I've been receiving some fakes files, large, classical music files with nothing in it (would not work with any player, Real, MediaPlayer, WinAmp, Music Match, et al.
As a custom, I mantain separate folders for dld and upld, and revise the files before moving them to the upld folder, so I do not contribute to spread the fakes or wrongly named files.
The file uploader, usually set his or her privacy setting in such a way that I can not chat or message him.
My last case, yesterday, when I browsed him, has many large works, mainly from Tchaikovsky, some in mp3 other in mpg and others in dvx format, everything I dld from that user is empty. I was at work, where I have a non restricted connection form COVAD, but I had to log off rapidly to attend a situation that required my laptop out of the range of the wireless system and lost the user info.
Is there a way to report the fakes and the uploaders, if unreachable, so there can be also added to the block list?