I have finally released the
beta 1 version of
WPCC... this is the major fix and changes:
+Fixed some app crash
+Added "Float/Dock" support for Chat Window
+Added Hotlist like WinMX
+Added Ingnored List like WinMX
+Added Browse for Users like WinMX (Some Crashs)
+Fixed "Reject" function on Private Chat
+Increased number of chat joining, now is 33
+Nick can be changed on chat with "/nickname <newnick>"
+New Settings Layout
+Fixed Redirect bugs
This version of
WPCC, was finished some months ago, but was not be released because the structure of source code, than, not permit the correction of programming errors. This version is better than previously alpha, but this version can have some problems, like crash or app closing. Is not guaranteed the stability of program.
In future the source codes will be released.