April has often been behind pay Mx schemes and has said she is leaving it more times that I have had chicken sandwiches, that aside its not her I,m interested in as she is not the one doing programming.
What pay mx schemes have I been behind?
Name one!
You claim there was more than that by your use of the word 'often'.
Throw your proof on the table. Don't attack my integrity unless you are going to back it up with proof.
I feel these rules are simple to follow and so far we have only seen one or two folks even ask for the protocol with a view to a client, April did ask for the information but after a personal visit to her room by myself there was a concern that the information was going to be misused, (this was seriously discussed with other winmx suporting site operators to get a balanced view) and for this reason the request was declined.
You wanted to give it....for a price...one I wasn't willing to pay, which is why you retracted the offer.
I didn't ask you for it. You offered it in exchange for BugHunter's private personal info, which I was unwilling to give you without her permission.
hello app,
thanks for the answer !
if she uses a TMemo as i can see in his components , the chatroom window will be with only one color.
The screenshot I provided is NOT CrossMX. It is NOT BugHunter's IDE.
It's my project in my IDE. Something completely different that I am working on at the suggestion of BugHunter. She gave me the component for the project. There will be other components from CrossMX that she will be giving me, as well, as soon as they are finished and tested.
The project I am working on is for my own use and I have no plans at this time to offer it to the public.
What you see there is from a simple demo chat client that uses the TMXChat component that BugHunter gave me.
It was asked that I provide a little more info on the component (TMXChat), which I did. The screenshot of the additional component list from the treeview wasn't necessary, but I included it any way. I am sorry if this caused some confusion.
In Delphi, recycling code is very easy once it has been written into a component. You can install that component into your IDE and just drop it where you need it. The ease of sharing and distributing of components is one of the things that sets Delphi apart from some other languages.
Yes Bide, i do believe that if my memory serves me right, the MXChat was the old Nushi type protocals from WinMX3.31 it had 1 main colour and an /action colour as you know, looks like we are going bacwards, i was happy when we got away from 3.31 & RCMS due to their instability when using rtf codes.
That component is not based on the old nushi mxchat or the 3.31 protocol. Do not assume things like that based on a name or based on a seperate project that uses the same component as CrossMX.
um... is it just me, or does this appear to be nothing more than a very rough framework for a chat client?
Did I understand it wrong? I thought this was to be a functioning peer for file transfers for several p2p systems... Is it ONLY a chat client for those systems?
You are confused. The screenshot isn't CrossMX. It is something I am working on that uses a common component. (my project doesn't have a name yet)
And yes, what you see is simple, but that is because I don't need it fancy for what I am doing, which is NOT crossmx. It is something for my own purposes. And it most likely will not even have a GUI when I am finished with it.
Please refer to BugHunter's words to see what CrossMX contains.
so all this looks like its just a copy and paste job from the archives,
boy i wish id thought of that, but if it I sa copy and paste job, why doesn't she just go an get benders robomx and rip out all the crap, the basic stuff is all in their, he even released a chat server, it was very very small when i seen it i thought he was going to implement it into robo mx to make it a full chat/server.
Copy & paste of what? from what archives? I don't recall any archives containing any winmx related object pascal code that wasn't written by BugHunter, herself. So if she is copy & pasting anything, it's recycling her own work.
All this looks nice from the outside but is really starting to scare the shit out of me.
I also want to know if its going to connect as primary will all that code be extremely hidden, As you already mentioned about reverse enginering winmx will someone be able to reverse your crossmx easily? as i can assure you just anybody finding out about the primary protocols will be a nightmare an the kiss goodbye to mx.
I have discussed this with her and she will be taking steps to protect the application from all the little script kiddies. This is the primary reason for not making it open source. I know it upsets some linux users that they won't have the source to CrossMX and only will have access to a compiled version...but I think we all understand that unless/until the protocol can be made much more secure that this is the way it has to be.
An app i want to say thanks for coming here and supporting crossmx, i just hope that you don't take what we say as obnoxious; as just a few of us know what were talking about and although you may take what we say as being sour grapes i can assure that they are not, just we want what you are trying to support to be at least usefull not a disaster that we all have to suffer the consequences off.
I don't want this project to be a disaster. I don't want to hurt the winmx network.
I want to see winmx thrive, grow, become a shining symbol of sucess against those that seek to destroy p2p and free speech. I want winmx to forever be a thorn in the side of the **AA's.
It just seems as if the groups involved here have lost sight of the fact that we are not the enemy...they are. We shouldn't be fighting each other. We should be working together. And I don't mean as a single team producing one solution. I mean as many teams offering many options.
There should be no one group that is in total control. That is quite dangerous for the network. I am not even comfortable with only 2 solutions, because if one gets knocked out, then we are staring at only 1 again. I don't like the idea of all the eggs in one basket. It's a recipe for disaster. We had all our eggs in one basket when Frontcode was running the show.
But that doesn't mean that I want to be part of a power struggle or war. I am a peace loving person. I can't handle all this insane conflict that is going on with the network. Every time I feel compelled to step up and defend something I believe in, I end up physically ill after a short time. I can't handle the stress of it. That's why I keep walking away.
I won't give my life for winmx. It isn't worth dying for.
And one final note on the issue that keeps coming up about charging users for CrossMX...
CrossMX will be free to use for anybody that wants it. Nobody will ever have to pay for it.
Those developers that have contributed to the project will be mentioned in the about box with links to where you can donate to them if you choose to do that. This was BugHunter's decision and she is giving the credit to those that are contributing and adding the links.
Donating is an option...not something forced. And you will be able to choose EXACTLY who you donate to. You will not be forced to donate...you will not be forced to donate to me. I do not anticipate ever recieving $1 from this. I will not be accepting any money on behalf of anybody else.
The way this will be done is that if you choose to toss some cash to BugHunter, you can click her donation link in the about box.
If you choose to donate to the person responsible for the Ares work, you can click his link.
If you choose to donate to the person responsible for the artwork, you can click that link.
BTW...how many people actually look in the about box any way? The method that is being used is very similar to the one used in Spybot, which is technically donationware, not freeware.
But how many of you use Spybot and have donated? Very few, I am guessing. That request for a donation that is in Spybot doesn't stop you from using it for free, does it? Do you see anything wrong with the developer accepting donations for his work? I don't.
The concept of donationware is often misunderstood. There are those that think that people get rich off donationware. They don't.
I know a developer that has a few very popular programs that he could be charging money for as shareware but has chosen for ethical reasons to release as donationware.
As shareware he could have made a fortune...enough to pay off his student loans, buy a house, a car, never have to go work for another company and devote all his time into his programs. But as donationware, he is lucky if he makes enough to buy a cup of coffee every day.
I have 12 applications released as donationware. Over the last year I have made a total of less than $300 combined, more than half of which I donated to other donationware authors...some of which I don't even use their software but appreciate the effort they put forth in the creation of it.
In one year's time, I have only had 3 people click the paypal link on my website...2 of which did it to donate to me for a reason other than my software and they had to do a lot of arm twisting to get me to accept it.
Someone once donated $0.50 to me because I was a female coder. Wow! It is going to be really hard to not spend that all in one place. And just think...paypal wants their cut, so it ended up being even less. I appreciated it though. It's the thought that counts.
I take more pleasure in a thank you email from someone that uses my software than the anonymous donations made through a site I am affiliated with. I just want to help people and make them happy. I don't want to get rich.
Smiles are payment enough for me.
I would rather read things like this: