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Author Topic: Fake file still flowing  (Read 2722 times)

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Offline richardwagner

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Fake file still flowing
« on: October 21, 2006, 01:21:59 am »
I've been receiving some fakes files, large, classical music files with nothing in it (would not work with any player, Real, MediaPlayer, WinAmp, Music Match, et al.

As a custom, I mantain separate folders for dld and upld, and revise the files before moving them to the upld folder, so I do not contribute to spread the fakes or wrongly named files.

The file uploader, usually set his or her privacy setting in such a way that I can not chat or message him.

My last case, yesterday, when I browsed him, has many large works, mainly from Tchaikovsky, some in mp3 other in mpg and others in dvx format, everything I dld  from  that user is empty. I was at work, where I have a non restricted connection form COVAD, but I had to log off rapidly to attend a situation that required my laptop out of the range of the wireless  system and lost the user info.

Is there a way to report the fakes and the uploaders, if unreachable, so there can be also added to the block list?


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Re: Fake file still flowing
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2006, 09:55:02 am »
the block lists are for blocking/filtering those flooding the network with fakes - those typically fill the search results with thousands of fakes, mostly impossible to download but sometimes you can download part of the file (it seems to be sometimes they let you download part of the files for a few of them, but other times not - possibly they only do it if they have bandwidth free or something)

unfortunately a single user sharing a couple of files with rubbish data in, or badly named files etc there isn't much that can be done - it isn't possible to try and identify them all (beyond trying to constantly download every file on the network over and over again), however they are not common enough to be enough of a problem to do something about anyway (except new film releases often have quite a few badly named files... but as i said not much that can be done there)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Fake file still flowing
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 11:40:34 am »
Perhaps I should check some of this style of offering out to make sure its not copyrighted works  :wink:

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