to back the groups effort in many shapes for the asking.

Ideas, freetime and a committed user are all that is required to get this rolling, Its always been possible for me to take this role myself but I had hoped that a decentralisation of effort would forge links with other users and allow fresh faces to show their skills, strengthening the community and moving away from the attitude of big players that has seen a division get deeper each month.

Well folks nows the time to make your mark, if you feel you can be effective in moving this whole subject forward for the good of all users, lets hear from you, 
the most useful skill it seems to me for this job is the ability to operate a database and have a dream that furthers an increase in winmx users.

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2006, 12:30:36 pm »
Before went down, we already had a problem with fake file flooding. The hosts file was a good quick fix to get users back online but it does nothing to control the flooding. Within a couple of weeks, winmxgroup developed the dll patch which automatically blocks the flooders. At this point the hosts file fix should have been withdrawn and the dll patch promoted. Unfortunately, thousands of non-english speaking winmx users continue to think the hosts/pie patchis all there is. It seems stupid to me that we now have the abilty to completely shut out the flooders on the network and that an edited hosts file is still being touted as a "patch". I suggest, for the good of the network,  that the caches pass through authentication verify whether the user is using the flood blocking patch and refuse connection to hosts/pie users   :)


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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2006, 01:03:06 pm »
I suggest, for the good of the network,  that the caches pass through authentication verify whether the user is using the flood blocking patch and refuse connection to hosts/pie users   :)

it had been considered, but it would have other side effects and the idea was quickly thrown away - in that form at least


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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2006, 10:25:04 am »
Unified effort? We don't think it will ever happen? Are we actually using the same peers and caches yet? or still only the odd few?
We left Vladds side when it came out that they wanted to control Mx and use it for themselves or rather what they decided we were going to get!! Who has forgotten the "SHEEP" bit, we have yet to see any form of apology or remorse etc from them so we will stick with KM and the ones who want to keep us free and grazing where we like (Excuse the pun!!)
So come on Vladd, share all the peers, caches etc and bloody apologise for being a DICK!! and that goes for the rest of you, you were a problem, got caught and we are going no where till its sorted.
Unified means forgiving etc, but its really hard when the people you need to forgive and trust again aren't even willing to shake your hand and /or admit they did anything, oh and why they wanted to do it in the first place might help, we need to sort the past before we entrust our trust again in the future.

Cabalistic Crew.


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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2006, 10:58:43 am »
they have no peer caches to share, they are using 2 that are managed by sabre (one hosted by winmxworld admin rock, one hosted by lep) - sabre basically takes updates from ranma and puts them on the servers - they are no longer anything to do with "pie", they have no caches, just a website (hosted on the same hosting account as vladds site, so it doesn't cost anything)

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Re: The Way Ahead
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2006, 11:13:26 am »
There was much talk about Pie "taking over winmx" it was a ridiculos statement then, and time has proven that even more so, the only thing Pie did was create a brand name (MXpie) this is a standard marketing ployl, its used to make it easier to generate publicity, and in the case of Winmx both teams are no doubt striving hard for publicity for Winmx, publicity means more users returning, more users means a bigger and more diverse file selection which is good for all of us.

Pie chose Mxpie as their marketing name, and the site of, KM chose winmxgroup and a site of both of us no doubt would have liked to have the domain, but alas someone already owns it, and didnt seem keen to pass it along.  :D

The names are simply that, names on the face of it as KM claims he or "winmxgroup" have the majority of caches, isnt it he is who most likely to be "taking over" winmx   :wink:

KM, once you have fully taken over winmx, we you be renaming it KMX? ;)

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