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Author Topic: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam  (Read 7964 times)

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Offline chuck

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2007, 03:01:00 pm »
 It wasn't too long ago nobby was trying to tell everyone that there was no control on what ad's google put on a site so the pay for mx ad's were uncontrolable. But as you see here now he says you can control what ad's are placed on a page . SO what is it you can or you cant?
as with every thing that comes from vladd or nobby hell the whole v44 bunch,they say two things so that you never know wtf the truth is.

 have just recently added google adsese adverts to this forum, this is part of a test i am running potentially to be used on future commercial projects i am working on. You are not in anyway obliged to click these ads.

Whilst users here are ofc free to click the ads, i just wanted to make you FULLY aware of 3 factors:

1. Everytime an advert is clicked i will make a few cents in revenue (nothing to be ashamed of, but i wanted you to all know). This revenue is paid for by the advertiser and in no way will it cost you to click the ads. 1 click can make me anything from around 1c to $1 (0.5p to 50p) depending on the ad.

2. Should you click on an ad, you will be redirected to the site that placed the ad,[site adress removed by Ghostship] has no control over the content or purchase offers of any of these sites.

3. Some adverts my show links to PAY versions of Winmx, i simply want to remind you that Winmx is FREE software as is help and support.

If any registered users are offended by any specific advert, please send the URL to me and i will add it to the google ad filter, this will remove it from the site. Please note stupid emails from WmW trolls may be filed in the appropriate place.

nobby@[removed by Ghostship]

Sorry i have to announce the blindly obvious, but there are a few people visiting this site from Winmx World, that struggle to understand the concept of advertising, and further think winmx users in general are DUMB and incapable of doing a little research before they hand out their credit card details.

Once again, i apologise for having to treat you like kids, but some folks struggle with these things.
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2007, 04:48:45 pm »
people don't click the winmx pay ads?

then he is putting the links to scam sites there for no reason other than wanting links to scam sites, he is not doing it for money - he is doing it as a gesture to show his support for scam sites

he has stated that he does not want to make any money from them, and is choosing to place links to scam sites on there for free instead of links to other places that he could make money from - knobbys own statement, he is effectively stating that he is giving up money in order to show his support for scam sites

of course we all know that's pure bullshit and he is making money from thousands of users that he is scamming, but he is stating that rather than being a greedy money hungry bastard he is in fact much worse, and actually supports the scam sites for reasons other than his making profit from them

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2007, 06:36:27 pm »
Could I ask all user to refrain from posting links to this scam/hate site, I have looked at its content and it seems to be purely a site for discussion of affairs in whats left of the vladd44 room.

I do think its a good idea for them to have a place to rant and rave of their own but due to the attitude of misleading users, its not a safe place to visit and most certainly not family friendly.

If Nobby wishes to advertise his site elsewhere thats fine with us but its not going to be done using this site as a refferral.

Offline chuck

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2007, 08:25:38 pm »
 Sorry ghost for cutting and pasting  from that forum didnt really see the link in it. I was just trying to show the hypocrisy in nobby's statment on this forum about not being able to control the ad's that are placed on a page. on theis forum he states there are no control and on the other forum he states if any didagree with a ad they can email him and he will add it to the filter to remove it.

 One thing i do wish to point out to you is this and take it for what its worth many times you have trashed vladd,nobby and love for their editing of post on their old forum.Gone as far as stateing their removing the links to this page as being  forum nazi's. And how this forum would never do such a thing unless the personal info or addys were placed to do harm to another.

 Ofcorse this is your forum and should be ran as you wish but the same can be said for Vladds old forum it was his and should be ran like he wanted. So if one holds another to a higher standard then another the word hypocrisy comes in to use.

 Ive backed winmxworld in every way from day one but if now that vladd is gone you think its now ok for editing and removing post just becouse it shows anothers point of view (one of which i do no agree with) Then who is this different from past action of the admin's of vladd's old forum?

 There is no reason to treat the users that come here like children and keep them from hearing another point of view or what is being said regarding winmx.That is no different than vladd ,love and nobby telling people to only use there patch and keeping all reference to any thing ealse hidden from them.
 If your going to Talk the Talk you better be able to Walk the Walk.

Editing for any reason other that to protect a user from their personal info being posted is media control.
Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2007, 11:26:30 pm »
no content is edited or removed, he removed the links to the website... because in case you hadn't noticed the reason so many people are being scammed by vladd and knobby and co is because they spam links to their sites everywhere to get visitors, as well as to try and increase search engine rankings, so scam more users... so by posting those links for them you are effectively doing their link spamming for them, and the links are removed/broken to prevent this site being used to help them with their scamming

however in that case he removed a domain name from the end of an email address... email addresses don't help with the search engines, but do help with the email harvesting bots that send out that spam, so perhaps would have been better to have left it... purely so he gets more spam in his inbox

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2007, 09:30:10 am »
I hear what your saying Chuck and agree in 99% of cases that its good to hear diverse opinions and get whatever information there is available for the users here to read but...

In Nobbys case it is patently clear from the efforts I have been seeing that he is trying to spread the word of his sites existence via this site as the primary method, most of the posters here have received e-mails and have come here to post something about it and Nobby has already removed the offending posts in another publicity stunt.

I myself have felt its neither a good sign when posts are already being deleted or that freedom of speech is used as a cloak for linking to a scam site, I do not wish to divert traffic from this volunteer site to Nobbys one that relies on such links for revenue as did vladds.

If you are not able to see that linking users to his site is not a positive experience for anyone besides Vladd44 cronies I question your morals on protecting users, when should we step in for the common good ?

In my opinion it comes down to trust, I have demonstrated many times my fairness in providing links to other sites that disagree with me but had content that was useful to the users or had some bearing on an important decision making process, Nobbys site does not fit this bill as it has a notice read by yourself of Censorship of opinions emanating from posters here, should Nobby be afforded rights that he denies others ?
It should be remembered this is the same Nobby that removed access to the private discussion section on geminis forum for at least 4 users from this site because we asked questions regarding the mxpie strategy and questioned the wisdom of some of the decisions as being best for winmx users, we have since been vindicated in asking those questions and took being expelled from the site as a badge of honesty in not being brow beaten into agreeing with poor decisions as many where who trusted vladd blindly.
In the case of KM, he had not even posted before the ban, do you think we are wrong in protecting users from this sort of lamery ?

You could quite easily say Nobbys action was the key to all the ongoing fighting as with no platform to resolve dissenting views or hear opposing information we where forced to disagree in public with mxpie and let users decide the sometimes highly technical issues, this was done in a now famous destructive way as Vladd and Nobby seem made of the same cloth of censorship.

I will not Link this site to Nobbys hate and censorship site, its only natural to ensure freedom of speech is protected and can I suggest you make this clear to Nobby first as his track record from where I'm sitting is disgusting.   

I'm willing to pledge allowing a link to his site if he allows users free speech on his site, including those he victimises with his ongoing hate campaign.

Those expecting to receive a free hearing of their views are honour bound to hear the views of dissention, that is not something Nobby has pledged to and that alone provides justification for removing the links.

I hope you agree with me that whilst not ideal, you can understand my logic in reaching such a decision.


  • Guest
Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2007, 12:02:34 pm »
vladd,nobby,april.and all those that associate with pie either directly or indirectly are scammers and liers................
they rely on deciet lies character assination and any other method they can dream up to peddle there trojaned malware to unsuspecting users.the cartel only exist on this network due to the backdoor pie kindly provide them in the form of refusal to block.pg2,pg2 lite are both complete failures,the lists they use either from blue tac or there own dont contain one cartel flooder.
this is easily proved,for if pie worked as claimed,then what are all those fakes doing in pie users searchers,any sniffer will clearly show a constant stream of udp doss attacks,and instantly a pie user goes primary there s=goes to absurb numbers in secs,all cartel bots ataching them selves to create a denial of service attack, simply looking up there ips takes you the cartel......
so how can pie claim there method works when it clearly doesnt.................
there adds on there web sites and especially the pay for winmx adds, should tell any user exactly what pie are thinking,money,thats all they care about,if pie had there way every user would be paying for something that is free, and you dont need to be einstein to see that,these individuals contribute nothing to winmx, they have zero costs associated with the running of winmx, they provide no caches no software for connecting no nothing, the only person in pie who provides anything is sabre with his cache,and i will give sabre this credit that so far hes not involved in any attempt to get money from users,he provides his cache as km does freely.....................
the latest scam pie are dreaming up is a client that will connect winmx, ares, and irc by one client, but as my post earlier clearly shows they will attempt to get users to pay for what are free programmes, just another scam no were will it block the cartel as pie have no means of providing a sound and accurate blocking system,this is because fundamentally pie are against blocking,protecting users and the network, they just want to make money.
vladd has shown by his dissappearing act that now he cant make a dime outta winmx he has no interest in it the users or the network, and so it is for the rest of them unless they can make a $ either by scamming users into paying for something that is free or having users click there banner adds on there scam sites, they will dissappear too...............
the winmx community know this and have clearly choosen not only there prefered connection and blocking system, but also there source of information................
so dont be fooled by pies tactics,and antics, all they care about is your money and how they can get it from you ..........nothing more nothing less.........................

Offline chuck

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2007, 06:29:07 pm »
 Ghost its good to see we agree and that you understand the reason i posted what i have about their forum.I do not wish to give his forum  publicity as far as saying it is one for real winmx help but to mearly point out their liveing in the past and keeping old wars going. one thread there is still going on about some thing that was said or done back in 2004,this is 2007 isn't it? im sure if i tried i could come up with a few things that nobby and vladd did back in the day they wish had never happened.

 The main reason i posted any thing about their forum was to bring to the users the fact that it is not a forum who's goal is to help winmx but one to keep a old and childish war going. I have a chat room log from the vladd44 room that will show that they do not care for all users of mx just the ones that use their patch.
Hear is just a little of it. 

19:12:12 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i´m here since years
19:12:17 <Raps> well tuff
19:12:21 <Raps> time is changing 
19:12:25 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> you are a newbie
19:12:26 <Kålåmå> wb raps
19:12:38 <Raps> vladd wants his room to be run how it should be run
19:12:42 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> and i don´t like it when i here that i´m full of shit
19:12:51 <Raps> Kalama 
19:13:00 <Raps> u want mxpie 
19:13:07 <Raps> then stay in the mxpie rooms
19:13:13 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> only my exhubby is allowed to say this
19:13:14 <Raps>  all users who come in here for help
19:13:16 <Kålåmå> no thanks, I'm already patched
19:13:23 <Raps> will be set up with vs patch
19:13:40 <Raps> u do not tell users they dont need to use vs patch in here 
19:13:45 <Kålåmå> yes I know    (even if they need help plugging in a digital camera)
19:13:57 <Raps> u want to help users in here 
19:14:03 <Raps> u do it step by step
19:14:15 <Raps> first they must use vs patch
19:14:23 <Kålåmå> I'll skip blatantly needless steps
19:15:26 <Raps> right 
19:15:35 <Raps> dont help users in Vladds room
19:15:38 <User> how do I forward the port for ouka?
19:15:39 <Bad Helper> 1) first install vladd patch...
19:16:24 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> you can´t force people to use V´s patch...if they need help with other things we should help them also no matter what patch they are using
19:16:36 <Kålåmå> precisely
19:16:37 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> even if i think V´s patch is the best
19:16:38 <Raps> if they weant help in this room i can 
19:16:41 <Raps> they dont want it 
19:16:49 <Raps> then they get no help in this room
19:17:01 <Raps> do u ppl remember what v has done for u all 
19:17:05 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> vladds room was always a help room for everybody
19:17:06 <Wisdom>
19:17:17 <Kålåmå> my god are you kayleighs brother?
19:18:00 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i will never forget what V did for us...he feeded me with pie (real pie) and is hosting my website...and i love that guy
19:18:33 <Kålåmå> I like vladd too... dont like patch-nazi room war BS tho
19:18:41 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but this was always a help room and we don´t want that people will think bad about this room and say that we don´t help them
19:18:56 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> you know what i mean ?
19:19:17 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> every has friends...until the patch war
19:19:18 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i´m so tired of this stupid fights
19:19:22 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> everybody
19:19:29 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> yes
19:19:44 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i don´t agree with wmw 
19:19:49 <Raps> i couldnt give a shit about all thast 
19:19:52 <Raps> this is how it is 
19:19:56 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> wmw's patch will get you hijacked...just simple
19:19:57 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but we should be nice to everyone...besides to fucktards lol
19:20:00 <Raps> vladds room
19:20:04 <Raps> vladds rules
19:20:07 <Raps> u like it 
19:20:09 <Raps> or fuck off
19:20:13 <Raps> simple
19:20:19 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> then V shall come back
19:20:21 <Raps> u talk with v he will tell u the same thing
19:20:30 <Raps> u no why he left
19:20:36 <Kålåmå> I've helped users who had been through 3, even Four changes of patch that were insisted by "helpers" from various sides, and were able to connect the whole time, when all they needed to fix their problem was something simple like a different port
19:20:43 <Raps> cos of all the so called friends back stabing him
19:21:03 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> and linda are his only real friends ??
19:21:04 <Raps> why do u all want to chalinge that 
19:21:14 <Raps> i never saed that 
19:21:18 <Raps> he has friends
19:21:23 <Raps> he likes u 
19:21:27 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i know
19:21:29 <Raps> he likes a lot of ppl
19:21:32 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> yes
19:21:43 <Raps> but when he has seen 
19:21:50 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> raps..i know
19:21:51 <Raps> u ppl think he has gone 
19:21:57 <Raps> u are thik
19:22:03 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but i think we should be better than some people from wmw
19:22:05 <Raps> he comes in here under new names
19:22:15 <Raps> only to see whos up to what
19:22:25 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> NB never did something, he is not a spy 
19:22:34 <Kålåmå> I doubt vladd said to be hostile to every user who comes in for help and doesnt want to switch patches, but even if he did I wont insult users by making them do needless steps they may not want to do
19:22:46 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> he never wanted this fights which other members from wmw caused
19:23:05 <Raps> its not needles
19:23:05 <Admin> A Cracker has been blocked!! [IP:]
19:23:06 <BOT>  »»»» #AdminCmd crackerblockoff
19:23:06 <Admin> Illegal Client Block Disabled!
19:23:14 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> and some people from mxpie weren´t better
19:23:16 <Raps> ok u can leve and stay ion mxpie room
19:23:27 <Raps> i no a lot of users will be livin then next few days
19:23:30 <Raps> so be it
19:23:35 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i caused trouble also in the past with wmw
19:23:39 <Raps> if thats how it has to be than so be it 
19:23:48 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> so we all are humans
19:23:48 <Raps> but this room will be run how v wants it to be 
19:23:52 <Kålåmå> I didnt say patches are needless, I said for shit like forwarding the ouka port you dont have to force them to switch patches
19:23:57 <Raps> stop makin life hard for v
19:24:08 <Raps> hes got a hard life as it is
19:24:12 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i´m doing nothing, i only speak with you
19:24:26 <Raps> then no this
19:24:37 <Raps> v dont want any wmw in this room 
19:24:42 <Raps> no jim or Gem
19:24:54 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> ooohhh i agree with jim and gem
19:25:00 <Raps> he all so dont want me banning any reg
19:25:07 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i hate jim 
19:25:07 <Raps> unles i have no other op
19:25:14 <Raps> i dont no jim
19:25:20 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> be happy lol
19:25:24 <Kålåmå> lol
19:25:49 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> was a newbie also with a bad mouth
19:25:59 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> very nice in public but an ass in pm
19:26:53 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but nobody from wmw is here so no need to fight
19:27:24 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but if NB would come for some minutes to say hello to some friends then i think we shouldn´t ban him
19:27:42 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i don´t care for the rest of wmw
19:28:05 <Raps> well every thingf u say 
19:28:16 <Raps> or the ppl have tryed to say to me 
19:28:22 <Raps> i have loged it all
19:28:26 <Raps> and v has seen it 
19:28:29 <Raps> Pyro 
19:28:33 <Raps> the other day on msn 
19:28:36 <Raps> u was logeds 
19:28:41 <Raps> loged*
19:28:41 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> ?
19:28:51 <Raps> tellin me kays full of shit 
19:29:03 <Raps> and how i shouldnt make users use v s patch 
19:29:04 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i like linda
19:29:10 <h8> 19:22:36 <Raps> he comes in here under new names   <<< that was because I was banned under my real name
19:29:14 <Raps> i think the worled of her
19:29:15 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i never said she is full of shit
19:29:20 <h8> and just to let you know, I never did anything to anyone in this channel
19:29:30 <h8> but you somehow make it sound like I am the ass
19:29:48 <Raps> u are wmw 
19:29:51 <Raps> leve 
19:29:53 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i always liked linda but she is weird the last time
19:29:56 <h8> so kick me out, and have a good day. I have my friends at WMW. they accept me as a friend, users in here don't
19:30:03 <Raps> u are not welcome in this room
19:30:11 <h8> I don't even know you
19:30:15 <Raps> cool
19:30:20 <Raps> lets keep ot this way 
19:30:23 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> raps
19:30:25 <Kålåmå> hostile
19:30:26 h8682_63296 has left
19:30:26 <Raps> opver then next few days 
19:30:35 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> is a patch or a room more important than a friend ?
19:30:52 <Raps> i pick the patch
19:31:01 <Raps> cos i dont trust non of u 
19:31:03 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> a friend which is in wmw but never did something bad to vladd or the regs ?
19:31:22 <Kålåmå> ...and I said kayleigh is full of shit, many times :D   I like her well enough, I just detest this patch-nazi extremism
19:31:26 <Raps> i have seen how all u have been makin lifew hard for kay when v left 
19:31:37 <Raps> all what kay was doin was helpin users
19:31:40 <Raps>  wft 
19:31:41 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> i never said something bad to linda
19:31:48 <Raps> and then u ppl give her so much shit 
19:31:55 <Raps> no u may be not Sable
19:32:13 <Raps> but that fuck in prick Kalama
19:32:38 <Raps> i seen 
19:32:51 <Kålåmå> I only give her shit when she starts ranting endlessly about shit shes said a hundred times that is 90% irrelevant to the actual conversation
19:32:52 <Raps> and i seen how u all make out u are vs friends but ar not
19:33:09 <Raps> well kay id a cool person 
19:33:15 <Raps> a cind harted woman 
19:33:15 <Kålåmå> I never said I'm Vs friend, I barely know the man
19:33:23 <Raps> how dare u give her shit
19:33:33 <Raps> how dare u talk be hind her back like that 
19:33:39 <Raps> u are all bullys 
19:33:46 <Raps> Gro the fuck up
19:33:51 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> she is but she takes all too serious...when i speak with her then she is only speaking..she doesn´t hear what others say
19:34:06 <Raps> u no why 
19:34:11 <Raps> she is true
19:34:15 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> no everyone raps
19:34:20 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> not always
19:34:20 <Raps> and im so pissed off shes gone 
19:34:22 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> I've been avoiding this fight
19:34:23 <Raps> not at her
19:34:28 <MyFilesAreAudioBooks[MXM]> not*
19:34:31 <Raps>  at all u lot
19:34:32 <Kålåmå> yeah shes a kind person, and I like that... but I give her shit for areas where she deserves it... like forcing connected users to switch patches to get help with metis
19:34:40 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> she isn´t kicked from this room
19:34:46 <Raps> no i no 
19:34:52 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> she did a good job here
19:34:59 <Raps> it was her who saed enufs a nuff
19:35:08 <Raps> shes doin what she wants to do 
19:35:11 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> but she tried to force some people her opinion
19:35:16 <Raps> but she was run down every day 
19:35:29 <Raps> well u wait till u see what i can do
19:35:39 <Raps> i have neeb quite bleve it or not 
19:35:42 [W/¥\W]Neutron939_60011 (DSL 325 files) has entered
19:35:42 <Em—WEB> I've called E times and he only hung up on me 4657 times i think it's worth persuing ..
19:35:42 BOT Said [W/¥\W]Neutron Welcome To The Help Room Feel Free To Park Here [W/¥\W]Neutron Till 1 Of The Helpers Is Around
19:35:42  Sorry You are victim -1, We ran out of numbers 9692 visitors ago. (
19:35:46 <¤LVHC¤SabLe> if people were not her opinion then she should said ok..instead of trying to force them
19:35:46 <[W/¥\W]Neutron> hoho nice one :P
19:35:48 <Kålåmå> wb neutron
19:35:52 <[W/¥\W]Neutron> lmao
19:35:53 <Raps> Get the fuck out
19:35:57 <Raps> /kickban [W/¥\W]Neutron939_60011

This was sent to me when they sent the forum addy.

 Ive never been for stoping the pie patch users from connecting to the winmxworld servers but things have changed . If winmx is ever going to be rid of fake files and flooding it is going to have to be a network with out the use of the host file. There is onlt three things that could happen from blocking the host file. (1) the network grows with out the fake and flooded files. (2) The host file users crash the pie server and can not get good service and see that the most of the users are useing the DLL and see the need to switch to be able to keep up what their friends and to find the files they want from a large network. (3)The whole thing goes to hell and we all find another P2P network to move too. ( I Dont see this happening).

 For going on 2 years now we have asked the host file users to switch to a better patch and stop all the fighting over who cares for mx more.
The war now and never has been over the patch from the looks it has been the pie users well not all of them but the vladd faithfull against any thing Km or Winmx world.The only way to end this is to allow those users a winmx with out us. And then we get a winmx with out them and really thats a win  win. Sure there will be some loss of users at first but after you take away the vladd44 faithfull thats not a bad thing.

 Its not some thing that could not be reversed if it is shown to be of too much harm to the user numbers. That is just my thoughts and really if its not done we will be talking about this for years to come. The past 2 years shows that to be true. We all see vladd didnt have enough people to keep his forum up and running and nobby's forum has a few people the same that vladd had posting about 2004, no other forum is posting new news for the winmx user but this one all the others are gone or just outdated. Sorry for the rant but ive wanted to say this for over a year and know of many others that feel the same way. LOL ill not post on this forum for one week now Ghost just so you wont hate me .
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2007, 11:21:21 pm »
Chuck I have a great amount of respect for what you have said and I agree with most of what you have placed in your post.

There will never be animosity between myself and any user who calls me or other site ops to account, we cannot be anything more than guides for users and we seek to provide what is asked for, this is because we are committed winmx users ourselves here, your post is well though out and contains plenty of common sense, who can complain or be irked by that ? Not I.

The problem with dividing the network is one fraught with problems , however suggests it is pilloried and the opposing side call it user hijacking, this has occured whichever side suggested it, but you are right in making clear we need something to break the deadlock that exists, I had hoped spreading the sites functions to more site ops would mean folks like myself would not need to feature in every conversation as advesary or ally, 5 folks have control of this site not one and I hope the users understand this was done to allow those involved in any problems to step back and allow more impartial minds to resolve issues and take action should they believe the site was slipping one way or the other.

Can I remind all posters here that they can use the voting feature if they feel strongly over an issue, we are here to do our best for you and ourselves and hope that the majority of the time the two ideals match.

Cheers for the courteous feedback Chuck  8)



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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2007, 12:08:30 pm »
getting rid of pie is actually quite a simple thing to do, it could be done in 2 weeks, release a patch update that refuses connections from non-patched MXs (primary and secondary), force old patch versions to be updated, and pie are left with no network (because they can not maintain a network, they are currently leeching off of the patch, get rid of that and they have nothing)...

however there is a simple reason it hasn't been done, because there are still about 5-10,000 innocent users who have been lied to and told modified hosts files are an effective way to connect and therefore use one, and there would be no way to get a message to those users, so we would lose those users

btw, pie could make any claim they want, i have no problem with them shouting about the fact that they can't manage a network without me and making a big deal about it... but then again i don't really give a shit what those lieing scamming pieces of crap say

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2007, 06:26:56 pm »
totally agree KM its the users that will lose out not the pie crap

 the Host file was a temp  to get the caches set up at the very start 2 yrs ago now and thay are still using the Host file which lets the fakes in and Dos attacks that's fact  and been proved   
 in my eyes pie should gone 2 weeks after the caches was connected.
 But its the users who would lose out not the pie team, which is not wot wmw os about  its the user's we care about always have been from the start
 as in the attacks , well look at the host file , pie never thought  it could be the fake files / dos attacks  from the RIAA returning tho the host file       
its that simple nothing to do with a hijack / or dos attacking from us  that's utter crap and never ever been proven over the past 2 yrs  no log s  to show ip address of who doing it, wished they have done by now, would not be in this shit fight 

 ITS always been USER first not the Host file
 the user always lose out cos of  the host file being used as a tunnle for the RIAA/MEDIADEFENDER  yes it can be proven as well  as the pie team no for a fact
 its all about control of the network v has always wonted it for profit thats a fact   just shows in his site with the scam site adds  so its the user lose s out yet again  getting scamed into PAYING for mx    when its always has been free   that's fact   
 its time  now to think of the user  not  profit or gain,  the fakes on  the network is getting worst due to the Host file thats a Fact ,the attacks on the network from the RIAA/MEDIADEFENDER  thats a fact    yet again the user lose s out   
 so wot should we do  well its easy   get rid of the host file    but the user lose s out you will say   yes at first but wot would you have a network that has a Bad rep: in the  P2P world as a fake./doss network   or  Fresh start clean network   Great repp: in the P2P world  and a new fresh user base    plp would be glad to get a clean d/l with of the worry of fake or doss attacked

So now lets see wot the pie team  come up with on how they  going to deal with the fakes // dos attacks,  btw the pg light  does not stop the fake files so that can not be used   
I for 1 would like to see a clean fresh network I would honesly  say so does the rest of the users 

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2007, 04:21:52 am »
Well, you all know that I have pushed for a seperation of the wpn for a long time now, and I still feel the same way.

However... I understand your concern KM, but here is a possible solution for the 5 to 10 thousand pie users:

First, in order to get an acurate count to see just how many there are, you could release an update that doesn't keep them from connecting (yet) but does send you data as to how many hosts users are connecting, and the IP addresses for them.

Then sort the data to account for the duplicate IP addys that are from users with more than 1 client or bot or whatever, so that the number is not inflated...

After you have a more solid number of just how many there are, then it could be better determined whether or not we are at the point where we should splinter off.

If it IS time, then I would say that there has been plenty of publicity for the dll, and some just will never give up the hosts file. This being the case, my vote is that we do not wait on 'never', but instead go ahead and clean the network, and give the dll users what they really want, which is a network where the traffic is not slowed by the flood of bad data, and the cartel doesn't have a red carpet entry into our midsts.

I dunno, just seems like maybe this kinda '2 step' process may be the way to go, and if there are more hosts users than we are thinking, then the idea could be put on hold for a bit...

Hope this helps
Best Regards, and Be Good!
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2007, 04:56:27 am »
there is no need for me to post my view regarding pie as im sure its well known to forum readers,..............
but in regard to the remaining pie users, when the seperation of the wpn is underway, those remaing on pie will only be a tempory loss, as km has rightly pointed out pies cache thus there part of the network will fall over quickly, as there no longer able to leech from winmxgroup caches and users, so those users will simply migrate over to us.................
thou the disruption to pie users is regrettable, we as in all of us have to think of the majority and not the minority...............
pie have had nearly 2 years to sort there act out, and have failed misserably, they continue to push a failed system to users all the while knowing it will never work...............and april and co,s latest attempt to scam users, shows pie wil never change,it will just be one lie after another, one scam after another,all the while giving the cartel free and unrestricted access.
the community have made it very clear that they want a network free of the cartel and its antics,and having a network free of fakes,doss attacks and denial of service attacks is the best advertising we could ever want.
so its not a question of if but only when, and personnally the sooner the better,for the network and its users.................

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2007, 11:04:57 am »
ur all talking to much for me to bother reading at 11 in mornin... but dont u think this topic goin on abit to long?
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2007, 05:03:19 pm »
Splitting shold be done, im for this big time, also will put a halt to this crap cross mx they are realesing, that has got to be the ultimate piece of harm that ive ever heard off, especially when they seem uninterested or dont know how to provide protection for the programme that they are realasing.

Split it km. Make a update to the patch, Get everyone updated and spread the news fast. Reconnect the advertising tool warning host files users of the update to the wpn and thier no longer going to see true results only fakes, and say goodbye to the host file, I trully feel this is the right way forward, May be a vote on this, and abit more disscussion, The flooding has got to stop accross the network, it affects us all, and 10,000 uses if that is a hell of alot less than the amount who are patched and suffering from them.
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2007, 06:48:40 pm »
I agree that the flooding needs to stop  have done all along.....
But....unless there is a way to do this without losing the other 5 to 10,000 users or just leaveing them high and dry then i am sorry to say i cant agree with spliting the network
you have to remember that alot of that 5 to 10,000 are normal Winmx users like you and me.
They have done nothing to be left in the learch    mislead maybe  but thats all and thats not there fault now is it ?


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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2007, 07:59:34 pm »
just because it's not a huge percentage of users, it's still a lot of users

if you said let's kill 10,000 random people, i mean it's not that many in comparison to the worlds population so it's fine... right?

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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2007, 08:39:48 pm »
which is why i said advertise it before doing it, make a page to redirect them to about what is happening, give them 3 weeks notice if you want but i think do it, May be harsh but then hay so destroying the network
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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2007, 11:11:29 pm »
Dont get me wrong tiny in theroy what u say is ok   but i can see it now....

KM is hijacking winmx by forcing everyone on to the dll patch

thats the way it is i am affraid to say.

all be it we wish for a clean network we can not also allow innocents to be left out and i am sorry to say i cant see a way of letting them know that wouldnt be twisted into KM or Winmxworld are hijacking Winmx with a massive i told you so afterwards


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Re: What A Load Of Rubish From A Loosing Scum Or Scam
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2007, 12:50:07 am »
innocent users what innocent users..............those on the hosts file are there because they choose to be there, you cant honestly sit there and say they dont know there is an alternative to pie, what a load of crap, were have they been the last two years on mars.................and this still doesnt escape the fact that why should the vast majority have to suffer from the cartels antics because pie refuse to block...............after all did pie ask anyones permission to allow the cartel to invade this network, to harvest users ip,s, to flood the network with fakes udp doss attacks and denial of service attacks ? they argonantly went right ahead for the sole reason of not providing a connection back to winmx but so a certain few bottom feeders could make was in vladds best interest that winmx was broken, that users would have on going problems using winmx, this would bring users to his scam site so he could profit not only by foot traffic but by users clicking on banner adds.....
and now we have this shamefull scam of combining winmx with ares and irc,with no blocking as usuall, and for the sole purpose of charging users for a connection once they had the numbers,i have a room log of april and the rest of the scumbags openly discussing charging not be fooled by pie there mentality is driven by profit, they couldnt care a rats ass about the users or the network period, end of all there new client is is just crappy pie in a different wrapper, and all it will do is give the cartel a whole new point of attack..............gee thanks with friends like pie who needs enemies..............
splitting the wpn is the only way forward for winmx and those of us that want it free from the cartels grubby fingers,not to mention it will attract  new and old users back once the word is out that winmx is a clean network.............and in all democracys it will give users a choice  they can either stay with a cartel flooded wpn run by a bunch of money hungry scumbags or they can come join us in a clean winmx free of the cartel..............and whats wrong with that................oh sure pie will scream about users being hijacked etc etc ..........thats laughable what have pie done for the users and the network over the last two years..............absolutely its a farce that pie should say is quick rightly none of there one is forceing anyone to do anything if you choose not to update the dll patch to the new wpn so be it........and as for the very small minority still on pie it will make no difference to them as long as sabres cache can handle the load, which it cant since it wont be able to leech from winmxgroups cachers and user base...............
we have given pie enough time to come up with a workable blocking solution and in two years they have failed misserably......pg2   pg2 lite  is pathetic it doesnt work never has and never will................and pie simply lack the talent to come up with something that does.................its now time to move forward without pie, there lies the deciet there character assinations and there scams.....................and if anyone dont like it your more then welcome to install pie......................

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